What Is the James M. Stewart Good Citizenship Award?

This award has been established by the James M. Stewart Museum Foundation with the consent and cooperation of the Boy Scouts of America, Penn’s Woods Council and the family of James M. Stewart. The purpose of this award is to introduce Scouts to the life of a great American, James Maitland Stewart. The Jimmy Stewart Museum is offering this award to a Scout or Scouter who has exemplified the characteristics necessary to live the life of a good citizen. To earn the award, Scouts must
- Read through the Jimmy Stewart workbook
- Complete the Jimmy Stewart Museum quiz
- Write an essay of not less than 500 words
- Do a good citizenship project in their community in honor of James M. Stewart
Who Should Present the Award?
Melissa sent in this question
My son (webelos I) is earning the James m. Stewart good citizen award for a service project he did in 2nd grade (wolf) We have received the model and the patch and plan on presenting it at the blue and gold banquet next week. We want to make this special and so that he understands how special this award is. Very few boyscout even earn this award. We are trying to invite people we think are important to him and his scout life. (Principal school where project was done, grandparents, scout leaders from the troop he will be crossing over to next year, state senator has been invited ). Our question is who should present this award. The cub master is his father and I am the committee chair. As holding those positions we are thinking it would be more meaningful and show the importance of the award to others if we don’t present it but are question is who? Do we try to get someone from the council, the assistant cub master or committee chair, the future troop leader? Please give me some times as the ceremony is next Friday
First of all, congratulations to you son for earning this award. () I agree that it would probably seem more special if mom and dad don’t present the award. Here are some suggestions:
- A representative of the organization he did the service project for
- The head of your chartered organization
- His pastor/minister/rabbi etc.
- Your chartered organization rep
- Your unit commissioner
- Your district executive
- The state senator you invited if he attends
- Your mayor or other representative of your local community
I think my first choice would be somebody from the organization which benefited from his service project.
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