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What Does the Cubmaster Do?

Some of my readers are brand new to Scouting, so every now and then I am going to give some information about leadership positions in one of the divisions.

In Cub Scouting, adults work together to deliver program to the youth members. One of the adult positions is the Cubmaster. The Cubmaster must be at least 21 years old and be a registered BSA member. The Cubmaster can be male or female. In many cases, this person is the most visible adult leader in the Pack, and therefore the one most parents look to when they have questions.

And he or she does not have to have a child in the Cub Scout Pack. I returned to Cub Scouting long after my boys aged out of Cub Scouting.

Cubmaster Responsibilities and Duties

So what are the Cubmaster’s responsibilities? The Pack program is developed by the Pack Committee, but the Cubmaster conducts that program. A typical list of responsibilities includes:

  • Deliver a quality, fun, year-round program to the Cub Pack
  • Conduct the program according to BSA policies
  • Receive the appropriate training, including Cubmaster specific training
  • Attend monthly Cub Scout Roundtables, to receive information about district and council policies and programs
  • Carry out the Pack program with the support of the Pack Committee, including leading monthly pack meetings
  • Carry out the goals of the chartering organization within the Pack program
  • Work with the Pack Committee to recruit adult leadership
  • Work with the Pack Committee to develop the Pack budget
  • Support the Pack Den Leaders and encourage them to get the appropriate training
  • Encourage the Pack Den Leaders to work toward Cub Scout Leader awards
  • Encourage Webelos to cross over to a Scouts BSA Troop
  • Communicate with parents about the Pack program and help to educate them about the Cub Scout program
  • Encourage family participation in the Cub Scout program
  • Encourage the Pack to participate in service projects
  • Work with the Assistant Cubmasters, delegating as necessary
  • Attend and participate in Pack Committee planning meetings
  • Recruit Den Chiefs to assist the Pack Den Leaders
  • Incorporate traditional Scouting elements, such as flag ceremonies, skits, and songs, into the Pack program
  • Encourage advancement and recognize Cub Scouts when they advance

What Does the Pack Committee Chair Do?

A Cub Scout Pack Committee Chair must be able to juggle a lot of different things at a time and must be good at delegating.   That way he or she can provide support to the leaders and help them provide a quality program to the Pack.

Cub Scout Pack Committee

A well organized Pack Committee makes the other leader’s job much easier and ensures that a quality program is delivered to the youth.

Pack Meeting Themes

Cub Scout themes are a way to add pizzazz to a meeting or a month. They can get your families motivated to be more involved and try new activities. Planning a pack meeting is easier with a theme. I have over 50 ideas for meeting themes on this page.

Pack Meeting Plans

You can find a number of official BSA pack meeting plans on this page.


9 responses to “What Does the Cubmaster Do?”

  1. csnzjm Avatar

    I am a new cub master. My question is do I plan pack meetings or does the committee chair?

    1. Scouter Mom Avatar
      Scouter Mom

      You work together. It is good to have a committee meeting during the summer to lay out an overall plan for the year. Then you, the committee chair, and the committee members can decide who will take on which tasks. Don’t do it all yourself. The committee, directed by the chair, is there to assist you in planning and carrying out the pack program. An active committee makes all of the difference in the world.

  2. ctwcac Avatar

    It would be nice, but my current committee chair micromanages and basically planned out all of the pack meetings with out my input.

  3. Wayne Modgling Avatar
    Wayne Modgling

    Have the Committee visit this web-site and read this page. The Pack Mtg. should be lead by the CM. There are certain things done at every mtg. but the CM should be in charge of the agenda. !7 years experience speaking.

  4. Angel Gross Avatar
    Angel Gross

    my question is how do I become a cub master? I am a new mom to this cub scouts and my daughter and I was wanting to help, I filled out my paper work and now im supposed to take a test that I cant find.

    1. Scouter Mom Avatar
      Scouter Mom

      If you have your paperwork for Cubmaster filled out and you have been approved by the Pack Committed and the Chartered Organization, you will still need to do Cubmaster training. This is available at https://my.scouting.org/
      But hopefully you will have the former Cubmaster mentoring you. Cubmaster would be a difficult position to take on if you are brand new to Cub Scouts.

  5. Charles Johnson Avatar
    Charles Johnson

    As a new Cub master but 13 years in the scouts I am having a difficult time getting the den leaders as well as the assistant Cubmaster to communicate with me about events and activities what should I do?

    1. Scouter Mom Avatar
      Scouter Mom

      Monthly committee/planning meetings are probably the best form of communication. We also use a group text (GroupMe) to communicate.

  6. Valerie Cruz Avatar
    Valerie Cruz

    Hello, so our pack cubmaster has left since his child has transitioned to boy scouts. I am the new committee chair. Does a pack need to have a cubmaster in order to be operational? We do have a committee with at least three members and charter-org rep; however, we don’t have any current parents in the pack wanting to take up the position. Any advice?

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