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Scouts BSA Tenderfoot Rank

Helps and Documents

Tenderfoot is the rank a Scout can earn after Scout. The requirements for Tenderfoot introduce the youth to the skills he or she needs to get started in Scouts BSA.

The Tenderfoot requirements may be worked on simultaneously with the requirements for Second Class and First Class; these ranks must still be earned in sequence though.

See helps for the specific Tenderfoot requirements below.

Tenderfoot Rank Requirements

Help with Answers for Tenderfoot Rank Requirements

Find specific helps for some of the Tenderfoot rank requirements listed below. Some of these resources will just give the answers. Others will provide engaging ways for older Scouts to introduce these concepts to new Scouts.

Requirement 1: Camping and Outdoor Ethics

  1. Present yourself to your leader, prepared for an overnight camping trip. Show the personal and camping gear you will use. Show the right way to pack and carry it.
  2. Spend at least one night on a patrol or troop campout. Sleep in a tent you have helped pitch.
  3. Tell how you practiced the Outdoor Code on a campout or outing.

Requirement 1 Helps and Answers

Camping Packing List

Camping Packing List

“What do I need to bring?” Download a suggested list of personal camping gear.

Camping Checklist

This checklist includes patrol gear in addition to personal gear.

Camping Log

Scouts will need to know how many nights they have camped for later merit badges and rank advancements, so they should start keeping track from the beginning.

The Outdoor Code

Every Scout who is spending time outdoors should be familiar with the Outdoor Code. It is especially important for Webelos, Scouts BSA, and Venturers who are out camping regularly.

Weekend Campout Planning Guide

A Campmaster can help a patrol prepare for those weekend campouts by utilizing this planning guide. Older Scouts may want to introduce this to younger Scouts as part of Tenderfoot requirement 1.

National Outdoor Badges – Camping

This award recognizes Scouts who do a lot of camping and who have the skills to be comfortable and safe at camp.

Requirement 2: Cooking

  1. On the campout, assist in preparing one of the meals. Tell why it is important for each patrol member to share in meal preparation and cleanup.
  2. While on a campout, demonstrate the appropriate method of safely cleaning items used to prepare, serve, and eat a meal.
  3. Explain the importance of eating together as a patrol.

Requirement 2 Helps and Answers

Why share in cooking and cleanup?

Your patrol is a Scout’s family at camp. It is important that everyone pitch in with the food preparation and cleanup. That way no one person is doing too much and everyone has a chance to enjoy other camp activities too.

Preparing a duty roster beforehand will ensure that everyone rotates through the various duties. This also teaches Scouts new skills they might otherwise be reluctant to try.

Help for grubmasters

Help for Grubmasters

When first asked to be in charge of cooking, a common response is “But I don’t know what to do!”. Here are some basic instructions.

Why eat together as a patrol?

When a patrol eats together, they get to know each other better. They can talk about how they are feeling. They can tell funny stories. If one member of the patrol is worried about something, the others can reassure him or her. Eating together opens the lines of communication within the patrol.

Camping Recipes

Easy Recipes for Camp Cooking

Camp cooking can offer some challenges, but it can also be very rewarding. Go beyond hotdogs and hamburgers with these simple recipes.

dutch oven cooking

Dutch Oven Cooking

Put the ingredients in, put some charcoal on the top and bottom, come back later, and voila! you have a delicious dish. See some recipes.

Foil Pack Dinners

Foil Pack Dinners

The most typical foil pack ingredients are ground beef, potatoes, carrots, and onions. But don’t get stuck in a rut! Try some new combination

Requirement 3: Knots and Tools

  1. Demonstrate a practical use of the square knot.
  2. Demonstrate a practical use of two half-hitches.
  3. Demonstrate a practical use of the taut-line hitch.
  4. Demonstrate proper care, sharpening, and use of the knife, saw, and ax. Describe when each should be used.

Requirement 3 Helps and Answers

Practical Uses of Square Knot

The square knot can be used to tie something to a backpack or secure a parcel. Don’t use it for anything heavy though as it fails under a large load.

Practical Uses of Two Half Hitches

Two half hitches are very useful at camp. Use them to attach a rope to a tree or post, such as for hanging a clothes line.

Practical Uses of Taut Line

The taut line slides easily making it a really good knot for securing tent lines to stakes.

totin chip

Totin’ Chip Certification

A Scout who completes the requirement for the Totin’ Chip certification shows that he or she has the knowledge and skills to safely handle wood tools, such as an ax, hatchet, pocketknife, or hand saw.

Knot terminology

Knot Terminology

It is helpful to go over the terminology with Scouts before learning the knots for Tenderfoot requirement 3. That way we have a common vocabulary to start with.

Requirement 4: First Aid and Nature

  1. Show first aid for the following:
    • Simple cuts and scrapes
    • Blisters on the hand and foot
    • Minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial,or first-degree)
    • Bites or stings of insects and ticks
    • Venomous snakebite
    • Nosebleed
    • Frostbite and sunburn
    • Choking
  2. Describe common poisonous or hazardous plants; identify any that grow in your local area or campsite location. Tell how to treat for exposure to them.
  3. Tell what you can do while on a campout or other outdoor activity to prevent or reduce the occurrence of injuries or exposure listed in Tenderfoot requirements 4a and 4b.
  4. Assemble a personal first-aid kit to carry with you on future campouts and hikes. Tell how each item in the kit would be used.

Requirement 4 Helps and Answers

First Aid Baseball

First Aid Baseball Game

First aid baseball is a fun way to review first aid skills with Scouts. There are instructions for the game and a set of question cards.

first aid demonstration for cuts

First Aid Demonstration for Cuts

When you are doing first aid instruction, it is best to demonstrate it as much as possible. Here is a simple method.

Fake Wounds for First Aid Demonstrations

For a more elaborate demonstration for Tenderfoot requirement 4, try this method of making a fake wound on a “victim” or two.

Blister Treatment

See how to treat those blisters.

Poison Ivy Fact and Fiction

Learn how to avoid and treat poison ivy.

Poisonous Plants Quiz

Take this online quiz to learn about seven different plants which might cause a reaction such as a rash or itchiness if you come in contact with them.

First Aid for Tick Bites

While most tick bites won’t cause more than minor irritation, if treated incorrectly complications may occur.

Requirement 5: Hiking

  1. Explain the importance of the buddy system as it relates to your personal safety on outings and in your neighborhood. Use the buddy system while on a troop or patrol outing.
  2. Describe what to do if you become lost on a hike or campout.
  3. Explain the rules of safe hiking, both on the highway and cross-country, during the day and at night.

Requirement 5 Helps and Answers

stop acronym

What to Do When Separated from Your Group

Scouts need to know what to do if they are accidentally separated from the larger group on a hiking adventure. The STOP acronym will help them remember.

  • S: Stay Put
  • T: Think
  • O: Observe
  • P: Plan

Buddy System

Two heads are better than one. Not only can a buddy help if there is a problem, but just having someone there can keep a Scout calm in an emergency situation. Scouts are less likely to make a bad decision if they are calm.

Hiking Safety (Front Country)

These guidelines are appropriate for a front country area. For backcountry hiking, where first aid is not readily available, you will need to take further precautions.

Requirement 6: Fitness

  1. Record your best in the following tests:
    • Pushups (Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds.)
    • Situps or curl-ups (Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds.)
    • Back-saver sit-and-reach (Record the distance stretched.)
    • 1-mile walk/run (Record the time.)
  2. Develop and describe a plan for improvement in each of the activities listed in Tenderfoot requirement 6a. Keep track of your activity for at least 30 days.
  3. Show improvement (of any degree) in each activity listed in Tenderfoot requirement 6a after practicing for 30 days.
    • Pushups (Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds.)
    • Situps or curl-ups (Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds.)
    • Back-saver sit-and-reach (Record the distance stretched.)
    • 1-mile walk/run (Record the time.)

Requirement 6 Helps and Answers

How to Do Pushups Correctly

See if your technique is correct before starting the fitness activities for Tenderfoot requirement 6.

Fitness and Nutrition Program Feature for Scouts BSA Troops

Fitness and Nutrition Program Feature

Topics in this program feature include the Get FITT principle, the My Plate Way, Body Mass Index (BMI), and measuring flexibility with a sit and reach box.

Requirement 7: Citizenship

  1. Demonstrate how to display, raise, lower, and fold the U.S. flag.
  2. Participate in a total of one hour of service in one or more service projects approved by your Scoutmaster. Explain how your service to others relates to the Scout slogan and Scout motto.

Requirement 7 Helps and Answers

displaying the us flag

Displaying the US Flag

The US Flag is the symbol of our country. Scouts should know how to fold it, fly it, and handle it.

How to Fold the US Flag

Folding a flag is not difficult if you follow these simple steps. Diagrams are included.

Simple Flag Retirement Ceremony

Flag Retirement Ceremony

When retiring a United Stated flag, some people will say that you must do it this way or that way, but according to the Flag Code, it just needs to be done with dignity.

Raising and Lowering the Flag

Raising and Lowering the US Flag

These are some basic rules for raising and lowering the US flag. The most important rule to remember is to always treat the US flag with dignity and respect.

Simple Indoor Opening Flag Ceremony

Opening Flag Ceremony

This is a very simple opening flag ceremony for Cub Scouts to use at meetings.

Closing Flag Ceremony

Closing Flag Ceremony

Basic instructions for a very simple closing flag ceremony. This simple closing flag ceremony is appropriate for a den, pack, or other meeting.

Service Project Ideas

Service Project Ideas for Scouts BSA

See some service project suggestions for older Scouts. What have your Scouts done for service hours for Tenderfoot requirement 7?

What Can Scouts Use as Service Hours

What Can Scouts Use as Service Hours?

What “counts” when it comes to service. Read some thoughts and add your own.

Requirement 8: Leadership

Describe the steps in Scouting’s Teaching EDGE method. Use the Teaching EDGE method to teach another person how to tie the square knot.

Requirement 8 Helps and Answers


Scouting’s Teaching EDGE (BSA Edge Method)

This is a four step method for teaching a skill. It is sometimes called Scouting’s Teaching EDGE. This is the method which must be used for Tenderfoot requirement 8. See the details of how to use the EDGE method to teach a skill.

  • Explain
  • Demonstrate
  • Guide
  • Enable

Requirement 9: Scout Spirit

Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Tell how you have done your duty to God and how you have lived four different points of the Scout Law in your everyday life.

Requirement 9 Helps and Answers

Scout Oath

The Scout Oath is based on the promise originally introduced by Baden-Powell in 1908. Read more.

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

The Scout Law 1

Scout Law

A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent.

Learn more about what the 12 points of the Scout Law mean.

What Is Scout Spirit

What Is Scout Spirit?

Scout spirit is mentioned in several of the requirements for Scouts BSA ranks. But what is Scout spirit and how does a Scout go about demonstrating it?

Requirement 10: Scoutmaster Conference

While working toward the Tenderfoot rank, and after completing Scout rank requirement 7, participate in a Scoutmaster conference

Requirement 10 Helps and Answers

What Is a Scoutmaster Conference

What Is a Scoutmaster Conference?

Scouts should not stress over the Scoutmaster conference. If they know a little bit about it beforehand it will not seem intimidating at all.

Scoutmaster Conference – Adding Requirements

A Scoutmaster may not add or take away requirements for advancement.

Requirement 11: Tenderfoot Board of Review

Successfully complete your board of review for the Tenderfoot rank.

Requirement 11 Helps and Answers

what is a board of review

What Is a Board of Review?

When a Scout has completed all of the requirements for a rank, he must appear before a board of review. A board of review is NOT the same as a Scoutmaster Conference but just with more people.

Board of Review Questions 1

Board of Review Questions

Reader Shelley asked “I’m a new Troop Committee Chair and was wondering if anyone has some great questions that they ask their Scouts during their Board of Reviews?” Sometimes committee members struggle to come up with good Board of Review questions.


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