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The Aims of Scouting

Why Are the Aims of Scouting Important?

It is important to remember why we are doing this.

It is so easy to get distracted by trying to get things organized for the next camp out or den meeting. Or the parent who doesn’t understand the difference between Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA. Or those who aren’t pitching in. Or the personalities not working well together

Refocusing on the Aims of Scouting will help us push the distractions aside and stay positive in our efforts.

The Aims of Scouting

The Boy Scouts of America enumerates four aims of Scouting – Character Development, Citizenship, Leadership Development, and Fitness.


Character development is probably the most recognized of the four. When the public thinks of a Scout, hopefully they are picturing a young man or woman who is willing to help others and follows the points of the Scout Oath and Law. The same should be true for Venturers and Cub Scouts. Scouting helps young men and women develop confidence, independence, and skills. They adhere to their own religious beliefs while respecting the beliefs of others. They are honest and trustworthy.


Citizenship training benefits our nation and our communities. Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Venturers learn to take pride in our national heritage. They understand how they fit into the larger community. They understand the importance of taking care of the environment for the benefit of everybody. They put others before themselves by organizing and participating in service projects.


Leadership development helps form young men and women into people who have the skills and confidence to be a force for positive change in the world. Scouts learn how to motivate others and to bring out the best in those they work with.


Fitness includes mental and physical fitness. This enables them to enjoy full, rich lives. Physical fitness is encouraged through sports and outdoor activities. Scouts also learn about the importance of eating right and taking care of themselves. They promise to stay away from drugs, alcohol, and other substances which can harm themselves or others. They strive to do their best in their studies and be mentally alert. They learn to think before they act so they can make good decisions.

Related Resources for The Aims of Scouting

The Scout Law

The Scout Law used in the US is based on Lord Robert Baden-Powell’s original Scout Law, published in Scouting for Boys in 1908. Read more.

The Scout Oath

When you read the Scout Oath as is used by the BSA, it is clear that the Scout Oath contains the same or parallel thoughts for the concepts in Baden-Powell’s original promise. Read more.


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