‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas
Spoof on ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas is a fun holiday poem for Scouts. It is a spoof of the famous ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. The poem brings a Scouting twist to a classic Christmas tale. It was written by a Cub Scouter with a Scouting theme in mind.
This poem captures the experience of a winter campout with a Pack. It includes familiar Scouting activities, like hiking, setting up tents, and cooking s’mores. St. Nick visits the Scouts, showing up in a sleigh wearing Scout gear instead of the usual Santa outfit.
‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas includes familiar parts of Scouting, such as ranks and leaders. It highlights the fun and challenges of camping, even when it is cold outside. You can adjust the specifics to fit your own pack.
The story is a creative way to celebrate Scouting traditions while adding a Christmas theme. It combines the joys of camping with the excitement of the holiday season. Families and Scouts will enjoy the humor and the Scouting references throughout the poem.
About ‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas
Kim Gilbert of Pack 533 in Andover, Kansas, created ‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas to share a fun holiday tradition with her Cub Scouts. For years, her Pack has used this poem during their Christmas celebrations. It has become a part of their Pack’s holiday gatherings, bringing smiles to both Scouts and leaders.
Kim shared that a Den Chief often reads the poem while the Cubmaster prepares to hand out Pinewood Derby cars or other surprises. This tradition helps bring holiday cheer to the Pack while keeping the Scouts excited and engaged. The poem adds a Scouting touch to a well-known Christmas story.
Other Packs can easily adopt this tradition to add some holiday fun to their meetings. Whether read by a Den Chief or another leader, the poem is a great way to mix the spirit of Christmas with the excitement of a Scouting event. Thanks to Kim for sharing this creative idea!
‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas
A Scout Spoof on ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
By Kimberly Gilbert
With Apologies to Clement C. Moore
‘Twas the campout before Christmas, and all through the Pack
All the parents were sleeping, each one in their sack.
The wet socks were hung up on a half-hitch taut line,
In hopes they’d be sorta dry by den hike time.
The Cubs were all snuggled in cold weather mummies,
With too many s’mores stuffed down in their tummies.
And Ma on the air mattress and I on my cot
Had just settled down – without pillows; we forgot.
When outside my tent there arose such a noise,
I sprang from my cot thinking, “Oh, those boys!”
So I grabbed my flashlight with the non-slip grip,
And fumbled with my front door so hard to unzip.
The moon shone through the treetops so clear and so bright,
I could see like the day time even though it was night.
And what to my red, weary eyes should appear,
But a blue and gold sleigh and a pack of reindeer.
A little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
Much faster than Eagles his den of deer came.
He held up two fingers and called them by name.
“Now, Tiger! Wolf, Bear! Now Weeb and Low!
On Bobcat! On Den-Chief! On Den-Leader! Go!
To the top of the tent, to the dining fly yon,
Now hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. Go on!”
As lightning bugs flit and light like a fairy
On a soft summer breeze that moves through the prairie,
So up to the fire ring the reindeer did glide
With a sleigh full of toys and St. Nicholas inside.
And then in a twinkling, I heard them all munch
On all of those carrots left over from lunch.
As I turned on my flashlight and tried to turn round,
I tripped on my tent line and fell to the ground.
And there stood St. Nick – he was dressed all in khaki!
With his red wool patch jacket that looked kinda wacky.
A bundle of goodies he had flung on his back.
He looked like a den chief just opening his pack.
His eyes – how they twinkled! His dimples – how merry!
His cheeks were like hot coals, his nose like a berry.
His lips they were holding a “Hot Hands” aglow,
Which lit up his beard which was white as the snow.
His kerchief was wreath green and rolled nice and tight.
For any good Scout he was surely a sight!
He had a broad face and a round little tummy
That shook when he laughed like a big red squid gummy!
He was chubby and plump – a right jolly, old Scout,
And I laughed and I smiled for I hadn’t a doubt.
A wink of his eye and a two-fingered sign
Soon let me know I would be just fine.
He said not a word but went straight to his work
He filled all the wet socks and then turned with a smirk,
And laying two fingers aside of his brow,
He gave a big belch after sampling our chow!
He sprang to his sleigh, to his pack gave a shout
(Confirming to me he was really a Scout).
But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
“Merry Christmas to all and to all, a good night!”
Related Resources for ‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas

Campfire Stories and Meeting Stories
If you enjoyed ‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas, you can find more stories to share with your Scouts at campouts and meetings. Visit our collection of stories for Scouts, which includes fun tales for gatherings around the campfire or during meetings. These stories can entertain, inspire, and teach important lessons in a way Scouts will enjoy. Check out the full list here: Campfire Stories and Meeting Stories.

Twelve Days of Camping Song
Check out another fun Scouting-themed holiday resource, The Twelve Days of Camping Song, along with ‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas. Both are great for adding some Scouting spirit to your holiday celebrations. Find the song and more ideas here: The Twelve Days of Camping.

How the Flag Remembers Christmas
For a meaningful story with a holiday message, check out The Flag Remembers Christmas. It pairs well with fun pieces like ‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas to bring both joy and reflection to your Scout gatherings. Find the story here: The Flag Remembers Christmas.

Make Some Homemade Gifts: Have your Scouts make some gifts to give away with these easy ideas.
Ideas for a Scout Gift Exchange: Here are some thoughts for fun ways to participate in that gift exchange.
Frequently Asked Questions for ‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas
Who wrote ‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas?
‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas was written by Kim Gilbert from Pack 533 in Andover, Kansas. She created it as a fun Scouting twist on the classic holiday poem.
How is the ‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas used in Scouting?
Many Packs use this poem during holiday events. It is often read by a Den Chief while the Cubmaster hands out gifts or special treats. It’s a fun way to mix Scouting and Christmas themes.
Can we use ‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas in our Pack?
Yes, you can use ‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas in your Pack. It’s a great way to bring holiday cheer to your meetings or campouts.
Where can I find more Scouting stories?
You can find more stories for Scouts, like campfire tales and meeting stories, at Scouter Mom’s story page.
Scout’s Night Before Christmas
‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas is a fun Scouting version of the well-known holiday poem ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Written by Kim Gilbert of Pack 533 in Kansas, it follows the familiar structure of the original but with a Scouting twist. The story takes place on a cold winter campout with a Cub Scout Pack. Instead of stockings, wet socks hang by the tent to dry, and the Scouts are bundled in sleeping bags after a long day of hiking and s’mores.
In the poem, the narrator wakes up to find St. Nick arriving, but this Santa is dressed for Scouting. He wears khaki, carries a pack of gifts, and even knows the Scout sign. His reindeer have names like Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos, representing the different Cub Scout ranks. The story blends the excitement of Scouting with the magic of Christmas.
‘Twas the Campout Before Christmas has become a fun tradition in Cub Scouting holiday events. Many Packs have used it as part of their own celebrations, especially when handing out gifts like Pinewood Derby cars. It’s a creative way to bring together Scouting and Christmas spirit.
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