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Lion Let’s Camp Adventure

The Lion Let’s Camp Adventure is a great way for Lion Scouts to start exploring the outdoors. This adventure helps young Scouts learn important outdoor skills and safety. It also encourages teamwork through activities like the buddy system. By participating, Lions gain confidence and a better understanding of nature.

During the Lion Let’s Camp adventure, Lions prepare for an overnight campout. They talk about the weather and learn to choose the right clothes for camping. This planning teaches them to think ahead and be ready for different situations. It’s a fun way for them to learn responsibility.

Packing is also part of the adventure. Lions bring their Cub Scout Six Essentials, which are items every Scout should carry when outdoors. This helps them understand what is important to bring along when they go camping.

Finally, the actual camping experience is exciting for the Lions. They either camp with their pack or join a larger Cub Scout event. This gives them a chance to practice what they’ve learned and enjoy time with their families and friends in the outdoors. The experience helps build a love for nature and camping from a young age.

Requirements for the Lion Let’s Camp Adventure

Lion Let’s Camp Adventure Requirements

  1. Learn about the buddy system and how it works in the outdoors.  
  2. Before going on the overnight campout, discuss what type of weather is expected and what type of clothes you should wear.
  3. Pack up your Cub Scout Six Essentials for the campout.
  4. Attend a Council or District Cub Scout overnight camp or attend a campout with your Pack. 


Buddy System

Learn about the buddy system and how it works in the outdoors.  

The buddy system is a safety rule where two people, called buddies, keep an eye on each other. This is especially important outdoors where it’s easy to get lost or hurt. By staying together, buddies can help each other stay safe.

Here are some creative ideas to teach Lions about the buddy system for the Lion Let’s Camp adventure:

  • Buddy Up Game: Pair up Lions and have them tie a piece of string around their wrists. They must try to complete simple tasks together without breaking the string. This teaches them to stay close and work together.
  • Role-Playing: Set up a scenario where one buddy needs help, like finding a lost item or needing a bandage. The other buddy helps solve the problem. This shows how buddies can support each other.
  • Buddy Checks: During meetings, randomly ask buddies to find each other as quickly as possible. This helps them keep track of where their buddy is.

Here are some options for Lion Let’s Camp requirement 1:

  • Buddy or No Buddy?
    • Using the Lion handbook, Cub Scouts learn the buddy system.
    • Supplies: Lion handbook, crayons
    • Indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
  • Buddy Tic Tac Toe
    • Ask the Cub Scouts to “buddy up,” with a fellow scout of their choosing.  Play tic-tac-toe. 
    • Supplies: blank paper, crayons
    • Indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep

These activities for the Lion Let’s Camp adventure make learning about the buddy system fun and interactive for the Lions.

Be Prepared for the Weather

Before going on the overnight campout, discuss what type of weather is expected and what type of clothes you should wear.

Talking about the weather before a campout helps Lions prepare for the outdoors. It’s important to know if it will be hot, cold, rainy, or sunny. This way, they can bring the right clothes and stay comfortable.

Here are some ways to teach Lions about weather and clothing for the Lion Let’s Camp adventure:

  • Weather Chart: Create a chart with pictures of different weather conditions like sun, rain, and snow. Ask Lions to match clothes to each type of weather, such as a raincoat for rain or a hat for sunny days.
  • Dress Up Relay: Set up a relay race where Lions run to a box of clothes and put on items that match the weather you call out. This helps them learn quickly what to wear for different conditions.
  • Packing Demonstration: Have a session where leaders demonstrate how to pack a backpack for different weather conditions. Show what items are essential for hot days (like a sun hat and sunscreen) and for cold days (like gloves and a warm hat). Then, let Lions practice packing their own backpacks.

Here are some options for Lion Let’s Camp requirement 2:

  • Adult Partner Dress Up
    • Adult partners wear different clothes for different seasons and Cub Scouts identify the season. 
    • Supplies: adult partners will have to bring clothes for an assigned season
    • Indoor, low energy, a week or more prep
  • What Should Cat Wear?
    • Identify proper clothing for the weather with a cut out activity
    • Supplies: Lion handbook, scissors, crayons, smartphone with weather app
    • Indoor, low energy, minimal prep
  • What to Wear Relay
    • Cub Scouts pick out clothes that are appropriate for different types of weather. 
    • Supplies: Lion handbook, crayons, scissors, book bag or day bag, assorted clothes for each season
    • Indoor, high energy, 1 to 3 days prep

These activities make learning about weather and clothing fun and practical. They help Lions think ahead and be ready for any weather during their campout.

The Cub Scout Six Essentials

Pack up your Cub Scout Six Essentials for the campout.

The Cub Scout Six Essentials are items every Scout should bring on outings to be prepared and safe. Here’s the list of the six essentials for the Lion Let’s Camp adventure:

  1. First aid kit – A small kit with items like band-aids, ointment, and a clean cloth.
  2. Filled water bottle – To stay hydrated during activities.
  3. Flashlight – For seeing in the dark.
  4. Trail food – Like nuts or granola bars, for energy.
  5. Sun protection – Sunscreen and a hat to protect from the sun.
  6. Whistle – To signal for help if needed.

Here are some fun ways to help Lions learn about packing these essentials:

  • Scavenger Hunt: Set up a game where Lions have to find and collect all six essentials from around the meeting place. This makes learning about what to pack fun and interactive.
  • Pack It Right: Show Lions a properly packed and an improperly packed backpack. Let them figure out what’s wrong with the bad example (like missing items or too much unnecessary stuff). Then, they can try to pack it correctly themselves.
  • Essential Relay: Create a relay race where Lions run to a station, grab one of the six essentials, and bring it back to their team. This teaches them to identify each item quickly.

Here is an option for Lion Let’s Camp requirement 3:

  • Packing for the Campout
    • This is an at-home activity. Adult partners will help their Cub Scouts pack their Cub Scout Six Essentials. 
    • Supplies: filled water bottle, small first aid kit, whistle, flashlight, sun protection, trail food, day bag
    • Indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep

These activities help Lions understand why each of the six essentials is important and how to pack them for their campouts.

Go Camping

Attend a Council or District Cub Scout overnight camp or attend a campout with your Pack. 

Attending an overnight camp is a big adventure for Lion Scouts. It’s a chance for them to use what they’ve learned about camping and enjoy time outdoors. They can go to a big Cub Scout event with lots of other Scouts or camp just with their own pack.

See here for a suggested packing list.

According to BSA guidelines for Cub Scout camping, Lions must be accompanied by an adult partner when camping. This is usually a parent.

Here are some ideas to make this camping experience for the Lion Let’s Camp adventure great:

  • Campfire Stories: Organize a time around the campfire for sharing stories or fun facts about nature. This makes the evening special and teaches Lions about storytelling.
  • Nature Walk: Lead a short walk around the campsite. Point out different plants, animals, or stars. This helps Lions connect with nature and learn about the environment.
  • Camping Skills Challenge: Set up simple stations where Lions can practice setting up a tent, tying knots, or using a compass. This reinforces their skills in a fun way.

Here are some options for Lion Let’s Camp requirement 4:

By attending an overnight camp, Lions get to practice being responsible and independent while having fun with their friends and families in a safe outdoor setting.

Before any activity, check the SAFE Checklist to make sure everyone is safe. Everyone involved in Scouting America activities should know the Guide to Safe Scouting and other relevant guides or books. Also follow any state or local rules that are more strict than Scouting America rules and guidelines.

Review Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities before camping.

When camping:

See more information

Frequently Asked Questions for the Lion Let’s Camp Adventure

How can I help my Lion prepare for the campout?

Talk about the buddy system, help them pack their backpack, and discuss what clothes to wear depending on the weather forecast.

What should my Lion bring to the campout?

Your Lion should pack the Cub Scout Six Essentials: a first aid kit, filled water bottle, flashlight, trail food, sun protection, and a whistle. Also bring clothes for any weather, and your personal items. Your leader will give you a full list. See here for a suggested packing list.

What if my Lion has never camped before?

It’s okay! The Lion Let’s Camp Adventure is designed for beginners. The den leaders and other helpers will make sure your Lion feels safe and has fun.

Do parents attend the campout too?

Yes, according to BSA regulations, Lions must be accompanied by their adult partner. This is usually a parent.

What activities will Lions do at the campout?

Lions will participate in activities like games that teach them about camping and nature, a nature walk, and possibly learning some basic outdoor skills.

What happens if it rains during the campout?

The leaders will have a plan for rain. It might include moving activities under shelter or using rain gear to continue the fun safely.

Camp Like a Lion!

The Lion Let’s Camp Adventure is an exciting introduction to camping for Lion Scouts. It helps them start learning the basics of outdoor safety, teamwork, and camping skills. This adventure is not just about sleeping in tents; it’s about building confidence and a love for the outdoors.

Lions start by learning the buddy system. This teaches them to look out for one another and stay safe while outside. They practice this by pairing up and keeping track of each other during all camping activities.

Next, Lions prepare for the campout by discussing the expected weather and what clothes to bring. This helps them understand how to dress right for different outdoor conditions. They also pack their Cub Scout Six Essentials, which includes items like a water bottle, flashlight, and first aid kit. These essentials ensure they are prepared for most situations they might encounter.

The Lion Let’s Camp adventure culminates in attending an actual overnight camp. Lions can choose to go on a campout with their pack or join a larger Cub Scout event. Here, they apply what they’ve learned and enjoy various fun and educational activities. They participate in nature walks, campfire stories, and skill-building games.

Through the Lion Let’s Camp Adventure, young Scouts gain valuable outdoor experiences that spark their curiosity and enthusiasm for more adventures. It’s a wonderful way for them to connect with nature and start their journey in Scouting with excitement and knowledge.


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