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Bear Super Science Adventure for 2024

This for the 2024 program year Cub Scout updates. This is a preview and is not official information yet. This new program takes effect on June 1, 2024. See more details about the overall program updates here.

The Bear Super Science Adventure is a great opportunity for Bear Cub Scouts to dive into the world of science. Through this adventure, Scouts explore exciting concepts in electricity and chemistry. The activities are designed to be fun and engaging, encouraging young Scouts to learn through hands-on experiments. This approach helps them grasp scientific ideas and see how they apply in the real world.

Bear Super Science Belt Loop

Participating in the Super Science adventure offers Bear Cub Scouts the chance to develop important skills such as observation, problem-solving, and critical thinking. By conducting various scientific investigations, Scouts learn to ask questions, predict outcomes, and analyze results. These skills are essential not only in science but in everyday life, making them better learners and thinkers.

The Bear Super Science Adventure also helps Cub Scouts understand the principles of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). This knowledge is valuable as it opens up future learning opportunities and can spark a lifelong interest in these fields. Engaging with STEM activities at a young age builds confidence and curiosity about how things work.

Lastly, working on this Super Science adventure promotes teamwork among Cub Scouts. They collaborate on experiments, share findings, and discuss their thoughts. This collaboration enhances their communication skills and their ability to work well with others. Such teamwork is a core part of the Cub Scout experience, preparing them for group tasks and community involvement.

Requirements for the Bear Super Science Adventure

Bear Super Science Adventure Requirements

  1. Conduct static electricity investigation. 
  2. Conduct the sink-or-float investigation.  
  3. Conduct the color-morphing investigation.  
  4. Conduct the color-layering investigation.

Resources for the Bear Super Science Adventure

Safety Resources

Before any activity, check the SAFE Checklist to make sure everyone is safe. Everyone involved in Scouting America activities should know the Guide to Safe Scouting and other relevant guides or books. Also follow any state or local rules that are more strict than Scouting America rules and guidelines.

Static Electricity

Static electricity is the build-up of an electrical charge on the surface of objects. This can cause sparks or materials to cling together. For the Super Science adventure, studying static electricity is not only educational but also a lot of fun. They get to see and feel the effects of invisible forces at work, which makes this concept come alive.

  • Balloon Power: Rub a balloon on a wool sweater or your hair. Then, see how it can stick to walls or pick up small paper pieces.
  • Rice Krispies Dance: Sprinkle some Rice Krispies on a plastic plate. Charge a plastic comb by running it through your hair and hold it near the Rice Krispies. Watch them dance as they are attracted to the comb.
  • Static Relay: Have Scouts form teams. Each team gets a balloon which they must charge and use to move a light object (like a feather) across a finish line without touching it.
  • Electric Salt and Pepper: Sprinkle salt and pepper on a dark piece of paper. Charge a plastic spoon by rubbing it on cloth and then hover it above the salt and pepper. Scouts will see the pepper jump to the spoon while the salt stays on the paper.
  • Static Hair Challenge: See whose hair can stand up the most when charged with a balloon. This is a fun way to visually demonstrate the power of static electricity.

These activities make learning about static electricity interactive and enjoyable, helping Scouts experience science hands-on.

Discovering Density with Sink or Float

The sink-or-float investigation is a simple yet fascinating way to understand density and buoyancy. In this Super Science activity, Bear Cub Scouts test different objects to see whether they sink or float in water. This experiment introduces them to the concept that the density of an object, not just its size, determines whether it will float. It’s a hands-on method to explore how physical properties affect interactions with water.

  • Water Guessing Game: Before placing each object in water, Scouts can guess whether it will sink or float and explain why. This encourages thinking and predicting skills.
  • Mystery Materials: Provide Scouts with a range of objects made from different materials. Let them test each one in water to observe which materials typically float and which sink.
  • Floating Art: Let Scouts create art by arranging floating objects on the surface of the water. They can use leaves, small sticks, and waterproof colored shapes to make patterns and designs.
  • Sink or Swim Races: Set up races where Scouts must choose objects they believe will float and race them across a container of water by blowing air on them. This is a great way to add some competition to the learning process.
  • Layered Liquids: Extend the investigation by allowing Scouts to experiment with liquids of different densities like oil, water, and honey in clear containers to see which liquids float and which sink when placed together.

These activities make the concept of density tangible and engaging, providing Scouts with a deeper understanding of why some things float while others sink.

Color Morphing

The color-morphing investigation allows Bears to delve into the intriguing world of colors and how they change under different conditions. This Super Science activity helps Scouts learn about color mixing and the effects of light on how we perceive color. It’s a visually stimulating experiment that combines science and art, showing Scouts that science can be as colorful and creative as it is educational.

  • Color Changing Milk: Add drops of different food coloring to a plate of milk. Dip a cotton swab in dish soap and touch it to the milk’s surface. Scouts will be amazed as the colors dart across the milk, creating a kaleidoscope effect.
  • Magic Color Glasses: Make glasses using cellophane lenses in primary colors. Scouts can layer the lenses to see how colors mix and change as they look through them.

These activities not only demonstrate how colors change but also encourage creativity and experimentation, making the world of color more accessible and exciting for young Scouts.

Uncovering the Layers of Colors

The color-layering investigation introduces Bear Cub Scouts to the concept of how different colors can layer and interact with each other. This experiment helps Scouts understand the properties of light and color by observing how they can be combined and separated. It’s an engaging way to explore the visual effects that can be created with simple materials and a bit of scientific knowledge.

  • Rainbow in a Jar: Scouts layer different densities of colored liquids (like honey, dish soap, water, and vegetable oil) in a clear jar to see how they separate into distinct layers, creating a rainbow effect.
  • Color Mixing Wheel: Create a spinning wheel with segments of primary colors. When the wheel spins quickly, the colors blend into new colors due to the persistence of vision.
  • Color Layer Art: Use colored cellophane sheets over drawings or photos. Scouts layer different colors to change the appearance of the underlying image.

These Super Science activities allow Scouts to play with color in a way that teaches them about light, perception, and artistic expression, making science both fun and visually captivating.

A Simple Explanation of the Scientific Method: If you don’t have a background in science, helping your Cub Scout out with STEM activities might seem a little intimidating. This article gives the basis of the Scientific Method which is used by scientists.

Frequently Asked Questions for the Bear Super Science Adventure

What is the Bear Super Science Adventure?

It is a set of activities for Bear Cub Scouts that helps them learn about science through hands-on experiments focused on electricity and chemistry.

Who can participate in this adventure?

Any registered Bear Cub Scout can participate in these activities as part of their program.

What will Scouts learn from this adventure?

Scouts will explore basic concepts in science such as static electricity, buoyancy, color mixing, and light. They will also develop skills in observing, predicting, and experimenting.

How long does the Super Science adventure take to complete?

The time can vary depending on the setup and discussion. Most dens can complete it in one or two meetings.

Do we need special materials for the experiments?

Most materials needed for the Bear Super Science Adventure are simple and can be found at home or purchased at a local store. Items like balloons, dish soap, food coloring, and oil are commonly used.

Can these activities be done at home?

Yes, all the experiments can be safely conducted at home under adult supervision. This makes it easy for Scouts to share the fun with their families.

Electrifying Discoveries

The Bear Super Science Adventure is a part of the Cub Scouts program designed for Bear Cub Scouts to explore basic scientific concepts through engaging and hands-on activities. This adventure focuses on experiments related to static electricity, buoyancy, and color mixing, encouraging young Scouts to dive into the worlds of physics and chemistry.

Scouts start by exploring static electricity, where they learn how different materials react when charged. Activities like making a balloon stick to a wall or using a comb to move pieces of paper help them see the invisible forces of electricity at work. Next, they move on to buoyancy experiments in the sink-or-float activity, discovering why some objects stay on the surface while others sink. This simple yet effective experiment teaches Scouts about density and buoyancy in a fun and interactive way.

Color experiments further enrich the Scouts’ experience. They explore how colors change and interact through the color-morphing and color-layering investigations. These activities not only add a splash of color to the learning process but also introduce concepts of light and visual perception.

This Super Science adventure is about sparking curiosity, fostering teamwork, and developing problem-solving skills. It offers a dynamic way for Bear Cub Scouts to connect with science, laying a foundation for future scientific learning and exploration.


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