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Project Family Adventure: Retired

BSA retired this adventure on May 31, 2022. This information remains here for historical purposes.

Project Family is one of the Webelos/Arrow of Light elective adventures. For the Project Family adventure, Webelos learn about family history and discover different ways they can participate as a family member.

Requirements for Webelos Project Family Adventure

Complete the following requirements. Note: BSA is retiring this adventure on May 31, 2022.

  1. Interview a grandparent, another family elder, or a family friend about what life was like when he or she was growing up
  2. With members of your family or a family friend, discuss some of your family names, history, traditions, and culture. Do one of the following:
    2A. Create a family tree of three generations.
    2B. Make a poster or web page that shows the places that some of your family members came from.
    2C. Choose a special celebration or holiday that some of your family members participate in, and create either a poster, picture, or photo slideshow of it
  3. Show your understanding of your duty to family by creating a chart listing the jobs that you and other family members have at home. Choose three of the jobs you are responsible for, and chart them for two weeks.
  4. Select a job that belongs to another family member, and help that person complete it. Some examples would be to create a grocery shopping list for the week, to take out trash for a week, to do the laundry for your family one time, to prepare meals for your family for one day, or to complete some yard work.
  5. With the help of an adult, inspect your home and its surroundings. Make a list of hazards or security problems you find. Correct one problem you found, and tell what you did.
  6. Complete one of the following:
    6A. Hold a family meeting to plan an exciting family activity. The activity could include a family reunion, a family night, or a family outing.
    6B. Create a list of community service or conservation projects that you and your family can do together, and present it to your family. Select one project, plan it, and complete it with members of your family


Family Tree Template

This is a simple printable template for Webelos to fill in their family tree.

Genealogy Requirements and Non Traditional Families

How do you do Cub Scout genealogy requirements when you have children from non-traditional families who may not know who their grandparents or even parents are? Read what other Scouters do.

Faith and Our Ancestors Game

The Faith and Our Ancestors Game is an icebreaker activity with a genealogy twist. Players ask each other questions about how they think their ancestors lived.

Home Safety Checklist

There is a longer BSA home safety checklist for use with some Scouts BSA merit badges, but this abbreviated list will be easier for Cub Scouts to use.

What Can Scouts Use as Service Hours?

A reader asks what types of service projects can be used as service hours to fulfill requirements.

My Story Mystery Game

The My Story Mystery Game is a great way to get to know some “history” about a group of individuals

Four Facts Game

Four Facts game is an icebreaker game. It would also work well with any activity relating to personal history or storytelling.


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