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What Is a Pack Meeting?

Tammy sent in this question:

What is considered a Pack Meeting? Our pack has monthly pack meetings and also other events for the entire pack, such as family camping, pinewood derby, etc. Do events such as these take the place of the pack meeting for the month or should they be in addition to the pack meeting? We have mixed feelings in our committee and some feel we should cancel the pack meeting or a den meeting when there is a weekend pack event while others think we keep the schedule as is and people don’t have to attend everything. I am looking for input from other packs on what they do. Thanks!

Every pack has their own way of doing things. It is important for the pack to get together on a regular basis.

But how you do that is up to the committee.  Many pack meetings aren’t really “meetings” anyway. They are bike rodeos or a family picnic or a series of games. So these activities could be the main pack meeting for the month or they could be additional activities.

It often comes down to leadership. If you expect the Cubmaster to run everything, then you might not be able to expect more than one meeting or activity per month. It depends how busy he or she is. In many packs, the Cubmaster is wearing multiple hats. If you have other adults willing to chair and lead the additional events, then it is possible to have a meeting plus an activity or two.

Readers, what do you think? Add your ideas to the comments below.


4 responses to “What Is a Pack Meeting?”

  1. Beth Avatar

    Our pack plans a family event every month and a pack meeting each month during the school year. We have 75-90 boys most years, but only about 2/3 are attending at any given activity (except Blue and Gold and Pinewood Derby–almost everyone goes to them).

    For family events, we encourage siblings to attend and each child is under their parents’ supervision while there. Family events include campouts, service projects, bike rodeo, swim party at the community pool, attending a hockey or baseball game. Family events are generally coordinated by a parent or member of the committee.

    Pack meetings generally take place at our CO building, are more focused on the boys and their ages, and sit in the room as dens. Pack meetings are run by the Cubmaster, although program activities are often done by committee members. We do awards at almost every pack meeting, except Christmas (when we go caroling) and Pinewood Derby

  2. Ellen K Avatar
    Ellen K

    My husband was CM, and I was CC (seperatly) over an 8 year stint in CS. We didn’t expect dens to have a weekly meeting during the Pack Mtg week. A pinewood derby or blue & gold was the “monthly pack meeting” even if it wasn’t’ the regularly scheduled week. Summer didn’t included PM’s but a family camp was an occasion to give awards before campfire, or in Sept. and new Scout event could showcase or Summer activities for new families, but don’t drag it out, so that they are overwhelmed, and new boys feel left out. The Nat’l Summertime award, asks for one vent per month for a “pack activity” so tickets to a local AAA baseball would be a Pack Event,in August, but no one expected awards to happen. Committee and CM should work together to not offer double events per month. Most families have other commitments, and it can be overwhelming..

  3. Blair Counts Avatar
    Blair Counts

    During the school year, our Pack has regular pack meetings every month where boys are given awards, new boys recieve their Bobcat award, we make announcements for Pack activites, and each den perfoms a skit. During the summer, we offer 2 Pack activities per month so that those that are unable to make one activity can attend another and still meet the requirements for their Outdoor activity award and the Summertime Pack award.

  4. Brian Avatar

    I agree, every Pack is different and you have to do what’s best for you. I like to ensure that some things are consistent… all of our meetings are at the same place, same day and same time – Pack Committee meeting is the first Tuesday of the month, Pack meeting is the second Tuesday and Den meetings are the third and fourth Tuesdays. If there is a fifth week, we’ve traditionally left that up to the Den leader and depending on the time of year they may use that week to get caught up on various achievements or use it to get ahead.

    We also try to have at least one activity a month, whether that’s a sporting event, Scouting For Food, Pinewood Derby, etc. I agree, sometimes we “cheat” and have the Blue & Gold in place of the Pack meeting. However, basically it’s run the same as a Pack meeting… brief announcements, awards and then food! This is partly to ensure higher attendance because families are busy w/ school and extra curricular activities.

    Using the Journey to Excellence score sheet is also helpful as a reference point if you’re trying to meet a certain goal.

    You may have to feel out the scouts and parents in the Pack. If attendance is low, find out why? Is it the activity? Was there lack of communication? Was there too much going on that month?

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