Cheers, yells, and applauses add energy to meetings and campfire programs. They are a way to get everyone up and moving for a very brief interlude.
Run ons are like mini skits. Sometimes they are in a series and are a recurring theme throughout a program. They are usually humorous and silly. Be prepared for groans and laughs!
Audience participation is an engaging way to tell a story or a joke. Often it is just a joke with actions. Sometimes groups are assigned a word or phrase. Whenever they hear it in the story, they respond by shouting out a different word or phrase, often silly.
Do you have a cheer, yell, applause, run-on, or audience participation story that you’d like to share? Contact me and I’ll share it here.
What Is the Reason for These Traditions?
Scouting is all about camaraderie, teamwork, and having fun, and these traditions help to build that sense of community and togetherness.
Cheers, Yells, and Applauses

Conservation and Ecology
These conservation and ecology cheers would fit in well with any pack meeting or den meeting focused on protecting our world.
There Ain’t No Flies on Me
We have always done this as a cheer with two groups. The idea is to see which group can be the louder. This makes a fun activity for a Pack meeting or a campfire program.
Bicycle Rodeo Applause and Cheer
A reader asked “Do you any applause that would work for the Bike Rodeo?” so here are an applause, a cheer, and a song you can use at your bicycle rodeo.
Ice Applause and Snowball Applause
A quick silly applause adds some fun to a Pack meeting. These two applauses go with a Winter Wonderland theme but they also can just add some fun to any meeting or activity.

Wild West Cheers and Applauses
See a collection of Wild West-themed cheers and applauses that can be used to get people excited and pumped up for different activities. These include cheers like “Come and Get It!”, “Wagon Train Cheer” and “Westward Ho Cheer”, as well as playful applauses like the “Coyote Applause”, “Horse Applause”, and “Bandanna Applause”.
Run Ons
They’re All Over and All Around! I Can’t Get Away!
Run ons are the little brothers of skits. They are very brief intermission in a campfire program. Sometimes it is just a single interruption to the program, sometimes they are in series.
Audience Participation

Stick Out Your Tongue and Touch Your Nose
This Stick Out Your Tongue and Touch Your Nose Audience Participation a classic corny joke. This would also work to help demonstrate the importance of clear communication when giving instructions.
The Story of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox
This an audience participation story about the cold winter when Paul Bunyan found Babe the Blue Ox. A few words and names are repeated throughout the story. Your audience will be divided into groups and assigned a word or name. Whenever they hear it, they must say something – loudly and with enthusiasm – and do an action. Cub Scouts usually enjoy these “action stories”.
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