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Tiger Let’s Camp Adventure for 2024

The Tiger Let’s Camp adventure is an exciting part of the Tiger Cub Scouts program. It introduces young Scouts and their families to the joys of camping and the outdoors. By participating in this adventure, Tiger Cub Scouts begin to understand and appreciate the natural world. They learn important outdoor skills and safety practices that will serve them throughout their lives.

One key aspect of this adventure is learning about safety through the buddy system. This system teaches Scouts to look out for each other, enhancing their sense of responsibility and teamwork. These early lessons in cooperation are fundamental for young Scouts as they navigate both outdoor activities and daily life.

Camping also encourages Scouts to be prepared. They learn to pack essential items for outdoor activities, which fosters independence and planning skills. By deciding what to bring, they practice making choices that affect their comfort and safety during the campout.

Overall, the Tiger Let’s Camp adventure builds confidence and a sense of accomplishment. As Tigers set up tents, learn new skills, and explore the outdoors, they gain confidence. These experiences help them feel more connected to nature and eager to participate in future scouting adventures.

Requirements for the Tiger Let’s Camp Adventure

Let’s Camp Adventure Requirements

  1. Learn about the buddy system and how it works in the outdoors.  
  2. Before going on the overnight campout, discuss what type of weather is expected and what type of clothes you should wear. 
  3. Pack up your Cub Scout Six Essentials for the campout.
  4. Learn a camping skill.
  5. Attend a Council or District Cub Scout overnight camp or attend a campout with your Pack.

Resources for the Tiger Let’s Camp Adventure

Buddy System

Learn about the buddy system and how it works in the outdoors.  

The buddy system is a safety rule where each Scout has a partner. These buddies keep an eye on each other during activities. This makes sure everyone is safe and helps if someone needs assistance. It’s very important for outdoor activities like camping.

Here are some creative ideas to teach the buddy system for the Tiger Let’s Camp adventure:

  1. Buddy Up Game: Pair up Scouts and have them tie a leg together with a soft scarf or rope. They can then walk around a course. This shows them how to work together and stay close.
  2. Buddy Checks: Before an activity, have each buddy pair check that the other has all the needed gear. This teaches them to be responsible for each other.
  3. Role-Playing: Create scenarios where one buddy needs help, like finding a lost item or needing a bandage. Have the buddies solve the problem together. This can be a fun way for them to see how the buddy system works in real situations.

Here are some options for fulfilling Tiger Let’s Camp Adventure requirement 1:

These activities can make learning about the buddy system fun and memorable for Tiger Cub Scouts.

Be Prepared for the Weather

Before going on the overnight campout, discuss what type of weather is expected and what type of clothes you should wear. 

Before camping, it’s important for Tiger Cub Scouts to talk about the weather and what clothes to wear. This helps them stay comfortable and safe outdoors.

Here are some fun ways to discuss weather and clothing for the Tiger Let’s Camp adventure:

  • Weather Chart Creation: Have the Scouts draw pictures of different types of weather, like sunny, rainy, or cold. Then, they can match pictures of clothing that are good for each type of weather.
  • Dress-Up Relay: Set up a relay race where Scouts have to put on different clothes for specific weather conditions. For example, they could wear a hat and sunglasses for sunny weather or a raincoat for rainy weather.
  • Packing List Game: Create a game where Scouts choose from a pile of clothes and gear. They need to pick the right items for the expected weather during the campout. This can be a fun way to learn what to bring.

Here are some options for fulfilling Tiger Let’s Camp Adventure requirement 2:

  • What is the Weather Like There?
    • Cub Scouts look at a weather report for the campout. 
    • Supplies: Tiger handbook page 42, crayons, smart device with weather app
    • indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
  • What to Wear? What to Wear? When Camping
    • Cub Scouts pick out clothes that are appropriate for different types of weather. 
    • Supplies: Tiger handbook page 42, crayons, small bookbag, 2 sets of assorted outdoor clothes (shirt, shorts, poncho, hat, pants, wool socks, long sleeve shirt, coat, cap, jacket)
    • indoor, very high energy, 1 to 3 days prep

These activities make learning about weather and clothing interactive and fun for Tiger Cub Scouts.

The Cub Scout Six Essentials

Pack up your Cub Scout Six Essentials for the campout.

Packing the right items is key for a successful campout. The Cub Scout Six Essentials are a list of items every Scout should bring to be prepared for outdoor activities. Here’s the list of the Six Essentials:

  1. First Aid Kit: Small kit with things like bandages and ointments.
  2. Water Bottle: To stay hydrated.
  3. Flashlight: For light in the dark.
  4. Trail Food: Snacks to keep energy up.
  5. Sun Protection: Sunscreen and a hat to protect from the sun.
  6. Whistle: To signal for help if needed.

Here are some hands on ideas to help Scouts pack these essentials for the Tiger Let’s Camp adventure:

  • Essentials Scavenger Hunt: Set up a game where Scouts need to find and gather all six essentials from a mixed pile of items.
  • Packing Demonstration: Show Scouts how to pack a day pack with these items. Discuss why each item is important.
  • Personalize Gear: Allow Scouts to personalize their water bottles or first aid kits. This makes the items special and easy to identify.

Here are some options for fulfilling Tiger Let’s Camp Adventure requirement 3:

  • Six Essentials Scavenger Hunt
    • Cub Scouts go on a scavenger hunt to collect Cub Scout Six Essentials. 
    • Supplies: Tiger handbook page 43, crayons, water bottle, first aid kit, whistle, flashlight, sunscreen, trail mix, other camping items
    • indoor, high energy, 1 to 3 days prep
  • Six Essentials Shopping Spree
    • Provide Cub Scouts their own Cub Scout Six Essentials. 
    • Supplies: Tiger handbook page 43, crayons, water bottle, first aid kit, whistle, flashlight, sunscreen, trail mix
    • indoor, moderate energy, 1 to 3 days prep

These activities help Tiger Cub Scouts understand and remember to pack their Six Essentials for every outdoor adventure.

Camping Skills

Learn a camping skill.

Learning a camping skill is a fun part of the Tiger Let’s Camp adventure. It helps Tigers become more capable and confident outdoors. Here are some camping skills Tiger Cub Scouts might learn and fun ways to teach them:

  • Setting Up a Tent: Show the Scouts how to set up a small tent. After a demonstration, let them try it in small groups. They can race to see who sets up their tent the fastest.
  • Making a Simple Snack: Teach them how to make a simple, safe campfire snack like a fruit skewer or a grilled cheese sandwich. This can be done using a portable camp stove or a small fire with adult supervision.
  • Using a Map and Compass: Start with basic map symbols and directions. Set up a treasure hunt using a simple map where they use a compass to find hidden items around the area.
  • Nature Walk and Identification: Go on a nature walk and teach them to identify common plants, trees, and animals. Use a guidebook or app to help find and name different species.

Here are some options for fulfilling Tiger Let’s Camp Adventure requirement 4:

These skills not only add to the Scouts’ enjoyment and engagement but also equip them with practical knowledge for future camping trips.

Go Camping

Attend a Council or District Cub Scout overnight camp or attend a campout with your Pack.

Attending an overnight camp is an exciting part of the Tiger Let’s Camp adventure. This gives Tiger Cub Scouts a chance to experience camping with their friends and use the skills they’ve learned.

See here for a suggested packing list.

According to BSA guidelines for Cub Scout camping, Tigers must be accompanied by an adult partner when camping. This is usually a parent.

Here are some ideas to make the most out of this camping experience for the Tiger Let’s Camp adventure:

  • Campfire Stories: Organize a time around the campfire for sharing stories. Scouts can take turns telling fun or spooky tales, which builds camaraderie and speaking skills.
  • Star Gazing: Teach Scouts about different stars and constellations at night. You can use a simple star map or app to help find and name the stars.
  • Camp Games: Plan games that are easy to play outdoors like tag or hide and seek. This is not only fun but also helps Scouts burn energy and sleep better.
  • Nature Crafts: Collect natural items like leaves and small stones to make crafts. This can be a calm activity to wind down after a day full of adventures.

Here are some options for fulfilling Tiger Let’s Camp Adventure requirement 5:

These activities can make the overnight camp memorable and enjoyable, while also deepening the Scouts’ appreciation for nature and teamwork.

Before any activity, check the SAFE Checklist to make sure everyone is safe. Everyone involved in Scouting America activities should know the Guide to Safe Scouting and other relevant guides or books. Also follow any state or local rules that are more strict than Scouting America rules and guidelines.

Review the Age Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities before camping.

When camping:

  • At least one adult must have BALOO training for a pack overnight. BALOO training includes an online part and an overnight hands-on session. You will learn Cub Scout camping rules and how to run a successful camp.
  • Complete the online “Hazardous Weather” training module on my.scouting. If you have already finished the den leader, Cubmaster, or pack committee chair training online, you have done this module.
  • Watch the Weather Related Safety Moment video (1 minute 48 seconds).
  • Review the Guide to Safe Scouting for camping.
  • If making a campfire, review Behavior Around Campfires.

More information

Frequently Asked Questions for the Tiger Let’s Camp Adventure

How can I prepare my Scout for their first campout?

Talk about what to expect, including the weather, the activities planned, and sleeping in a tent. Practice setting up a tent at home and packing together.

What should my Tiger bring to the campout?

Your Lion should pack the Cub Scout Six Essentials: a first aid kit, filled water bottle, flashlight, trail food, sun protection, and a whistle. Also bring clothes for any weather, and personal items. Your leader will give you a full list. See here for a suggested packing list.

What if my Scout is nervous about camping?

Let them know it’s okay to feel nervous. Share your own positive camping experiences. Encourage them to see the adventure as a fun time with friends.

Do parents attend the campout for the Tiger Let’s Camp adventure?

Yes, according to BSA regulations, Tigers must be accompanied by their adult partner. This is usually a parent.

What kind of activities will Scouts do at the campout?

Scouts will learn new skills like setting up a tent and cooking a simple meal. They’ll also play games and explore nature.

What safety measures are in place during the campout?

Safety is a priority. Scouts will always use the buddy system. Leaders and parents will supervise all activities.

How does the Tiger Let’s Camp adventure help my Scout in Cub Scouts?

Camping teaches practical skills like how to prepare and what to pack. It also helps Scouts build confidence and learn teamwork.

A Night Under the Stars

The Tiger Let’s Camp adventure is a fun and educational experience for Tiger Cub Scouts. It’s designed to introduce young Scouts to the excitement of camping outdoors. This adventure helps Scouts and their families start their journey of exploring and appreciating nature.

During the Tiger Let’s Camp adventure, Scouts learn several important skills and safety practices. They start with understanding the buddy system. This teaches them to always have a partner, ensuring no one is alone during outdoor activities. This is a key safety rule that helps everyone stay safe.

Scouts also discuss the weather before their campout to decide what clothes to wear. This helps them learn to prepare for different conditions. They also pack their own gear, including the Cub Scout Six Essentials. These essentials include items like a first aid kit and a water bottle, which are important for any outdoor activity.

Additionally, Scouts learn a specific camping skill, such as setting up a tent or cooking a simple meal. This not only teaches them about camping but also builds confidence and self-reliance. Finally, the adventure culminates in attending an overnight campout. This can be with their Cub Scout pack or at a council or district event. This experience allows Scouts to apply what they’ve learned in a real-world setting.

The Tiger Let’s Camp adventure is an opportunity for growth, learning, and fun. It’s a chance for Scouts to bond with their peers, develop new skills, and make lasting memories under the stars.


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