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Other Cub Scout Awards Helps and Documents

In addition to ranks and adventures, Cub Scouts can earn other awards. Some of the more popular supplemental awards are shown below.

Cub Scout Nova Awards and Supernova Awards

Nova Awards are the BSA Awards focused on STEM – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The Cub Scout Nova awards program provides age appropriate activities in these areas.

Cub Scout World Conservation Award

The Cub Scout World Conservation Award may be earned by Wolves, Bears, or Webelos (including Webelos working on Arrow of Light). They earn the award by working on their rank appropriate conservation and nature adventures. They must also participate in a conservation project.

Emergency Preparedness BSA Award

Cub Scouts learn to “Be Prepared” for emergency situations by working on the Emergency Preparedness BSA award. There are different age appropriate requirements for Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos. (This award is not available for Lions.) The award is a small pin. Cub Scouts who earn the award at multiple levels can wear multiple pins.

Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award

The Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award recognizes Cub Scouts who have made the most of the outdoor adventures available to them. The first year the award is earned, the Cub Scout gets a pocket flap to wear on their uniform shirt. Each successive time it is earned, they get a wolf track pin to wear on the pocket flap

Recruiter Strip Requirements

Have you invited a friend neighbor, relative, or classmate to join Cub Scouts? If so, you might be eligible to wear the Recruiter Strip. This is one of the easier supplemental Cub Scout awards to earn.

Interpreter Strips Requirements and Helps

An interpreter strip shows which languages a Scout is familiar with. It is worn above the “Boy Scouts of America” strip on the uniform. This emblem can be worn by Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, or adults. These supplemental Cub Scout awards just require a little effort at learning some words in a different language.

Morse Code Interpreter Strip Requirements and Helps

The Boy Scouts of America offers a special Morse Code interpreter strip for any youth or adult who demonstrates proficiency in Morse Code. The strip may be worn on the uniform.

Whittling Chip Certification

When a Cub Scout earns his or her Whittling Chip, that means he or she is ready to handle a knife safely. Most units give the Cub Scout a Whittling Chip card upon completing these requirements. This is one of the easier supplemental Cub Scout awards which almost all of them earn and is part of the Bear Claws adventure.

Cyber Chip Program

The BSA Cyber Chip program encourages Scouts to learn how to use their electronic devices safely. Some of the issues the program addresses are protecting personal information, cyber bullying, appropriate use of social media, cell phones, texting, and netiquette. These supplemental Cub Scout awards are required for some rank advancements.

International Spirit Award

The International Spirit Award recognizes Scouts and Scouters who learn more about Scouting around the world. By doing the requirements for this award, Scouts and Scouters learn to appreciate different cultures.

James M. Stewart Good Citizenship Award

The purpose of this award is to introduce Scouts to the life of a great American, James M. Stewart. The Jimmy Stewart Museum is offering this award to a Scout or Scouter who has exemplified the characteristics necessary to live the life of a good citizen. This is one of the lesser known supplemental Cub Scout awards.

Find even more Cub Scout awards at BSA Awards Central.


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