Riding a bike is a fun activity for all ages. Even younger Cub Scouts can have fun showing their skills by riding on a parking lot course. Training wheels optional!
Use these ideas for this cycling theme for Cub Scouts to promote personal fitness through bicycle riding with your den or pack.
Bike Rodeo
Our pack might be doing a bike rodeo this year. I have visited these before, but we have never put one on ourselves. So I am researching possible “stations” which the kids can rotate through for the activity.
Bicycle Safety Crossword Puzzle
This simple crossword puzzle introduces bicycle safety concepts. Use it to start a discussion about safe cycling with your Scouts. It includes a list of words to use in the puzzle.
Bicycle License Plate Craft
If you are doing a cycling theme theme with Cub Scouts, they might enjoy making their own “license plates” for their bikes. They can put their names on them or decorate them however they like.
Bicycle Rodeo Applause, Cheer, and Song
A reader asked “Do you any applause that would work for the Bike Rodeo?” so here are an applause, a cheer, and a song you can use at your bicycle rodeo.
Bicycle Helmet Fitting
Cycling is a fun outdoor activity for Scouts of all ages. Helmets are required for all BSA cycling activities. It is important to note that this applies to adults also. Your helmet isn’t going to do you much good if it doesn’t fit correctly. Here are some guidelines.
Bike Repair Tips
If you are going to ride a bike, you’d better make sure it is in good repair first. You don’t want to be riding along and have your front wheel fall off or your brakes not work. I found a great website called How To Fix Bikes which offers all sorts of advice on – drum roll… – how to fix bikes!
Bike Inspection Checklist
Before riding a bike, Scouts should know how to do an inspection of the bicycle and check that it is in working order. The bike inspection checklist below will give you a good starting point. You will need to explain each step to the Scouts so they learn the terminology and why each part is important.
Pepperoni Crescent Wheels Recipe
Here is a “wheel shaped” snack to go with this cycling theme. These are pretty easy to make and would be a good snack for a meeting. Younger Cub Scouts will need some help with these, but they are simple enough that they can do a lot of the recipe themselves.
Homemade Energy Bars Recipe (Peanut Free)
DS’s den had a scout with peanut allergies, so I always had to find peanut free recipes. This easy homemade energy bar recipe includes ingredients like oats and sunflower seeds.
Powdered Sports Drink Recipe
Sports drinks like Gatorade or Power Aid are designed to replenish the water and salt your body loses when you are active or exercising. You can mix up your own powdered mix to accomplish this for a fraction of the cost of purchasing these drinks by the bottle.
How to Tell if a Bike Tire is Full Enough
Proper air pressure in your bicycle tire is really important because it’ll make your ride smoother and faster, and it will prevent flats.
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