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Welcome New Den Leaders

What Did I Just Volunteer For?

Around this time of year there are a lot of new Den Leaders wondering to themselves “Exactly what did I just volunteer for?” Welcome!

You might have enthusiastically volunteered for the position. Or maybe you found yourself talked into it because you want to help out and nobody else step forward. With my first den, I actually volunteered to be Assistant Den Leader, which seemed safe enough. But suddenly the Den Leader resigned and I was on the spot.

Welcome! And Some Tips for New Den Leaders

Whatever your story, I want to welcome you to the world of Scouting as a new den leader. If you haven’t been offered a mentor by your Pack, find one! Hopefully there is an experienced Den Leader there who will take you under her wing and show you the ropes.

If you are not familiar with the program, some things might seem a little confusing at first, so it is important to have somebody you can ask questions. Don’t worry about sounding silly. Any Den Leader who has been around a few years has probably asked plenty of unusual questions himself.

Your Council offers training sessions for adult leaders. Find out when the next training session is and attend. I have attended training for all of the positions I have filled in the Cub Scout Pack, Scouts BSA Troop, and Venturing Crew and I have learned valuable information every time.

Hopefully you will find a few things on the website to help. There are helps for Lion,  Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light.

The service you are providing to our children will help develop the “thinkers and movers” of the next generation.  Thank you very much for your generosity!

Ask A Question

Do you have a question about Scouting? Submit it here and I’ll do my best to provide some resources and get advice from other experienced Cub Scouters. Also feel free to contact me if you are looking for a particular resource.

Scout Moms, Dads, and Leaders Group on Facebook

This Facebook group is a great place for new den leaders to get feedback from other experienced Scouters. Or share what you have been doing in your pack. It is always good to get new creative ideas from others.

What Should New Den Leaders Know? How to Do Your Best!

A new den leader asks “What is the most important thing for a new den leader to know? My son has joined cub scouts and is a tiger. The other parents and even my son all asked me to be the Den Leader. The only thing is, I know nothing about cub scouts except for what I have been reading. I have said I will do the Den leader, but I honestly am scared I will let the boys and parents down. Thank You for your time.Read my answer.


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