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Tiger Earning Your Stripes Adventure: Retired

BSA retired this adventure on May 31, 2022. This information remains here for historical purposes.

Earning Your Stripes is one of the Tiger elective adventures. For this adventure, Tiger Cubs and their adult partners practice loyalty and good manners. They also do a service project.

Requirements for the Earning Your Stripes Adventure

Complete the following requirements. Note: BSA is retiring this adventure on May 31, 2022.

  1. Show your loyalty to Tiger orange by bringing in and sharing with your den five items that are the color orange.
  2. Demonstrate loyalty over the next week at school or in your community. Share at your next den meeting how you were loyal to others.
  3. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, decide on one new task you can do to help your family, and do it.
  4. Talk with your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, or with your den about polite language. Learn how to shake hands and introduce yourself.
  5. Play a game with your den. Then discuss how your den played politely
  6. With your den and parent, guardian, or other caring adult, work on a service project for your pack’s meeting place or chartered organization.


Good Manners Napkins

Make this craft with cloth napkins to remind Tigers to have good manners when eating.

Magic Words Ceremony

This ceremony stresses the importance of using words politely.

Phone Etiquette

Teach some basic rules for using the phone.

Thank You Note Template

Help youth write a note of gratitude with this printable template.

Service Project Ideas

See some service projects which are age-appropriate for Tigers.


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