Thinking about space can encourage the imagination and spark an interest in science and engineering. Cub Scouts find these topics fascinating.
The Space: The New Frontier meeting plan features ideas for the core value of courage which relates to Brave in the Scout Law. Here is how the BSA plan suggests tying together this theme with the value of courage:
It takes courage to explore a new frontier, to cast aside the comfort of the life we know to go forth and explore our universe. Our Cub Scouts show similar courage in exploring the options and challenges of their advancement in Scouting, which we know will help them grow up strong and courageous as they lead our complicated world and learn more about our universe.
Cub Scout Pack Meeting Plan for Space: The New Frontier
This Cub Scout pack meeting plan includes the following – all within a courage theme. See the meeting plan for details.
- Gathering activity – Planet Quiz
- Opening ceremony – Planets Skit
- A prayer about being courageous
- Audience Participation – Astronaut Story
- Satellite Cheer, Saturn Cheer, Venus Cheer
- Run Ons –Astronaut Run-on, Space Wizard Run-on
- Activity – Den Demonstrations
- Flight Through Space Recognition Ceremony
- A “Dreaming about Space” Cubmaster Minute
The idea of this game is for each player to “use the force” to keep a balloon on a pool noodle light saber.
This astronomy word search puzzle features space exploration terms. Use it as a gathering activity at a space themed meeting or for an astronomy related achievement.
Draw the Solar System Worksheet
If you are working on an astronomy related achievement, a good place to start is by learning about the solar system. Here is a worksheet I created which will help get you started.
Help your pack or den reach for the stars with these ideas and achievements:
This is a fun, simple snack for Cub Scouts. It can be a little messy, so when I did this with ZM’s den we went outside. This makes a great snack for any space themed meeting.
The idea of this game is to put the flying saucer (a Frisbee) in its space dock (a box). Dock Your Flying Saucer Game is a good game for indoors or out. If it is windy, it is a lot more challenging outdoors.
Everyone familiar with the Star Trek series knows how much they like to beam people back and forth the transporter. Sing this song as a tribute to the series.
Dad’s Favorite Star Cookies Recipe
Star cookies are a favorite Christmas cookie. These are not very sweet. ZM and LC like to sprinkle these with colored sugar before we bake them.
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