Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure
The Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure is a great way for Cub Scouts to dive into the world of geology. In this adventure, Webelos get hands-on experience with different types of rocks and minerals. They learn about the Earth’s layers and how rocks change over time. This activity is not just about collecting rocks; it’s about understanding our planet better.

By participating in the Earth Rocks! Adventure, Webelos develop important science skills. They observe, test, and discuss findings like real scientists. These activities make science fun and accessible. They also help scouts develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
This Earth Rocks! adventure is part of the STEM program in Cub Scouts, which focuses on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Through adventures like Earth Rocks!, Webelos explore these areas in a practical and engaging way. This prepares them for more complex concepts in future educational and scouting activities.
Overall, the Earth Rocks! Adventure offers Cub Scouts a unique opportunity to explore nature and science together. They not only gain knowledge about geology but also learn valuable skills that can be used in other areas of their lives. It’s a fun and educational experience that encourages curiosity and respect for the natural world.
Requirements for the Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure
Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure Requirements
- Examine the 3 types of rocks, sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.
- Find a rock, safely break it apart and examine it.
- Make a mineral test kit, and test minerals according to the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Using the Rock Cycle chart or one like it, discuss how hardness determines which materials can be used in homes, landscapes, or for recreation.
- Grow a crystal.

Printable requirements for the Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure
Check off sheet to keep track of your den’s progress on the Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure
Resources for the Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure
Earth Rocks! Requirement 1: Rock Types
Examine the three types of rocks, sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.
Rocks are all around us, forming the ground we walk on and the mountains we see. In the Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure, scouts learn about three main types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. Each type of rock is formed in a different way and has its own unique features.
- Sedimentary Rocks: These rocks are made from pieces of other rocks, sand, or even shells. Over time, these materials pile up in layers and harden into rock. Examples include sandstone and limestone, which can often be seen in cliff faces or canyons.
- Igneous Rocks: Formed from cooled lava or magma, these rocks can be found where volcanoes are present. When lava cools quickly, it turns into rocks like basalt. If it cools slowly, it becomes granite, which is often used in countertops.
- Metamorphic Rocks: These rocks start as one type and change into another under great heat and pressure inside the Earth. Slate, which is used in roofing, and marble, used in sculptures and buildings, are examples of metamorphic rocks.
Here are some options for fulfilling Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure requirement 1:
- Crayon Rock Formation
- Using crayons to recreate the formation process of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.
- Supplies: crayons, crayon sharpener, container for crayon shavings, aluminum foil, craft sticks, mugs, boiling water, table covering
- indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
- Rock Classification
- Cub Scouts learn the three types of rocks and how to identify them.
- Supplies: bag containing all three types of rocks, paper, magnifying glasses
- indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
- Get a collection of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks
- Rock Expert
- Invite a Rockhound or geologist to a den meeting.
- Supplies: none
- indoor, very low energy, more than one week prep
- Rock Hunt
- Cub Scouts hunt for rocks to identify and categorize.
- Supplies: egg carton, magnifying glass, Rock Types printout, clipboards, Cub Scout Six Essentials, Activity Consent Form
- requires travel, high energy, more than one week prep
By examining these rocks for the Earth Rocks! adventure, Webelos gain a better understanding of the Earth’s surface and the natural processes that shape our world.
Earth Rocks! Requirement 2: What’s Inside a Rock
Find a rock, safely break it apart and examine it.
Finding and breaking apart a rock is an exciting way to see what’s inside. This activity helps Webelos learn more about the structure and composition of rocks. It’s important to do this safely and responsibly.
- Choose the Right Rock: Find a rock that is not too large; something you can easily hold in your hand is perfect.
- Wear Safety Gear: Always wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from flying pieces. Gloves are also a good idea to protect your hands.
- Use the Right Tools: Use a light hammer and a chisel to gently tap on the rock. Don’t hit it too hard, as the goal is to carefully break it open, not smash it into powder.
- Examine the Pieces: Look at the broken pieces with a magnifying glass. Notice any grains, crystals, or layers in the rock.
Here are some options for fulfilling Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure requirement 2:
- Break a Geode
- Cub Scouts break apart a geode and examine.
- Supplies: geodes, safety glasses, rocks, geology hammers, socks, magnifying glasses
- outdoor, moderate energy, more than one week prep
- Get some geodes
- Let’s Go Rock Hunting
- Cub Scouts break apart rocks.
- Supplies: bag for collecting rocks, safety glasses, rocks, geology hammer, chisel, rags, magnifying glasses, Cub Scout Six Essentials, Activity Consent Form
- requires travel, very high energy, 3 to 5 days prep
By carefully breaking open and examining rocks, Webelos get a closer look at the materials that make up our Earth. This hands-on Earth Rocks! experience is a great way to make learning about geology interactive and fun.
Earth Rocks! Requirement 3: Testing Mineral Hardness
Make a mineral test kit and test minerals according to the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Using the rock cycle chart or one like it, discuss how hardness determines which materials can be used in homes, in landscapes, or for recreation.
Understanding mineral hardness helps us know how durable materials are and where they can be used effectively. In the Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure, scouts make a mineral test kit and use the Mohs scale to test hardness. This scale ranks minerals from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest).
To make a mineral test kit for the Mohs scale, you will need a few simple materials. First, you will need some minerals to test. You can use rocks from your rock hunt or buy a mineral kit from a store. Next, you will need a few items to test the minerals. To test the hardness of a mineral using the Mohs scale, you need to scratch the mineral’s surface with a mineral or object of a known hardness. You can use items like a nail, a penny, a glass plate, and a steel file.
Here’s how to test for each level:
- Talc: Use your fingernail to scratch the mineral. At this level, your fingernail easily leaves a mark.
- Gypsum: Use your fingernail to scratch the mineral. Your fingernail barely leaves a mark.
- Calcite: Use a copper penny to scratch the mineral. If it barely leaves a mark, the mineral is softer than calcite.
- Fluorite: Use a knife or a file to scratch the mineral. You easily make a mark with one of these items.
- Apatite: Use a knife or a file to scratch the mineral. You barely make a mark at this level.
- Orthoclase feldspar: Use a piece of glass to scratch the mineral. If the knife or file doesn’t leave a mark, but the glass does then you are at this level.
- Quartz: Use a piece of quartz to scratch the mineral. If it leaves a mark, the mineral is softer than quartz.
- Topaz: Use a piece of topaz to scratch the mineral. If it leaves a mark, the mineral is softer than topaz.
- Corundum: Scratch a piece of topaz with the mineral. If it leaves a mark on the topaz, the mineral is at this level.
- Diamond: Use a diamond to scratch the mineral. If it leaves a mark, the mineral is softer than diamond.
Using the rock cycle chart, discuss how the hardness of these materials affects their use in everyday life. For example, softer minerals may be used in landscaping because they wear down easily, while harder minerals are better for countertops in homes because they resist scratching.
Here is an option for fulfilling Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure requirement 3:
- Mineral Lab
- Cub Scout study and share observation of the mineral test.
- Supplies: penny, small piece of glass, piece of unglazed tile, metal file, eyedropper, safety glasses, minerals to test (talc, gypsum, calcite, fluorite, apatite, feldspar, quartz, topaz, corundum), small bottle of vinegar, Webelos handbook, paper
- indoor, moderate energy, one week prep
This Earth Rocks! activity teaches about mineral properties and encourages critical thinking about how these properties are relevant in various applications.
Earth Rocks! Requirement 4: Growing Your Own Crystals
Grow a crystal.
Growing crystals is a fun and educational activity that shows how minerals form in nature. In the Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure, scouts get a chance to observe this fascinating process up close. This project helps them understand more about how crystals grow from solutions and gives them a real-world example of mineral formation.
Here are some options for fulfilling Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure requirement 4:
- Crystal Shapes
- Cub Scouts create their own crystal.
- Supplies: pipe cleaners, plastic or glass cup, fishing line, wooden skewer, borax, boiling water, table covering, disposable gloves
- indoor, moderate energy, one week prep
- Sweet Crystal
- Cub Scouts create their own crystal that they can eat.
- Supplies: water, sugar, food coloring, flavoring extract (optional), medium sized pan, place to heat water, paper towels, table covering, wooden skewer, glass jar, clothes pins
- indoor, moderate energy, one week prep
- See more information about growing sugar crystals
Through this Earth Rocks! activity, Webelos can see the beauty and complexity of natural processes. It’s a hands-on way to connect science with the real world and spark curiosity in young minds.

Soil Sample Cupcakes Recipe: Webelos will love making these colorful cupcakes and taking soil samples with their straws, while also learning about core samples used by geologists in research.

Before any activity, check the SAFE Checklist to make sure everyone is safe. Everyone involved in Scouting America activities should know the Guide to Safe Scouting and other relevant guides or books. Also follow any state or local rules that are more strict than Scouting America rules and guidelines.
Before starting any experiments in this Adventure:
- Thoroughly review the experiment instructions.
- Test the experiment before the meeting.
- Ensure extra adult supervision if needed.
During the Adventure:
- Go over the instructions with the den before starting.
- Wear protective clothing and eye protection.
- Keep food and drinks away from the experiment area.
Frequently Asked Questions for the Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure
Where can I find different types of rocks?
Check local parks, nature trails, or your own backyard. Always make sure you have permission to take rocks from the area.
How do I make a mineral test kit?
Collect items of known hardness such as a fingernail, a copper penny, a piece of glass, and a steel file. Use these to scratch test minerals to determine their hardness. See more information here.
Is it safe to break rocks?
Yes, but you must wear safety goggles to protect your eyes and be careful with the tools you use. Always have an adult supervise when breaking rocks.
How long does it take to grow a crystal?
It usually starts forming in a few days, but the longer you leave it, the bigger it can grow. It could take a few weeks to see a large crystal.
Rock Solid Fun
The Webelos Earth Rocks! Adventure is an engaging way for Cub Scouts to explore the fascinating world of geology. This adventure helps scouts learn about different types of rocks, how to safely break them apart, and the natural processes that form minerals and crystals.
First, scouts examine the three main types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. They learn how each rock is formed and where it can be found in nature. This provides a practical understanding of the earth’s crust and the variety of materials it holds.
Next, scouts take a hands-on approach by finding and safely breaking rocks. This activity encourages careful observation and introduces them to the physical characteristics of rocks. By using tools like hammers and chisels under supervision, they also learn about safety and responsibility.
In another exciting part of the Earth Rocks! adventure, Webelos make their own mineral test kits. They use these kits to explore mineral hardness and discuss the practical applications of different minerals in everyday life, using the Mohs scale of hardness as a guide.
Finally, scouts grow their own crystals from borax, watching how minerals can form in nature. This not only adds to their understanding of geological processes but also brings a sense of accomplishment as they observe the results of their efforts over time.
This Earth Rocks! adventure is a fun and interactive way for Webelos to gain a deeper appreciation of the natural world and the science of geology.
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