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Fly Fishing Merit Badge Helps and Documents

By working on the requirements for the Fly Fishing merit badge, Scouts come to appreciate and enjoy catching fish with a fly rod. They learn how to prepare for a safe fishing outing and to observe local regulations. Scouts become familiar with the knots needed for fly fishing. Then they put their knowledge to use by catching some fish.

Help for the Fly Fishing Merit Badge

Requirements for the Fly Fishing Merit Badge

Printable checkoff sheet for all Scouts BSA merit badges

Find Places to Fish

TakeMeFishing.org has an interactive map which will help you to locate the places to fish closest to you. Just enter your zip code and then look at the map.

Fishing Troop Program Feature

The Fishing troop program feature will help your Scouts BSA youth leaders plan a series of meetings and a weekend outing around a fishing theme.

Splash! Scouts BSA Nova Award

This Nova award can be earned by youth who complete achievements related to water science.

Wildlife Management Troop Program Feature

The Wildlife Management troop program feature focuses on keeping the balance in nature which wildlife need to thrive. This ties in with the conservation aspects of the Fly Fishing merit badge.

Nature and Environment Troop Program Feature

A third option for a series of meetings is to do the Nature and Environment program feature. This also meshes well with the environmental aspects of the Fly Fishing merit badge requirements.

National Outdoor Awards – Aquatics

The National Outdoor Awards recognize youth who participate in outdoor activities. The Aquatics award includes options for fishing.

Fishing Merit Badge

Scouts who enjoy the Fly Fishing merit badge might also want to try the Fishing badge.

Fishing Ranger Elective

If you have older Scouts who are als involved in Venturing, they can look at the Fishing Ranger elective also. Or just check it out for some more ideas about how to keep older youth engaged while working on the requirements for the Fly Fishing merit badge.

Fishing Resources from BSA

BSA has lots of resources to help you with your fishing program.


3 responses to “Fly Fishing Merit Badge Helps and Documents”

  1. Jim Ridgeway Avatar
    Jim Ridgeway

    A program within BSA, called certified angling instructor (CAI), provides trained, competent angling instruction for the youth and adults within BSA and has since 2002. Check us out at https://bsafishing.com to find help with the fishing/ fly fishing/ fish and wildlife merit badges, or to get help running a fishing outing for your pack, troop, or crew. Fish on!

    1. Alakai Avatar

      I think the url has to be the link http://www.bsafishing.com/

      The site goes unresolved if no “www”.

      What is the advantage of CAI?

      1. Shawn Niemann Avatar
        Shawn Niemann

        I recently earned my CAI. There’s a couple advantages. First, it allows you to serve on staff at various BSA camps and events where there is a Fishing Program, or to serve on the Fishing Staff at the Jamboree. Second, and perhaps the biggest reason folks should go after their CAI is the knowledge. I grew up along the shore of Lake Michigan and have been fishing my entire life. Nevertheless, I learned so much during the 6-week CAI course. I re-learned things I had forgotten, learned knew skills, tricks, and techniques from lifelong anglers, and I have a whole new support system to help make fishing a bigger part of our local Scouting community.

        Roughly a third of the CAI course is dedicated to equipping you to help grow a Fishing program in your Council or District. They offer advice to promoting fishing to Scouts and Scouters, using fishing as a recruiting and retention tool, and how to help other Scouters do the same in their units. As an added bonus, with a CAI Certification, there are a lot of manufacturers and vendors that will give you some really great deals on gear and equipment to help with your efforts. I did my CAI course entirely online, and I’d recommend anyone who is on the fence to go ahead and do it.

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