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Venturing Nova Awards and Supernova Awards

Note: The Nova program is administered at the Council level. Check with your local council about availability before starting on a Nova award.

What Is the Nova Award Program?

These are the BSA Awards focused on STEM – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 

For their first Nova Award, Venturers earn a patch. For each other Nova award, Venturers receive a pi (π) pin-on device to wear on the patch. There are nine different awards which cover subject areas as diverse as astronomy, water science, life science, technology, programming, 3D printing, engineering, fluid dynamics, and mathematics.

What are Supernova Awards?

These recognize young men and women in Venturing who go further in their STEM explorations. A Venturer must earn three of the Nova awards before he or she can earn a Supernova.

Venturing Nova Awards

Power Up (Technology)

Power Up is the award for investigating transportation technology. To earn this award, Venturers must complete a transportation related exploration and learn about topics such as energy sources. Venturers also build and test a model vehicle.

Launch! (Astronomy and Projectile Science)

Launch! is the award for investigating science. To earn this award, Venturers must complete a science related exploration and learn about topics such as aviation, astronomy, weather, projectiles, and space technology. Venturers also build a pitching machine, catapult, or marble run.

Wade! (Water and Science)

Wade! is the award for investigating water and science. To earn this award, Venturers must complete an earth science related exploration and learn about topics such as the water cycle, pollution, waste treatment, and water quality. Venturers also research a water related disaster.

What a Life (Life Science)

What a Life is the award for investigating life science. To earn this award, Venturers must complete a life science related exploration and learn about topics such as genetics, biology, botany, and medicine. Venturers also investigate plant growth, microscopic life, veterinary science, genetics, or ecology.

Numbers Don’t Lie (Mathematics)

Numbers Don’t Lie is the award for investigating mathematics. To earn this award, Venturers must complete a mathematics related exploration and learn about topics such as modeling, cryptography, physics, and horsepower. Venturers also keep track of some sports statistics or participate in a star count.

Hang On (Engineering)

Hang On is the award for investigating engineering. To earn this award, Venturers must complete an engineering related exploration and learn about topics such as pulleys, gears, and levers. Venturers also dream up a new amusement park ride or playground equipment.

Up and Away (Fluid Dynamics)

Up and Away is the award for investigating fluid dynamics. To earn this award, Venturers must complete an exploration related to the movement of liquids or gasses. Venturers also calculate terminal velocity on Earth and on different planets, design a way to drop rescue supplies, or test airfoils.

Execute! (Programming and Digital Technology)

Execute! is the award for investigating programming and digital technology. To earn this award, Venturers must complete a digital technology exploration and learn about topics such as programming, robotics, social media, and digital freedom. Venturers also create an application, investigate object oriented programming, create a web page, take apart old hardware, or investigate cyber-security.

Something From Nothing (3D Printing)

Something from Nothing is the award for investigating 3D printing technology. To earn this award, Venturers must complete a technology or #D related exploration and learn about topics such as modeling, CAD, manufacturing, orientation, and printing materials. Venturers also compare 3D printers and techniques.

Venturing Supernova Awards

Dr. Sally Ride Supernova

The Dr. Sally Ride award is the bronze (first) level Supernova for Venturers. To earn this award, a Venturer must earn three Nova awards, complete the Scholarship exploration, and four additional Nova explorations. They must also complete two Supernova activities, participate in a science fair, and learn about careers in STEM areas.

Wright Brothers Supernova

The Wright Brothers award is the second level (silver) Supernova for Venturers. This award is available to those who earned the Dr. Sally Ride Award as a Venturer. (Option 1) This award is also available to registered Venturers who earned the Dr. Bernard Harris Supernova Award as a registered member of Scouts BSA (Boy Scouts). The requirements are slightly different in this case. (Option 2)

Dr. Albert Einstein Supernova

The Dr. Albert Einstein award is the third level (gold) Supernova for Venturers. This award is available to those who earned the Wright Brothers Award as a Venturer or the Thomas Edison Award while a registered member of Scouts BSA (Boy Scouts).

Venturing Supernova Award Path

Members of Scouts BSA who are dual registered as Venturers can earn the Scouts BSA Supernova awards as prerequisites for the Venturing awards.


3 responses to “Venturing Nova Awards and Supernova Awards”

  1. Niamul Anan Avatar
    Niamul Anan

    A pretty good piece of content. Thanks a lot!

  2. kristy Avatar

    complete the Scholarship exploration what is this requirement. Where do I find it?

    1. Scouter Mom Avatar
      Scouter Mom

      You should speak to your Supernova mentor with questions about the specific requirements. If you don’t have a mentor yet, contact your local council.

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