Grubmaster information
Now that our troop is encouraging more scouts to be grubmasters, a common response is “But I don’t know what to do!”. So I put together a set of very basic instructions to help them out. This is at least enough to get them started.
It also helps their parents who might not be as immersed in the program as some of us. Many times parents have more resistance to the idea of their son being grubmaster than the scout does. After all, even though the scout is supposed to do the shopping, a 12 year old is not going to drive himself to the store and purchase groceries all by himself. A set of instructions sent home with the scout should help the parents understand what is expected.
What does a Grubmaster do?
The grubmaster is a scout who purchases the food (grub) for the outing for their patrol.
Know the budget
Do price comparisons when shopping. This will help you stay within your budget. Consider the overall cost of the item, how many servings it will provide, and the cost per serving. Sometimes larger sizes are better, but you won’t save money if you purchase 12 servings and you only need 6.
Packing the food for camp
You need to pack a large ice block in each cooler to last the weekend. A gallon milk jug which has been filled with water and frozen works well. Plan ahead so you have this when you need it.
More Resources
Favorite Recipes for Scouts and Camping
Get some inspiration for recipes for your camping trip.
How to Store Food Properly in the Backcountry
See some tips from Scouting Magazine on how to store food for your backcountry adventure, where a cooler might not be an option.
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