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Tiger Good Knights Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Ideas

This information is for the Cub Scout program before the June 1, 2024 updates. After June 2024, all Cub Scouts should use the updated program requirements. See here.

In the Tiger Good Knights Adventure, Tiger Cub Scouts embark on a journey filled with valuable lessons and exciting activities. The purpose of this adventure is to teach Scouts important values, promote teamwork, and encourage creativity.

The Good Knights belt loop for Tigers

The Good Knights adventure begins with the Scouts reciting the Scout Law and exploring how one of its 12 points aligns with the behavior of a knight. This helps them understand the concept of chivalry and how it relates to the Scout Law.

Next, the Scouts work together to create a code of conduct for their den, ensuring that everyone understands and follows the rules. They also have the opportunity to update the code of conduct as needed, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility within the group.

During the Good Knights adventure, the Scouts get to showcase their creativity by designing and constructing a den shield and individual personal shields. Using recycled materials, they create unique and meaningful symbols that represent their den and themselves.

One of the highlights of the adventure is the castle building activity. The Scouts collaborate to build a small castle using their imagination and teamwork. This project allows them to express their creativity while learning the importance of working together towards a common goal.

To test their physical abilities and determination, the Scouts participate in a “Tiger knight” obstacle course. This challenging course pushes them to overcome obstacles and showcases their bravery and perseverance.

Finally, the Scouts demonstrate their commitment to serving others by taking part in a local community service project. This activity instills the value of giving back and teaches them the importance of making a positive impact in their community.

Through the Tiger Good Knights Adventure, Tiger Cub Scouts learn valuable life skills, develop a sense of camaraderie, and have a lot of fun along the way. It’s an adventure that combines learning, creativity, and service, creating a memorable experience for all involved.

Tiger Good Knights Adventure Requirements

Complete requirements 1 and 2 plus at least two others.

  1. With your den or with your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, say the Scout Law. Explain to your den one of the 12 points of the Law and why you think a knight would have the same behavior.
  2. If you have not already done so, make a code of conduct with your den that will describe how each person should act when you are all together. If your den has a code of conduct, discuss with your den the updates it might need. Vote on which actions should go in your den code of conduct.
  3. Create a den shield and a personal shield.
  4. Using recycled materials, design and build a small castle to display at the pack meeting.
  5. Think of one physical challenge that could be part of an obstacle course. Then help your den design a Tiger knight obstacle course. Participate in the course.
  6. Show your understanding of knights’ service to others by participating in a service project in your community.

Resources and Answers for the Tiger Good Knights Adventure

The Scout Law 1

The Scout Law

The Scout Law is an integral part of the Tiger Good Knights Adventure. It serves as a guide for Tiger Cub Scouts to understand and embody important values that align with the behavior of a knight. In this section, we will explore the 12 points of the Scout Law at a first-grade level and explain why a knight would exhibit the same behavior.

The Scout Law consists of 12 points: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. Let’s break down each point and understand its significance.

  • Trustworthy: A knight, just like a Tiger Cub Scout, is trustworthy. They always keep their promises and can be relied upon by others. Trustworthiness is an essential quality that helps build strong relationships and fosters a sense of unity within the den.
  • Loyal: Knights are known for their loyalty, and Tiger Cub Scouts should strive to be loyal as well. Being loyal means standing by your friends and supporting them through thick and thin. It also means being faithful to the den and upholding the values of the Scout Law.
  • Helpful: Tigers, like knights, are always ready to lend a helping hand. Being helpful means being willing to assist others without expecting anything in return. It’s about being kind and considerate towards others and making a positive impact in the den and the community.
  • Friendly: Knights were known for their camaraderie. Similarly, Tiger Cub Scouts should be friendly towards their fellow Scouts, leaders, and anyone they encounter. Being friendly creates a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
  • Courteous: Courtesy is an important trait for both knights and Tiger Cub Scouts. It means showing good manners, being polite, and treating others with respect. By practicing courtesy, Tigers can create a positive and harmonious atmosphere within the den.
  • Kind: Knights were known for their acts of kindness and compassion. Tiger Cub Scouts should also strive to be kind to others. Kindness means being caring, understanding, and empathetic towards others. It’s about spreading positivity and making a difference in the lives of those around you.
  • Obedient: Knights followed a code of conduct and were obedient to their leaders. Similarly, Tiger Cub Scouts should be obedient to their den leader and follow the rules and guidelines set for the den. Obedience helps maintain order and ensures that everyone can work together effectively.
  • Cheerful: Knights faced many challenges with a positive attitude and a cheerful spirit. Tiger Cub Scouts should also approach their adventures and tasks with enthusiasm and a smile. Being cheerful not only uplifts the spirits of others but also makes the journey more enjoyable for everyone.
  • Thrifty: Knights were resourceful and made the most of what they had. Tigers can learn from this by being thrifty. Being thrifty means being wise with resources, avoiding waste, and finding creative solutions. It’s about being mindful of our impact on the environment and using our resources responsibly.
  • Brave: Knights were known for their bravery and courage. Tiger Cub Scouts should also be brave and face challenges head-on. Being brave means stepping out of our comfort zones, taking risks, and persevering even when things get tough. It’s about having the courage to do what is right, even in the face of adversity.
  • Clean: Knights took pride in their appearance and cleanliness. Tiger Cub Scouts should also strive to be clean and presentable. Being clean means taking care of oneself, practicing good hygiene, and respecting the spaces we occupy. It’s about showing respect for ourselves and others.
  • Reverent: Knights were often guided by their faith and showed reverence towards a higher power. Tiger Cub Scouts should also develop a sense of reverence. Reverence means showing respect and awe towards something greater than ourselves. It can be expressed through prayer, reflection, or acts of kindness towards others.

Chivalry, which encompasses qualities such as courtesy, generosity, and bravery, aligns with the Scout Law. Just as knights practiced chivalrous conduct by providing friendly service to others, Tiger Cub Scouts can learn to practice chivalry in the 21st century. By embodying the Scout Law, Tigers can become modern-day knights who uphold important values and make a positive impact in their communities.

Code of Conduct

Creating a code of conduct for the Good Knights adventure is an important step in fostering a respectful and inclusive environment for everyone. This code of conduct will serve as a guide for how each person should act when they are all together. It’s an opportunity for Tigers to demonstrate their understanding and embodiment of the Scout Law while promoting positive behavior within the den.

To create a code of conduct that incorporates the principles of the Scout Law, here are some ideas to consider:

  • Show Respect: Tigers should treat each other with respect, using kind words and actions. They should listen attentively when others are speaking and value everyone’s opinions and ideas.
  • Keep the Meeting Area Clean: Tigers should take responsibility for keeping their meeting area clean and tidy. They should pick up after themselves and help maintain a neat and organized space for everyone to enjoy.
  • Be Helpful: Tigers should be willing to lend a helping hand to their fellow Scouts. They can offer assistance when someone is struggling, share materials, and support each other in achieving their goals.
  • Practice Good Sportsmanship: Tigers should exhibit good sportsmanship during games and activities. They should congratulate others on their successes, accept defeat gracefully, and encourage fair play.
  • Be Inclusive: Tigers should make an effort to include everyone in their den activities. They should be welcoming and friendly towards new members and ensure that everyone feels valued and included.
  • Follow Directions: Tigers should listen carefully to their den leader and follow instructions. They should demonstrate obedience by following the rules and guidelines set for the den. Read more about respectful listening.
  • Be Courteous: Tigers should practice good manners and be polite to their fellow Scouts and leaders. They should use words like “please” and “thank you” and show respect for others’ personal space.
  • Show Kindness: Tigers should be kind and compassionate towards others. They can offer words of encouragement, help someone who is feeling down, and perform acts of kindness within their den and community.
  • Be Trustworthy: Tigers should be honest and trustworthy. They should keep their promises, be reliable, and demonstrate integrity in their words and actions.

By incorporating these ideas into their code of conduct, Tigers can create a positive and supportive environment where everyone feels respected and included. This code of conduct will serve as a reminder of the values and behaviors expected of each Tiger Cub Scout and will help guide their interactions within the den.

Creating Shields

To create a den shield and a personal shield for the Tiger Good Knights Adventure, there are several creative tips that Tigers can follow. The purpose of these shields is to visually represent their commitment to upholding the values of the Scout Law and the principles of the Tiger Good Knights Adventure. While the focus is not on the knights of old, Tigers can still incorporate images that they feel relate to the Scout Law.

One creative tip is to encourage Tigers to choose images that represent the different points of the Scout Law. For example, they can draw birds to symbolize being trustworthy and reliable, as birds are known for their faithfulness in returning to their nests. Animals can also be used to represent different aspects of the Scout Law, such as a lion for bravery or a squirrel for thriftiness.

In addition to animals, Tigers can include images of Scouts engaging in various activities that embody the Scout Law. They can draw Scouts helping others, participating in outdoor adventures, or demonstrating good sportsmanship. These images will serve as a reminder of the behaviors and values expected of each Tiger Cub Scout.

Another creative tip is to incorporate images of sporting equipment. Tigers can draw soccer balls, baseball bats, or basketball hoops to represent the importance of teamwork, perseverance, and fair play. These images will reinforce the idea that being a Good Knight is not just about individual actions, but also about working together as a team.

It’s important to note that Tigers should be encouraged to use their imagination and creativity when designing their den shield and personal shield. They can experiment with different shapes, colors, and patterns to make their shields unique and reflective of their own personalities.

To create the den shield, Tigers can work together as a den to combine their individual shields into one cohesive design. This will symbolize their unity and shared commitment to the Scout Law. The den shield can be displayed prominently during den meetings and pack meetings, serving as a visual representation of their den’s values and accomplishments.

The personal shield, on the other hand, is a reflection of each Tiger’s individual journey as a Good Knight. Tigers can proudly display their personal shields at home or at den meetings to remind themselves of the Scout Law and the principles they strive to uphold.

By creating den shields and personal shields that incorporate meaningful images and symbols, Tigers will not only have a visual representation of their commitment to the Scout Law, but they will also have a tangible reminder of the values they are striving to embody as modern-day knights. These shields will serve as a source of inspiration and motivation as Tigers continue their Tiger Good Knights Adventure.

Castle Building

Castle building is an exciting and creative activity that Tigers can engage in as part of the Tiger Good Knights Adventure. This activity not only allows Tigers to showcase their artistic skills but also encourages them to think creatively and use recycled materials to design and build their own small castles.

To fulfill the requirements of the Tiger Good Nights Adventure, Tigers are tasked with designing and building a small castle using recycled materials. This activity not only promotes the value of thriftiness but also teaches Tigers the importance of reusing common household items to create new things.

One creative tip for castle building is to encourage Tigers to think outside the box when it comes to selecting materials. Instead of using traditional art supplies, Tigers can explore their homes for items that can be repurposed for castle construction. For example, empty cardboard boxes can be transformed into castle walls, while paper towel rolls can be used as towers. By using recycled materials, Tigers not only reduce waste but also learn the value of resourcefulness and creativity.

Adult partners can play a crucial role in encouraging Tigers to add additional features to their castles. Bridges, towers, flags, moats, and people can be incorporated into the castle design to make it more visually appealing and realistic. This allows Tigers to exercise their imagination and create a castle that reflects their own unique vision.

When it comes to the shape and structure of the castle, Tigers have the freedom to explore different possibilities. Castles can be tall and narrow, round, or square, depending on the Tigers’ preferences and creativity. This flexibility allows Tigers to experiment with different architectural styles and develop their own unique castle designs.

Once the castles are built, Tigers can proudly display their creations at a pack meeting. This not only provides an opportunity for Tigers to showcase their artistic talents but also allows them to share their creative ideas with their fellow Scouts and families. The display of the castles serves as a visual representation of the Tigers’ hard work and commitment to the Tiger Good Knights Adventure.

Craft stick catapults can add an extra layer of excitement to the Tiger Scouts’ castle-building activity. Using simple supplies like craft sticks, rubber bands, and a spoon, you can create a basic catapult that’s capable of launching marshmallows or small balls. Once built, these catapults can be used to ‘attack’ the recycled-material castles that the Tigers have constructed. It’s not just entertaining but also educational, as the kids get to learn some basics about physics and engineering. Make sure to have safety guidelines in place to ensure a fun and safe experience.

Castle building not only promotes creativity and resourcefulness but also teaches Tigers the importance of teamwork. Adult partners can encourage Tigers to collaborate with their den members or other Scouts to build a larger castle or even a castle village. This collaborative effort fosters a sense of unity and camaraderie among the Tigers, reinforcing the values of teamwork and cooperation.

Obstacle Course

An obstacle course is a thrilling and adventurous activity that Tigers can participate in as part of the Tiger Good Knights Adventure. This activity not only challenges Tigers physically but also helps them develop coordination, balance, and problem-solving skills.

To fulfill the requirements of the Tiger Good Nights Adventure, Tigers can engage in various physical challenges as part of an obstacle course. These challenges are designed to test their agility, speed, and accuracy. One exciting physical challenge for first graders is using a pool noodle to hit a target. Tigers can sharpen their coordination and balance by attempting to hit a balloon while galloping by on a stick horse or broom. This activity not only promotes physical fitness but also encourages Tigers to focus and aim accurately.

In addition to the pool noodle challenge, there are several other ideas that can be incorporated into the obstacle course. Tigers can try crab walking, running, hopping, kicking a ball, throwing a ball through a hoop, or throwing a ball into a bucket. These activities not only enhance Tigers’ motor skills but also promote teamwork and friendly competition.

To make the obstacle course more engaging and challenging, adult partners can add additional elements such as tunnels, hurdles, balance beams, or stepping stones. These obstacles require Tigers to navigate through them using their physical abilities and problem-solving skills. By overcoming these challenges, Tigers develop resilience, perseverance, and confidence in their abilities.

It is important to ensure the safety of Tigers during the obstacle course. Adult partners should supervise the activity and ensure that the course is set up in a safe environment. Tigers should be encouraged to wear appropriate footwear and protective gear if necessary. Additionally, it is important to provide clear instructions and demonstrations for each challenge to ensure Tigers understand how to safely navigate the course.

The obstacle course can be made even more exciting by incorporating a theme or storyline. For example, Tigers can imagine themselves as knights on a quest, navigating through a treacherous forest or crossing a raging river. This not only adds an element of imagination and storytelling but also enhances the overall experience for Tigers.

At the end of the obstacle course, Tigers can be rewarded with certificates or badges to recognize their achievements and efforts. This not only motivates Tigers to complete the course but also instills a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Service Project Ideas for Tigers

As part of the Tiger Good Knights Adventure, Tigers have the opportunity to engage in community service projects that are appropriate for first graders. These projects not only teach Tigers the value of serving others but also instill a sense of empathy and compassion. Here are some ideas for community service projects that Tigers can participate in:

  • Planting flowers or singing for a nursing home: Tigers can bring joy to the elderly residents of a nursing home by planting flowers in the garden or performing songs for them. This not only brightens their day but also allows Tigers to develop social skills and empathy towards the elderly.
  • Collecting food for a food bank: Tigers can organize a food drive in their community and collect non-perishable food items for a local food bank. This project not only helps those in need but also teaches Tigers about the importance of giving back and addressing food insecurity.
  • Making a meal for a soup kitchen: Tigers and their adult partners can work together to prepare and serve a meal at a local soup kitchen. This project not only provides a warm meal to those experiencing homelessness or food insecurity but also teaches Tigers about teamwork and the impact of their actions.
  • Collecting supplies for a shelter: Tigers can collect essential supplies such as toiletries, blankets, or clothing for a local shelter. This project not only helps those in need but also teaches Tigers about the importance of basic necessities and the impact of their contributions.
  • Raking leaves: Tigers can offer their assistance to elderly or disabled neighbors by raking leaves in their yards. This project not only helps to beautify the community but also teaches Tigers about the importance of helping others and being good neighbors.
  • Picking up trash: Tigers can organize a community clean-up event where they pick up trash in a local park or neighborhood. It is important to ensure that everyone wears gloves and remind Tigers not to pick up sharp objects. This project not only promotes environmental stewardship but also teaches Tigers about the importance of keeping their community clean and safe.

See many more service project ideas for Tigers.

These are just a few ideas for community service projects that Tigers can participate in. It is important for the den leader to adhere to the Guide to Safe Scouting and ensure the safety of Tigers during these projects. Additionally, the den leader should provide guidance and supervision to ensure that Tigers understand the purpose and impact of their service.

By engaging in community service projects, Tigers not only fulfill the requirements of the Tiger Good Knights Adventure but also learn valuable life skills such as empathy, compassion, and the importance of giving back. These projects not only benefit the community but also contribute to the personal growth and development of Tigers. So let your Tigers embark on this meaningful journey of serving others and watch them make a positive impact in their community.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Tiger Good Knights Adventure

What is the Tiger Good Knights Adventure?

The Tiger Good Knights Adventure is for first-grade Cub Scouts to learn values and skills. It focuses on teamwork, character, and helping the community.

What is the Scout Law in the Tiger Good Knights Adventure?

The Scout Law has 12 key values like trustworthiness and kindness. The Tiger Good Knights Adventure emphasizes these values.

What’s the Code of Conduct for the Tiger Good Knights Adventure?

The Code of Conduct outlines expected behavior for Tigers during their activities. It focuses on being respectful and responsible. Tigers create this during the Good Knights adventure.

How do I make a shield in the Tiger Good Knights Adventure?

Making a den and personal shield is part of the adventure. These focus on traits the Tigers want to explore and can be related to the Scout Law. This article will guide you in designing and creating these shields.

What’s involved in castle building in the Tiger Good Knights Adventure?

Castle building is a creative task which encourages creativity and teamwork.. For the Good Knights adventure, recycled materials should be used. This article will give you tips for building that castle.

What’s the obstacle course in the Tiger Good Knights Adventure?

The obstacle course is a series of physical challenges which Tigers participate in as part of the Good Knights adventure. It aims to improve agility, balance, and physical fitness.

How can I help others in the Tiger Good Knights Adventure?

Helping others is key in this Good Knights adventure. Service projects may include planting flowers or collecting food for those in need. Many ideas are provided here.

Can I choose my own service project for the Tiger Good Knights Adventure?

Talk to your den leader about project ideas. They will help you choose one that fits the Good Knights adventure’s goals.

How does community service benefit me in the Tiger Good Knights Adventure?

Community service teaches values like empathy and responsibility. Participating in a group service project for the Good Knights adventure also helps develop skills like teamwork and problem-solving.

How long does the Tiger Good Knights Adventure usually take?

The duration varies but expect one to three meetings to complete all activities depending on what you decide to do. You must complete at least four requirements for the Good Knights adventure, but you might choose to do all six.

Do parents participate in the Tiger Good Knights Adventure?

Parents or guardians should take part with the first-grade Tigers. The activities in the Good Knights adventure are a good way for families to engage with the scouting experience.

How does the Tiger Good Knights Adventure fit into the overall Cub Scout program?

The Good Knights Adventure is one of several adventures for Tigers, contributing to their growth and teaching them to live the Scout Law.


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