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Games Tigers Play Adventure

Cub Scout Helps and Ideas

BSA retired this adventure on June 1, 2024. This information remains here for historical purposes.

The Games Tigers Play adventure is a cornerstone of the Cub Scouting experience, particularly for our young participants in the Tiger Cub Scout program. This adventure is more than just a series of games; it’s a journey that introduces Tiger Cub Scouts to the joys of teamwork, the thrill of physical activity, and the foundational skills of communication and cooperation. Through engaging and fun-filled activities, Tigers learn to navigate challenges, celebrate successes, and understand the value of playing fair and supporting one another.

What makes Games Tigers Play so special is its ability to teach these life skills in a manner that is both accessible and memorable for Tiger Cub Scouts. As they play, they’re not just moving and laughing; they’re also developing critical social and emotional skills such as patience, empathy, and resilience. These games are carefully designed to encourage Tigers to think creatively, solve problems as a team, and understand the importance of healthy physical activity.

Moreover, this adventure lays the groundwork for a lifelong love of the outdoors and an active lifestyle. By instilling these values early on, we’re not only contributing to the physical well-being of our Tigers but also nurturing their growth into well-rounded individuals. This adventure is a beautiful blend of fun, education, and personal development, perfectly tailored to the energetic and curious nature of Tiger Cub Scouts.

Let’s dive into how Games Tigers Play can enrich the scouting experience, fostering not just skills and knowledge, but lasting friendships and unforgettable memories along the way.

Games Tigers Play Requirements

Games Tigers Play Adventure Requirements

Complete requirements 1 and 2 plus at least two others

  1. Do the following:
    1. Play two initiative or team-building games with the members of your den.
    2. Listen carefully to your leader while the rules are being explained, and follow directions when playing.
    3. At the end of the game, talk with the leader about what you learned when you played the game. Tell how you helped the den by playing your part.
  2. Talk with your den or family about why good nutrition helps you to be strong and active. Bring a nutritious snack to a den meeting. Share why you picked it and what makes it a good snack choice.
  3. Make up a game with the members of your den, and play it with den members. After playing the game, talk with your den about the experience.
  4. Make up a new game, and play it with your family or members of your den or pack. Then talk with the group about the experience.
  5. Do the following:
    1. Attend a sporting event with your den or family
    2. Before or after the event, talk with a coach or athlete about what it is like to participate in the sport. OR find out more about the sport and share what you have learned with your den or family members before or after the event.

Resources for the Games Tigers Play Adventure

Initiative Games

For requirement 1A of the Games Tigers Play adventure, den leaders have a wonderful opportunity to foster teamwork and cooperation among their Tiger Cub Scouts through initiative and team-building games. These games are designed to be not only fun but also instrumental in teaching valuable lessons in working together and solving problems collectively. Here are a few suggestions that are both engaging and suitable for Tiger Cub Scouts:

  • The Human Knot: This game is a classic team-building activity that encourages communication and problem-solving. Have the Tigers stand in a circle, then reach across to take the hand of someone across from them, forming a human knot. They must then work together to untangle themselves without letting go of each other’s hands. This game challenges them to communicate effectively and strategize as a team. See more information about Human Knot.
  • Traffic Jam: Arrange the Tigers in two lines facing each other on a large playing area, with a cone or marker in the middle to represent the “road.” Each team must figure out how to switch sides with the other team, using only specific movements you dictate, such as hopping, walking backward, or sidestepping. This game requires planning and cooperation to solve the “traffic jam” efficiently.
  • Minefield: Set up an obstacle course with cones, balls, or other safe objects scattered around the area to act as “mines.” Tigers must work in pairs where one is blindfolded and the other must guide them through the minefield using only their voice. This activity builds trust and communication, emphasizing the importance of clear instructions and listening. See more information about Minefield.
  • Pass the Water: This game is great for a hot day and promotes teamwork in a fun, refreshing way. Give each Tiger a cup and line them up. The goal is to transfer water from the front of the line to a bucket at the end, but they can only pour the water from one cup to the next over their heads. This game encourages cooperation and strategy, as they work to lose as little water as possible.
  • Balloon Keep Up: In this simple but effective game, the Tigers must keep a balloon (or several balloons for larger dens) in the air for as long as possible using only their hands. Introduce challenges such as moving around a marked area or not using certain body parts to touch the balloon. This game fosters a sense of unity and collective effort, as everyone must work together to keep the balloon from touching the ground.

See more cooperative games for Scouts here

Remember, the goal of these games is not only to fulfill a requirement but also to instill in the Tiger Cub Scouts a sense of camaraderie, mutual respect, and the joy of achieving something together. Encourage them to reflect on what they learned after playing these games, discussing how teamwork played a role in their success. These discussions can be as valuable as the games themselves, reinforcing the lessons learned through play.

Keep the spirit of fun and inclusivity at the forefront, and you’re sure to create a memorable and enriching experience for your den.

Respectful Listening

For Requirement 1A, den leaders should emphasize the importance of active listening and following directions. Start by gathering the Tigers in a quiet, distraction-free area to explain the rules clearly and concisely. Use visual aids or demonstrations to ensure understanding. Encourage questions and repeat instructions if needed. During games, praise Tigers who follow directions and gently remind others as necessary. Reinforce the idea that listening and cooperating not only makes the game more enjoyable for everyone but also helps them learn and succeed. Remember, fostering a supportive and positive environment is key to teaching these valuable skills effectively.

Playing Games with Varying Skill Levels

A reader asks how to approach games when the smallest kids are always “out” first and the stronger kids get to play longer, especially relevant to the Games Tigers Play adventure, where the aim is to foster inclusivity and development rather than competition.

A constructive approach is to modify game rules so that the focus shifts from winning to learning and teamwork. For instance, allowing the “winner” to step out first enables those needing more practice to continue playing, aligning with the scouting spirit of growth and inclusivity.

Initiative or team-building games, which inherently lack a competitive edge, like Human Knot or Elbow Balloon Pass, further promote this inclusive environment. These adjustments ensure that the objectives of the Games Tigers Play adventure—teamwork, sportsmanship, and personal development—are met, making every game a learning opportunity for all participants.

Read more.


For Requirement 2 of the Games Tigers Play adventure, den leaders can create an engaging and educational experience around the topic of good nutrition, emphasizing its role in keeping us strong and active. Here are some tips and ideas to effectively meet this requirement:

  • Start with a Discussion: Begin with an open conversation about what nutrition means and why it’s important for our bodies. Encourage Tigers to talk about their favorite foods and guide the discussion towards understanding which foods are not just tasty but also nutritious.
  • Interactive Activities: Consider interactive activities like matching games with pictures of different foods and their nutritional benefits, or simple quizzes that reinforce what foods help our bodies grow strong and stay active.
  • Invite a Guest Speaker: If possible, invite a nutritionist or a health educator to speak to the den about making healthy food choices. This can provide expert insights and answer the Tigers’ questions about nutrition.
  • Nutritious Snack Share: For bringing a nutritious snack, encourage variety and creativity. Ask each Tiger to choose a snack and, with their family, research why it’s a good choice. Examples include fruits, vegetables with dip, whole grain crackers, or yogurt. At the meeting, each Tiger can present their snack, explaining what makes it nutritious and how it helps keep our bodies strong.
  • Create a Snack Chart: As each Tiger shares their snack, create a chart listing the snacks and their nutritional benefits. This visual aid can help reinforce the learning and give Tigers and their families ideas for healthy snacks.
  • Discuss Balance and Moderation: Emphasize the concept of a balanced diet and moderation. Explain how too much of even a good thing can be less beneficial, and the importance of variety in what we eat.
  • Encourage Family Involvement: Suggest that families continue the conversation at home by planning and preparing healthy meals together. This can help reinforce the importance of good nutrition in a practical and hands-on way.

Check out this build your own food plate activity

The Fast Food Song can be an entertaining way to start a discussion about what not to eat regularly

By integrating these ideas into your den meetings, you can create a fun and informative experience that not only meets the requirements of the Games Tigers Play adventure but also instills lifelong healthy eating habits in your Tigers. Remember, the goal is to make learning about nutrition as engaging and interactive as possible, fostering a positive attitude towards eating well for a strong and active life.

Make Up a Game

Requirement 3 of the “Games Tigers Play” adventure offers a fantastic opportunity for Tiger Cubs to unleash their creativity, work collaboratively, and reflect on their experiences. Here are some tips to guide den leaders through this process:

  • Brainstorming Session: Kick off with a brainstorming session where all Tigers can share their ideas. Encourage every Tiger to contribute, emphasizing that every idea is valuable. This fosters a sense of inclusion and teamwork right from the start.
  • Combine Ideas: Often, Tigers will have diverse and imaginative ideas. Help them find ways to combine these ideas into one game that includes elements everyone enjoys. This teaches compromise and collaboration.
  • Design the Rules: Guide the Tigers in designing simple, clear rules for their game. This is a great opportunity to discuss fairness and the importance of rules in games and life. Encourage Tigers to think about what makes a game fun and fair for everyone.
  • Build the Game Together: If the game requires any equipment or setup, involve all Tigers in the preparation. This could be as simple as making game pieces from craft supplies or setting up an obstacle course. The act of creating together further strengthens team bonds.
  • Play the Game: Let the Tigers play the game they’ve created, reminding them to follow the rules they set. Den leaders should participate too, offering encouragement and modeling good sportsmanship.
  • Reflection Time: After playing, gather in a circle for a discussion about the experience. Ask open-ended questions like, “What was your favorite part of the game?”, “Was there anything that didn’t work as well as you hoped?”, and “How did it feel to play a game you created?” This reflection encourages critical thinking and allows Tigers to express their feelings and thoughts about the activity.
  • Encourage Positive Feedback: Teach the Tigers to give positive feedback to their peers about the game creation process. This builds confidence and reinforces the value of constructive criticism and encouragement.
  • Discuss Adaptations: Finally, discuss with the den how they might change or adapt the game if they were to play it again. This opens a conversation about learning from experience and being open to change, which are valuable life skills.

By following these steps, den leaders can ensure a meaningful and enjoyable experience for the Tigers, where they learn not just about creating games but also about teamwork, creativity, and reflection. This activity isn’t just about the game itself; it’s about the journey of collaboration and the lessons learned along the way.

Sporting Events

Requirement 5 of the Games Tigers Play adventure offers Tiger Cubs a fantastic opportunity to connect with the wider world of sports, learn about the values of teamwork, dedication, and sportsmanship, and share these insights with their den or family. Here are some tips for den leaders to make the most of this experience:

  • Choosing the Event: Select a sporting event that is age-appropriate and of interest to the Tigers in your den. This could be a high school basketball game, a local soccer match, or even a little league baseball game. The focus should be on the experience and learning opportunity rather than the level of competition.
  • Engage with Participants: Arrange a short talk with a coach or athlete before or after the event. Prepare a few questions in advance with your Tigers, such as what training involves, how the team works together, and what they love most about their sport. This interaction can be incredibly inspiring for young Cubs and give them real-life insights into the values of commitment and teamwork.
  • Research the Sport: If arranging a talk isn’t feasible, encourage your den to research the sport together before attending the event. Look into the rules of the game, the history of the sport, and any interesting facts. This research can be shared informally during a den meeting or a family gathering, fostering a sense of curiosity and knowledge sharing.
  • Discuss Sportsmanship: Use the opportunity to discuss the importance of sportsmanship with your Tigers. Talk about how athletes and teams show respect for each other and the game, even in the face of competition. Highlighting examples witnessed during the event can make the concept more relatable.
  • Reflect on the Experience: After attending the event, take some time to reflect on the experience with your Tigers. Discuss what they learned and enjoyed about the sport. Encourage them to express how the experience might inspire them in their own activities and teamwork within the den.
  • Encourage Active Participation: Use this requirement as a springboard to encourage Tigers to try out a new sport or physical activity. Highlighting the health benefits and the joy of playing sports can motivate Cubs to be more active and explore new interests.
  • Document the Experience: Consider taking photos or having the Tigers draw pictures of their experience at the sporting event. This can be a fun way to remember their outing and share what they learned with others.

By thoughtfully planning this requirement, den leaders can create a meaningful experience that not only fulfills a Cub Scout adventure but also instills lasting lessons about sportsmanship, teamwork, and the joy of being active.

Tiger Den Meeting Plan – Games Tigers Play

This Tiger den meeting plan is tailored to cover most of the “Games Tigers Play” adventure requirements, focusing on fun, cooperation, and the importance of good nutrition. Preparation involves each family contributing to a nutritious trail mix, fostering teamwork right from the start. The meeting kicks off with an inclusive game like Jenga, ensuring everyone can participate upon arrival. During snack time, Tigers create their own trail mix, discussing the nutritional value of each ingredient.

The meeting progresses with initiative and team-building games, emphasizing listening, following directions, and reflecting on teamwork. For a creative twist, Tigers invent their own tag game variant, applying imagination and cooperative rule-making. This comprehensive plan not only meets adventure requirements but also instills lessons on health, teamwork, and creativity.

Frequently Asked Questions for the Games Tigers Play Adventure

What is the Games Tigers Play adventure?

The Games Tigers Play adventure is part of the Cub Scouts program designed specifically for Tiger Cubs—Scouts who are in the first grade or are 7 years old. This adventure encourages physical activity, teamwork, and learning about healthy living through engaging games and activities.

Why is the Games Tigers Play adventure important?

Games Tigers Play teaches Tiger Cubs valuable life skills such as cooperation, following rules, fair play, and the importance of physical activity for a healthy lifestyle. It’s structured to be fun and engaging, ensuring that learning these important lessons feels like an exciting adventure.

What are some examples of games that meet the requirements of the Games Tigers Play adventure?

Games that promote teamwork, communication, and physical activity are perfect for this adventure. Examples include relay races, obstacle courses, team-building games like the Human Knot or Traffic Jam, and traditional games with a twist to encourage more interaction and cooperation.

How can we incorporate good nutrition into the Games Tigers Play adventure?

Requirement 2 of the adventure focuses on discussing good nutrition and its role in being active and strong. Den leaders can encourage Tiger Cubs to bring and share a healthy snack at a den meeting, discuss the benefits of different foods, and even have a session on reading nutrition labels or making a healthy meal together.

Can we attend any type of sporting event for Requirement 5 of the Games Tigers Play adventure?

Yes, any sporting event that provides an opportunity for Cubs to watch, learn, and ask questions about the sport can fulfill this requirement. This doesn’t have to be a professional event; local high school, community sports, or even watching a sibling’s sports game can offer a great learning experience.

What should we do if we can’t meet a coach or athlete for Requirement 5?

If meeting with a coach or athlete isn’t possible, den leaders and Tiger Cubs can research the sport together, learning about its rules, history, and famous athletes. Share this information during a den meeting or with family members to fulfill the requirement.

How can den leaders make the Games Tigers Play adventure inclusive for all Cubs?

Ensure that all games and activities are accessible to every Tiger Cub, regardless of ability. Adapt games as needed, focus on teamwork and participation over competition, and celebrate each Cub’s efforts and contributions. Encouraging an environment of support and inclusion is key.

How can families support their Tiger Cub in the Games Tigers Play adventure?

Families can play an active role by participating in discussions about nutrition, attending the chosen sporting event together, and encouraging their Cub to engage in physical activities. Sharing in these experiences not only supports their Cub’s growth but also reinforces the values of health and teamwork at home.

Remember, the Games Tigers Play adventure is about learning, growing, and having fun together. It’s a wonderful opportunity for Tiger Cubs to explore the joys of being active and working as a team, all while laying the groundwork for a healthy, active lifestyle.

Unlocking the Power of Play

In conclusion, the Games Tigers Play adventure offers an enriching pathway for Tiger Cubs to explore the essential values of teamwork, sportsmanship, and healthy living through the universal language of play. By engaging in activities that emphasize cooperation, creativity, and physical wellness, Tiger Cubs not only learn the practical skills necessary for a fulfilling scouting experience but also the interpersonal skills vital for life.

Den leaders play a crucial role in guiding these young scouts through the adventure, ensuring that each game and discussion is a stepping stone towards greater understanding and growth. Whether it’s through team-building exercises, nutritional snack sharing, or attending a sporting event, the journey within Games Tigers Play is designed to be inclusive, educational, and, most importantly, fun.

As scouts participate in this adventure, they’re not just playing games; they’re building the foundations of character, health, and camaraderie that will serve them throughout their scouting journey and beyond. Let’s embrace the spirit of play and discovery, and watch as our Tiger Cub Scouts grow into confident, compassionate, and capable individuals.


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