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Summertime Fun Adventure for 2024

The Summertime Fun adventure is a special activity designed for Cub Scouts. It helps keep young Scouts engaged during the summer months when school is out. This adventure is open to Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Scouts. The main goal is to participate in fun and games, and stay active in Scouting throughout the summer.

To earn the Summertime Fun award, Scouts need to take part in three Cub Scout activities between May and August. These activities can be at different levels, including den meetings, pack events, or larger gatherings like district or council events. It’s a flexible requirement that allows Scouts to participate in a variety of activities.

For younger Scouts such as Tigers, Wolves, and Bears, completing the requirement earns them a belt loop. Older Scouts in the Webelos and Arrow of Light ranks receive a pin. This system of rewards helps motivate Scouts to stay involved and continue their Scouting journey even during the summer break.

Overall, the Summertime Fun adventure is about more than just earning an award; it’s about making lifelong memories and keeping the spirit of Scouting alive all year long. Whether they’re enjoying a day camp or a special pack activity, Scouts will have plenty of opportunities to learn, grow, and have fun.

Summertime Fun Adventure Requirements

Summertime Fun Adventure Requirements

  1. Anytime during May through August participate in a total of 3 Cub Scout activities. 


Ideas for Pack Activities for the Summertime Fun Adventure

Summer offers a great opportunity for Cub Scout packs to plan activities that cater to all age groups, from Tigers to Arrow of Light Scouts. Here are some suggested activities that packs can organize to help Scouts earn their Summertime Fun award while fostering teamwork and camaraderie among different age groups:

  • Picnic and Games Day: Host a pack picnic at a local park. Include games like sack races, tug-of-war, and frisbee. These activities are fun, encourage physical fitness, and are suitable for all age groups.
  • Hiking Adventure: Organize a hike on a local trail. Choose a trail that is manageable for the younger Scouts while still interesting for the older ones. During the hike, leaders can discuss local flora and fauna, promoting environmental awareness and education.
  • Community Service Project: Engage the whole pack in a community service project, such as a park cleanup or assisting at a community garden. This teaches Scouts about responsibility and the importance of giving back to their community.
  • Outdoor Movie Night: Set up an outdoor movie screening at a pack leader’s backyard or a local park. Choose a family-friendly movie that all ages can enjoy.
  • Fishing Derby: Plan a fishing day at a nearby lake or river. Fishing is a relaxing activity that Scouts of all ages can enjoy together. It also provides a great setting for older Scouts to mentor younger ones.

By organizing these activities, Cub Scout packs can ensure that all Scouts, regardless of age, have the opportunity to participate, learn new skills, and complete the Summertime Fun Adventure.

Ideas for Den Activities for the Summertime Fun Adventure

For den leaders who are planning summer activities for dens consisting of Scouts of the same age group, it’s important to tailor activities that fit their developmental stage and interests. Here are some age-appropriate activities that den leaders can consider to help them complete the Summertime Fun Adventure:

For Tiger Cubs (1st Grade)

  • Nature Walks: Organize a short nature walk in a local park. Use this opportunity to teach Tigers about different plants, insects, and birds they might see.
  • Craft Day: Have a craft day where Tigers can make simple projects like birdhouses or custom neckerchief slides. This can be done outdoors for added fun.
  • Scavenger Hunt: Set up a scavenger hunt with simple clues to find natural objects around a park or meeting place.

For Wolf Cubs (2nd Grade)

  • Bike Rodeo: Organize a bike safety day where Wolves can learn about bike maintenance and safety, followed by a fun ride in a safe area.
  • Outdoor Skills: Teach basic outdoor skills such as setting up a tent or simple map reading. This could be the foundation for more complex skills as they grow.
  • Sports Day: Plan a sports day featuring activities like soccer or kickball, focusing on teamwork and sportsmanship.

For Bear Cubs (3rd Grade)

  • Cookout: Teach Bears how to cook simple recipes outdoors. This could include safety around a camp stove or open fire.
  • Conservation Projects: Get involved in local conservation efforts such as planting trees or a beach clean-up.
  • First Aid Basics: Introduce basic first aid skills tailored to their age, teaching them how to treat simple cuts and bruises.

For Webelos (4th Grade)

  • Hiking and Nature Exploration: Plan a moderate hike that includes learning about local flora and fauna. Incorporate an element of nature journaling where Scouts can sketch or write about their findings.
  • Engineering Challenges: Engage them with engineering projects such as building a small catapult or a simple bridge using sticks and twine. These projects promote problem-solving and teamwork.
  • Art in the Park: Organize an art session in a nearby park. Webelos can draw or paint natural landscapes or objects they find interesting, fostering their creative skills.

For Arrow of Light Scouts (5th Grade)

  • Advanced Hiking and Geocaching: Organize a more challenging hike that includes geocaching. This activity combines physical exertion, navigation skills, and the excitement of treasure hunting.
  • Community Service Projects: Facilitate involvement in a community service project that requires more responsibility, such as organizing a food drive or assisting in setting up a community event. This helps develop leadership skills and community awareness.
  • First Aid Skills: Teach more advanced first aid techniques, like handling sprains or recognizing signs of heat exhaustion. These are crucial skills as Scouts participate in more rigorous activities.

Each activity is designed to cater to the interests and abilities of the specific age group, ensuring that the Scouts are engaged, learning new skills, and having fun in a safe environment. These activities not only help fulfill advancement requirements but also strengthen the bonds among den members.

Before any activity, check the SAFE Checklist to make sure everyone is safe. Everyone involved in Scouting America activities should know the Guide to Safe Scouting and other relevant guides or books. Also follow any state or local rules that are more strict than Scouting America rules and guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions for the Summertime Fun Adventure

Who can participate in the Summertime Fun Adventure?

The Summertime Fun Adventure is available to Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Scouts. Lions, who typically join in the fall, are not eligible to participate in this adventure.

What do Scouts earn upon completing the Summertime Fun Adventure?

Tigers, Wolves, and Bears earn a belt loop, while Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts earn a pin upon completion of the adventure.

What are the requirements to complete the Summertime Fun Adventure?

The only requirement is to participate in a total of three Cub Scout activities during the months of May through August. These activities can range from den and pack activities to district and council events.

Can family members participate in these activities?

Yes, Cub Scouting is a family program. Family participation is encouraged to enhance the experience and support the Cub Scouts.

What types of activities count towards completing the adventure?

Any Cub Scout-related activity counts, including den activities, pack outings, district or council events, day camps, and resident camps.

How does this adventure help with Cub Scout retention?

By keeping Scouts engaged with fun and educational activities during the summer months, the Summertime Fun Adventure helps maintain their interest in Scouting and ensures continuous involvement throughout the year.

Keep the Adventure Going All Summer Long!

The Summertime Fun Adventure is a great way for Cub Scouts to stay active with their friends over the summer. By joining in three activities between May and August, Scouts from Tiger to Arrow of Light can earn special awards. This adventure keeps them involved in Scouting, helps them learn new things, and lets them have a lot of fun.

Activities like camp, service projects, or games help keep the spirit of Scouting strong all summer long. This adventure is a wonderful chance for Scouts to grow and stick together, ensuring that the excitement of Scouting continues until the next Scout year.

Let’s make this summer a memorable one filled with fun and friendship!


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