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Planting Seeds of Kindness Cub Scout Theme

This theme focuses on compassion. Cub Scouts learn about being kind to others:

Compassion means being kind and considerate of others. It is having patience and a generous heart. It is showing genuine concern by our thoughts, words, and deeds to people, animals, our environment, and our community. Cub Scouts can develop an understanding of the concept of kindness by understanding how a tiny seed can grow into food that we eat or a flower for all to enjoy. By “planting” and “growing” small areas of kindness in our thoughts, words, and deed, we share the goodness in our hearts in hopes that those who experience it will then share kindness with others and keep it growing.

This meeting plan includes the following – all within a compassion theme. See the meeting plan for details.

  • Gathering activities – Instructions for making seed packets or a book drive
  • Opening ceremony – Compassion
  • A prayer about caring
  • Song – I Love That Word “Hello” (To the tune of Auld Lang Syne)
  • Cheers – It’s a Snap Cheer and Good Turn Cheer
  • Game – Getting Our Heads Together
  • A Cub Scout Seedling recognition ceremony
  • A Like an Acorn Arrow of Light ceremony
  • A Compassion Cubmaster Minute
  • A Cub Scout Garden of Thoughts closing ceremony

Even more ideas to go with the Planting Seeds of Kindness theme:

Homemade Energy Bars Recipe (Peanut Free)

DS’s den had a scout with peanut allergies, so I always had to find peanut free recipes. This easy homemade energy bar recipe includes ingredients like oats and sunflower seeds.

Sunflower Seed Trail Mix

Trail mix recipes are abundant. Basically, anything which holds up well in a ziploc bag can be used. I always enjoy seeing different combinations to get new ideas. This recipe is for the sunflower seed enthusiasts.

Seed Neckerchief Slide Craft

Several years ago I attended a Cub Scout Pow Wow session on neckerchief slide crafts. They showed us a number of ways to make neckerchief slides from various materials.

Scouting For Food

Our Cub Scouts participate in the local Scouting for Food program every November.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe

We always carve at least one Jack ‘O Lantern in October. We never let the seeds go to waste though. We roast pumpkin seeds and eat them instead. These never last long in our house.

Compliment Cards Coloring Pages

This is a gathering activity I made to go with the Planting Seeds of Kindness theme. These are blank coloring sheets for making compliment cards. The Cub Scouts can color them. Then they cut them apart and give them to…

Kindness Ceremony

This is a ceremony about kindness which I wrote to go with the Planting Seeds of Kindness theme. It is based on a ceremony for compassion from the old program helps.

Kindness Fortune Teller

I needed a couple of activities for a recent meeting based on the Planting Seeds of Kindness theme. So one thing we did was make kindness fortune tellers (also known as cootie catchers.)

Make a Soda Bottle Terrarium

Making a soda bottle terrarium is a great springtime activity. Plus – it reuses a plastic soda bottle, which is great for starting a discussion about Earth Day approaching.

Seed Mosaics Craft

Here’s a spring craft idea for all of you Tiger leaders. Have the scouts make seed mosaics to give to mom for Mother’s Day.

Johnny Appleseed Song (Grace)

Here is a favorite Cub Scout grace – the Johnny Appleseed Song. This is a non-denominational grace which would be appropriate at any meal. And Cub Scouts always seem to enjoy singing grace rather than saying it.


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