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Bear Beat of the Drum Adventure: Retired

BSA retired this adventure on May 31, 2022. This information remains here for historical purposes.

Beat of the Drum is one of the Bear elective adventures. For the Beat of the Drum adventure, Bears learn about native American culture.

Cub Scouts learn about the history of the First Americans and make a craft related to them, such as a dream catcher or drum. They also attend an event presented by indigenous people or learn about their dances and ceremonies.

Requirements for Bear Beat of the Drum Adventure

Complete requirement 1 plus two others from requirements 2–4. Note: BSA is retiring this adventure on May 31, 2022.

  1. Learn about the history and culture of American Indians or other indigenous people who lived in your area long ago
  2. Create a legend by building a diorama, writing a story, or presenting a skit.
  3. Complete one of the following:
    3A. Make a dream catcher.
    3B. Make a craft similar to one made by American Indians or indigenous people.
    3C. Make a drum. Once your drum is complete, create a ceremonial song
  4. Complete one of the following:
    4A. Visit an Order of the Arrow dance ceremony.
    4B. Visit an American Indian event or an event presented by other indigenous people
    4C. Learn and demonstrate ceremonial dance steps.
    4D. Create a ceremonial dance.

Resources for the Bear Beat of the Drum Adventure

Why Opossum Has a Bare Tail

This is a Native American story which scouts of all ages can enjoy. It is also a cautionary tale for young men who like to build huge campfires.

Hubbub – A Native American Dice Game

Hubbub is a traditional Native American dice game. The scoring systems seem to vary from one reference to another, so the system given here is a simplified system.

Picaria – A Native American Game

Picaria is a Native American board game which seems like a cross between tic-tac-toe and checkers. The board is pictured on the right.

Pahsahëman – A Native American Field Game

Pahsahëman is similar to football. It has been played by the Lenape of the American Northeast for many generations.

What Is the Order of the Arrow?

Some of you may have Scouts BSA or Venturers in your families who are in the process of becoming members of the Order of the Arrow.

Tabletop Tipi Model

Scouts who are doing a Native American themed meeting or activity can create a simple tipi model to get the idea of how these versatile dwellings are constructed.

Native American Prayer

This prayer is attributed to Chief Sealth (for whom Seattle is named).


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