Webelos Bobcat Adventure
The Webelos Bobcat Adventure is an important start for the Webelos Cub Scout year. It helps Webelos learn about their group and the basic principles of scouting. This adventure is about starting to build the character and leadership skills that are key to scouting. Webelos work together, which helps them feel part of the team.
During the Webelos Bobcat Adventure, Webelos Cub Scouts get to know each other better. This makes their experience more enjoyable. They learn the Scout Oath and Scout Law together. These are important because they teach values like honesty, kindness, and bravery. Understanding these values helps Webelos grow into responsible and caring individuals.
Creating a den Code of Conduct is another part of the adventure. This activity teaches Webelos how to set rules that are fair and respected by everyone. It also gives them a chance to lead. They discuss and decide what is important to include in their Code of Conduct. This process helps them learn about making decisions and respecting others’ ideas.
The Webelos Bobcat Adventure sets a strong foundation for the rest of the year. It includes fun activities that make learning easy and enjoyable. It also covers important safety topics with family at home. By the end of the adventure, Webelos feel more confident and ready to take on more challenges in scouting.
Webelos Bobcat Adventure Requirements
Webelos Bobcat Adventure Requirements
- Get to know members of your den.
- Recite the Scout Oath and the Scout Law with your den and den leader. Describe 3 points of the Scout Oath.
- Learn about the Scout Law.
- With your den create a den Code of Conduct.
- Learn about the denner position and responsibilities.
- Demonstrate the Cub Scout sign, Cub Scout salute and Cub Scout handshake. Show how each is used.
- At home, with your parent or legal guardian do the activities in the booklet “How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.”
Printable Requirements and Check Off Sheet for the Webelos Bobcat Adventure
Printable requirements for the Webelos Bobcat Adventure
Check off sheet to keep track of your den’s progress on the Webelos Bobcat Adventure
Resources for the Webelos Bobcat Adventure
Webelos Bobcat Den Meeting Plan
This Webelos Bobcat den meeting plan helps Scouts get to know each other and learn the basics of Scouting. They will play a fun game to introduce themselves, create a den flag, and make a Code of Conduct. They will also learn the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and important Cub Scout traditions like the sign, salute, and handshake. Hands-on activities and teamwork keep them engaged.
The meeting includes a Scout Law relay game, a discussion about the denner role, and a fun trail mix snack. Parents will receive a safety booklet to complete at home. The meeting ends with a short reflection and a den cheer. This plan makes learning fun while preparing Webelos for their Scouting journey.
More Ways to Complete the Requirements
Webelos Bobcat Requirement 1: Get to Know the Den
Get to know members of your den.
For requirement 1 of the Webelos Bobcat adventure, playing games is a great way to help Cub Scouts get to know each other. Here are some simple and fun games that are good for this age group:
- Group Story: Start a story with one sentence. Each Scout adds a sentence to build on the story. This game helps Scouts listen to each other and work together creatively.
- Pass the Object: Have Scouts sit in a circle and pass an object around while music plays. When the music stops, the Scout holding the object shares a fact about themselves. This is similar to musical chairs but with a focus on sharing and listening.
- Compliment Circle: Scouts form a circle. Each Scout takes a turn giving a compliment to the person on their right. This promotes positivity and helps them notice good qualities in each other.
Here are some options for fulfilling Webelos Bobcat Adventure requirement 1:
- Den Doodle Webelos
- Cub Scouts make a den doodle to help get to know their den members.
- Supplies: wooden coat hangers, craft foam sheets, rulers, pencils, markers, scissors, duct tape, double sided tape, leather or plastic lacing, binder clips
- indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
- Learn more about den doodles and see a different simple method to make one
- Den Flag Webelos
- Cub Scouts make a den flag that shows something about each member.
- Supplies: wooden dowels, concrete mix, water, aluminum foil, 2 gallon paint bucket, sandpaper, felt, Webelos badge of rank, twine, teacup hook, black sharpies, white chalk, scissors, fabric glue, table covers, fabric markers or paint, yardstick
- indoor, low energy, 3 to 5 days prep
- Hula Hoop Pass
- Cub Scouts play the Hula Hoop Pass game to learn about teamwork.
- Supplies: one or two hula hoops
- indoor, low energy, minimal prep
- Silent Line Up
- In this activity, Cub Scouts will learn some facts about each other without saying a word.
- Supplies: none
- indoor, high energy, minimal prep
These games make meeting and learning about each other fun and easy. They help build friendships and teamwork in the den.
Webelos Bobcat Requirement 2: The Scout Oath and the Scout Law
Recite the Scout Oath and the Scout Law with your den and den leader. Describe 3 points of the Scout Oath.
For requirement 2 of the Webelos Bobcat adventure, you’ll need to focus on the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Learn and Recite
- First, learn the Scout Oath and Scout Law. You can also practice these with your den at meetings moving forward.
- Once everyone knows the words, recite them together with your den leader.
Learn more about the Scout Oath here.
Learn more about the Scout Law here.
Understand the Scout Oath
The Scout Oath has three main points:
- Duty to God and Country: This means respecting and following the laws of your country and your religious or spiritual beliefs.
- Duty to Other People: This involves helping others, being kind, and doing good things for your community and family.
- Duty to Yourself: Keep yourself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. This means taking care of your body and mind, and making good choices.
Here is an option for fulfilling Webelos Bobcat Adventure requirement 2:
- Recite the Oath and Law Webelos
- In this activity, Cub Scouts recite the Scout Oath and Scout Law and learn about the three points of the Scout Oath.
- Supplies: Webelos handbook
- indoor, very low energy, minimal prep
By reciting the Scout Oath and explaining these points, you learn important values that Scouts stand for. This activity helps you understand what being a Scout is all about.
Webelos Bobcat Requirement 3: More about the Scout Law
Learn about the Scout Law.
For requirement 3 of the Webelos Bobcat adventure, you need to learn about the Scout Law. The Scout Law has 12 points. Each point is a goal for how Scouts should behave.
Learn what each of the 12 points means. Here they are:
- Trustworthy: Be honest and keep promises.
- Loyal: Be faithful to friends, family, and group members.
- Helpful: Volunteer to help others without expecting a reward.
- Friendly: Be a friend to all and a brother or sister to other Scouts.
- Courteous: Be polite to everyone and always use good manners.
- Kind: Treat others as you want to be treated.
- Obedient: Follow the rules of your family, school, and troop.
- Cheerful: Look for the bright side of life and make others happy.
- Thrifty: Use resources wisely and be careful with money.
- Brave: Face difficult situations even when you feel afraid.
- Clean: Keep your body and mind fit and clean.
- Reverent: Respect the beliefs of others and be faithful in your religious duties.
Learning the Scout Law helps you understand how to act as a Scout and a good citizen. It’s about being a better person and helping those around you.
Learn more about the history of the Scout Law here.
Here are some options for fulfilling Webelos Bobcat Adventure requirement 3:
- Scout Law Detective
- The points of the Scout Law are reinforced to Cub Scouts while they try to determine which point is missing.
- Supplies: index cards, marker, Webelos handbook
- indoor, moderate energy, 1 to 3 days prep
- Scout Law Impersonation Game
- Cub Scouts impersonate points of the Scout Law then try to guess who was impersonating each point.
- Supplies: 12 slips of paper, small bowl, pencils, Law Impersonation Game Card, timer
- indoor, high energy, 1 to 3 days prep
- Scout Law Relay
- Cub Scouts learn about the Scout Law in this fun relay race.
- Supplies: two Webelos handbooks
- indoor, very high energy, minimal prep
Webelos Bobcat Requirement 4: Code of Conduct
With your den create a den Code of Conduct.
For requirement 4 of the Webelos Bobcat adventure, your den will create a Code of Conduct. This is a set of rules that everyone agrees to follow during den meetings and activities.
How to Create a Den Code of Conduct:
- Gather Ideas: Start by talking about what kinds of behavior are important for making everyone feel safe and respected. Everyone should have a chance to suggest ideas.
- Make a List: Write down all the ideas. Some common rules might include listening when others are speaking, being kind, and cleaning up after activities.
- Agree on Rules: Discuss each idea and decide if it should be in your Code of Conduct. Make sure everyone agrees.
- Write it Down: Once you have agreed on the rules, write them down clearly. Put the list somewhere where everyone can see it at every meeting.
- Follow the Rules: Everyone in the den, including the den leader, should follow the Code of Conduct. It helps everyone get along and have fun.
Example of a Den Code of Conduct:
- Respect everyone.
- Listen when someone else is talking.
- Be on time for meetings.
- Help clean up.
- Be honest and kind.
Here is an option for fulfilling Webelos Bobcat Adventure requirement 4:
- Code of Conduct Webelos
- Cub Scouts will be invested in their own conduct when they help create their den Code of Conduct.
- Supplies: posterboard, den Code of Conduct poster (optional), markers
- indoor, very low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
Creating a Code of Conduct helps keep your den meetings fun and safe. It also teaches you how to work together as a team.
Webelos Bobcat Requirement 5: Denner Position
Learn about the denner position and responsibilities.
For requirement 5 of the Webelos Bobcat adventure, Webelos need to learn about the denner position and its responsibilities. The denner is a Cub Scout who helps lead the den.
What the Denner Does
- Helps Lead: The denner helps the den leader with tasks during meetings.
- Sets an Example: The denner shows good behavior and follows the Scout Law and Oath, setting an example for other Scouts.
- Assists with Activities: The denner assists in setting up activities and may help other Cub Scouts understand what to do.
- Carries the Flag: Sometimes, the denner carries the flag during ceremonies.
Here are some options for fulfilling Webelos Bobcat Adventure requirement 5:
- Lead Opening and Closing Ceremonies
- Cub Scouts learn how to lead opening and closing ceremonies.
- Supplies: Webelos handbook, Cub Scout Opening Flag Ceremony, Cub Scout Closing Flag Ceremony, US flag
- indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
- What Does a Denner Do?
- Cub Scouts learn about the denner’s responsibilities by making a list.
- Supplies: posterboard, paper, markers or pens, colored paper, decorations
- indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
- Who’s the Denner?
- Cub Scouts prepare a calendar of the dates that each person will serve as the denner.
- Supplies: Cub Scout meeting calendar, slips of paper, pencils, small bowl
- indoor, low energy, minimal prep
Learning about the denner role is a good way to understand leadership and responsibility. It helps prepare Webelos for taking on this role in the coming year.
Webelos Bobcat Requirement 6: Cub Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake
Demonstrate the Cub Scout sign, Cub Scout salute and Cub Scout handshake. Show how each is used.
For requirement 6 of the Webelos Bobcat adventure, Webelos need to learn and demonstrate the Cub Scout sign, salute, and handshake. Here’s how to do each one:
Cub Scout Sign
- How to Make It: Raise your right hand to shoulder level with your elbow bent. Your arm should be straight up, and your fingers should form a V shape with the tips of your index and middle finger.
- When to Use It: Use the sign when you say the Scout Oath and Law. It’s also used to get quiet in meetings.
Cub Scout Salute
- How to Make It: Salute with your right hand. Place your index and middle fingers together, touching your forehead right above your eyebrow.
- When to Use It: Use the salute to show respect to the American flag during ceremonies or when the flag passes by you in a parade.
Cub Scout Handshake
- How to Make It: Shake hands with your right hand. The handshake is made with the pointer and middle fingers extended along the inside of the other person’s wrist.
- When to Use It: Use the handshake when greeting other Cub Scouts. It’s a sign of friendship and respect.
Here are some options for fulfilling Webelos Bobcat Adventure requirement 6:
- Roll a Cub Scout Fundamental
- Cub Scouts demonstrate the Cub Scout sign, salute, and handshake.
- Supplies: Roll a Cub Scout Fundamental template, scissors, tape
- indoor, moderate energy, 1 to 3 days prep
- Teach the Cub Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake
- Cub Scouts help younger Cub Scouts learn the Cub Scout sign, salute, and handshake.
- Supplies: Cub Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake worksheet
- indoor, high energy, 1 to 3 days prep
- Using Cub Scout Fundamentals
- Cub Scouts use the Cub Scout sign, salute, and handshake while leading an opening and closing ceremony.
- Supplies: US Flag, Cub Scout Opening Flag Ceremony, Cub Scout Closing Flag Ceremony, Cub Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake handout
- indoor, low energy, minimal prep
Demonstrating these helps Webelos learn the proper ways to show respect and communicate silently with others in your den. Practice these to get comfortable using them.
Webelos Bobcat Requirement 7: Parent’s Guide
At home, with your parent or legal guardian do the activities in the booklet “How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.”
For requirement 7 of the Webelos Bobcat adventure, you need to complete activities from the booklet “How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide” at home with your parent or legal guardian.
- Provide the Booklet: Make sure each family in your den has a copy of the booklet. You can share this link with them if they need to access it online.
- Explain the Importance: Briefly explain to parents why this activity is important. It helps keep their children safe and informed.
- Encourage Completion: Encourage parents to take time at home to go through the booklet with their child. Remind them that this is a requirement for the Bobcat rank.
- Check In: At a future meeting, check in with parents to make sure they have completed the activities. Offer to answer any questions they might have.
Here is an option for fulfilling Webelos Bobcat Adventure requirement 7:
- Child Abuse Protection Review Webelos
- Review the activities in the booklet “How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.”
- Supplies: How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide
- indoor, very low energy, minimal prep
This activity is done at home to provide a private and comfortable setting for families to discuss sensitive topics. It’s important that parents are involved in this learning process.
Before any activity, check the SAFE Checklist to make sure everyone is safe. Everyone involved in Scouting America activities should know the Guide to Safe Scouting and other relevant guides or books. Also follow any state or local rules that are more strict than Scouting America rules and guidelines.
Before starting a craft activity, watch the Craft Tips video.
Frequently Asked Questions for the Webelos Bobcat Adventure
What is the Webelos Bobcat Adventure?
The Webelos Bobcat Adventure is the first adventure for the Webelos year. It introduces them to the basics of Scouting, such as the Scout Oath and Law, and helps them learn about their den and how to work together.
Who needs to complete the Webelos Bobcat Adventure?
Every Webelos Cub Scout must complete the Webelos Bobcat Adventure. It’s recommended that they complete it before they can earn any adventure pins.
How long does it take to complete the Webelos Bobcat Adventure?
The time it takes can vary. It depends on how often the den meets and how the meetings are structured. Typically, it can be completed in a meeting or two.
Can parents help with the Webelos Bobcat Adventure?
Yes, parents play a crucial role, especially in requirement 7, where Scouts do activities at home about child safety. Parents are also encouraged to help their Scout learn the Scout Oath and Law.
What should we do if a Scout joins late in the year?
A late-joining Scout should start with the Webelos Bobcat Adventure, even if the rest of the den has already completed it. The den leader can help the new Scout catch up with individual or small group sessions.
Starting Strong with Bobcat
The Webelos Bobcat Adventure is an essential starting point for Cub Scouts in the Webelos program. This adventure sets the foundation for their scouting experience, introducing them to key elements of the Scout life such as the Scout Oath and Scout Law. The adventure ensures that all scouts share a common understanding and are prepared for the exciting challenges ahead.
One of the main goals of the Webelos Bobcat Adventure is to help Cub Scouts feel like part of their den and scouting community. The first requirement encourages Scouts to get to know each other through fun games and activities. This builds a sense of teamwork and friendship right from the start.
Another important aspect is learning the Scout Oath and Scout Law, which are central to the behavior and ethics expected in scouting. Scouts recite these together, promoting a shared commitment to the values they embody. Additionally, they create a den Code of Conduct, which helps them understand and practice responsibility and respect for others.
Safety is also a key component of the Bobcat Adventure. Scouts complete activities with their parents that teach them how to stay safe and protect themselves from harm. This requirement not only educates the Scouts but also involves their families in their scouting journey.
The Webelos Bobcat Adventure is about building character, learning important life skills, and starting the scouting experience with enthusiasm and knowledge. It is the first badge on their uniform and a proud reminder of their commitment to the Scout principles and their den.
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