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Spud Game

About this Spud Game

Here is a game which works well for a group of 8 to 10 Scouts. This goes with my Classic Outdoor Games theme. I’m sure many of us played this as children.

Playing games like this Spud game helps Cub Scouts run off energy. learn to cooperate, and understand sportsmanship.

How to Play the Spud Game



  • One person is “It”
  • Everyone else plays for themselves


  1. Each player is assigned a different number.
  2. Everyone gathers around It.
  3. It throws the ball straight up in the air and the players run away.
  4. While the ball is in the air, It calls a number and also runs away.
  5. The player who was assigned the number which It called must catch the ball, chasing it if necessary.
  6. When the person has control of the ball, he yells “Spud!” and everyone freezes.
  7. The person with the ball can take three giant steps toward any other player. Then tries to hit one of the other players with the ball by throwing it. The players can try to dodge the ball by ducking or bending, but they must keep their feet planted.
  8. If a player is hit or if he moves his feet while dodging the ball,  he is assigned a letter – First S, then the second time P, then U, then D. He is also It.
  9. If the thrower misses, then he is It.
  10. When a player reaches SPUD with his letters, he is out of the game.
  11. Last player left in the game wins.

Related Resources for SPUD Game

More Games for Scouts

See my games page for even more ideas of fun, easy, and energetic games for Scouts of all ages.

Games Based Cub Scout Themes

These three themes feature an emphasis on games and play:

Classic Outdoor Games Cub Scout Theme

Backyard Fun Cub Scout Theme

Destination Parks Cub Scout Theme (Health and Fitness)


One response to “Spud Game”

  1. Lois Lifte Avatar
    Lois Lifte

    I loved reading about your experience as a Scouter Mom! It really highlights the joys and challenges of supporting our kids in their activities. The tips you shared on balancing involvement without overwhelming them were so helpful. Can’t wait to try some of these suggestions with my own kids!

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