Webelos My Family Adventure
The My Family adventure is part of the Webelos Cub Scouts program. It helps young Scouts learn about their family’s faith traditions. This adventure encourages Webelos to explore and appreciate their own beliefs and the beliefs of others. By learning about faith, Webelos grow in understanding and respect.
In this adventure, Webelos work closely with their families. They discuss their family’s religious holidays and traditions. This helps strengthen family bonds. Webelos also make something special that reflects their family’s faith. This could be a craft, a piece of art, or a food item.
Webelos also learn about kindness and reverence through this adventure. They perform acts of kindness, which helps them develop good habits of caring for others. Discussing what it means to be reverent teaches them to respect different beliefs and traditions.
The My Family adventure helps Webelos become more aware of the importance of faith in daily life. They learn to respect and honor their own traditions as well as the traditions of others. This adventure prepares them to be thoughtful and respectful as they grow older.
Requirements for the Webelos My Family Adventure
My Family Adventure Requirements
This Adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR by completing a Religious Emblem of the Cub Scouts family’s choosing.
- With your parent or legal guardian, talk about your family’s faith traditions. Identify three holidays or celebrations that are part of your family’s faith traditions. Make a craft, work of art, or a food item that is part of your family’s faith traditions.
- Carry out an act of kindness.
- With your parent or legal guardian identify a religion or faith that is different from your own. Identify two things that it has in common with your family’s beliefs.
- Discuss with our parent or legal guardian what it means to be reverent. Tell how you practice being reverent in your daily life.
Printable requirements for the Webelos My Family Adventure
Check off sheet to keep track of your den’s progress on the Webelos My Family Adventure
Resources for the Webelos My Family Adventure
Webelos My Family Den Meeting Plan
This Webelos den meeting helps Scouts learn about their family’s faith traditions while exploring different beliefs. They will create a faith traditions collage, make kindness cards, and compare different religions using a simple chart. Through these activities, they will see how people from different backgrounds share similar values. They will also discuss what it means to be reverent and how to show respect for others’ beliefs.
The meeting includes hands-on activities and a shared snack, making learning fun and engaging. Scouts will leave with a better understanding of kindness, reverence, and respect. This meeting helps build character while bringing families and Scouts together.
More Ways to Complete the Requirements
My Family Requirement 1: Our Faith Traditions
With your parent or legal guardian, talk about your family’s faith traditions. Identify three holidays or celebrations that are part of your family’s faith traditions. Make a craft, work of art, or a food item that is part of your family’s faith traditions.
For requirement 1 of the My Family adventure, den leaders can help Webelos and their families in several ways:
- Start a Discussion: Encourage Webelos to talk with their parents or guardians about their family’s faith traditions. Help them think of questions they can ask about the holidays and celebrations important to their faith.
- Identify Holidays: Guide Webelos to choose three significant holidays or celebrations from their family’s faith traditions. They can share what these days mean and how they celebrate them.
- Plan a Project: Help each Webelo choose a craft, work of art, or a food item to make that relates to one of their family’s important holidays or celebrations. Provide ideas or resources for crafts or recipes they can use.
- Share with the Den: Organize a time during a den meeting where Webelos can show what they made and explain the importance of the holiday or celebration in their faith. This sharing helps all Cub Scouts learn about different traditions.
Here are some options for fulfilling Webelos My Family Adventure requirement 1:
- Multimedia Collage
- Create a multi-media collage celebrating your family’s faith traditions.
- Supplies: magazines, newspapers, and catalogs with pictures of holiday celebrations, scissors and glue sticks, poster board, markers, colored pencils, crayons
- indoor, moderate energy, 3 to 5 days prep
- Wood Crafting
- Make a wood craft that can be used as part of your favorite family faith tradition, holiday, or celebration.
- Supplies: table covering, popsicle sticks, acrylic paint, paintbrushes, cups of water, white glue, scissors
- indoor, moderate energy, 3 to 5 days prep
By following these steps, den leaders can support Webelos in completing this requirement effectively and enjoyably.
My Family Requirement 2: Acts of Kindness
Carry out an act of kindness.
For requirement 2 of the My Family adventure, den leaders can encourage Webelos to carry out an act of kindness. Here are some simple ways to help them fulfill this requirement:
- Discuss Ideas: Talk with the Webelos about what kindness means. Help them think of simple acts of kindness they can do at home, in school, or in their community.
- Choose an Act: Help each Webelo pick an act of kindness they feel good about doing. It could be something small like helping a sibling with homework or something bigger like organizing a cleanup in their neighborhood.
- Plan the Act: Assist the Webelos in planning how and when they will carry out their chosen act of kindness. They might need to gather materials or coordinate with others.
- Reflect on the Experience: After the Webelos have completed their act of kindness, have a discussion about how it went. Ask them how they felt about helping others and what they learned from the experience.
Here are some specific acts of kindness suggestions:
- Making cards for a local nursing home.
- Picking up litter at a park.
- Donating old books or toys to a charity.
- Helping a neighbor with yard work.
- Baking cookies for a community helper like firefighters or teachers.
- Brainstorm some more ideas …
Here are some options for fulfilling Webelos My Family Adventure requirement 2:
- A Dish of Kindness
- Clean up the dishes after dinner.
- Supplies: none
- indoor, moderate energy, 1 to 3 days prep
- Helping Hands
- Help your family members with a chore.
- Supplies: none
- indoor, moderate energy, minimal prep
- Neighborly Kindness
- Help a neighbor with yard work.
- Supplies: yard work tools, rakes, shovels, gloves, Activity Consent Form
- requires travel, moderate energy, 1 to 3 days prep
Encouraging Webelos to perform acts of kindness not only meets the requirement but also builds their character and sense of community responsibility.
My Family Requirement 3: Other Traditions
With your parent or legal guardian identify a religion or faith that is different from your own. Identify two things that it has in common with your family’s beliefs.
For requirement 3 of the My Family adventure, den leaders can guide Webelos and their families in exploring a different faith or religion. Here’s how to help them:
- Choose a Different Faith: Assist Webelos in selecting a religion or faith different from their own. This could be a faith practiced by another family in the den, or one they’ve heard about but don’t know much about.
- Research Together: Encourage Webelos and their guardians to learn about this different faith together. They can use books, reputable websites, or even visit a place of worship if possible.
- Find Common Ground: Help them identify two things this faith has in common with their own beliefs. These could be values like kindness, rituals like prayer, or any shared practices or teachings.
- Discuss and Share: Have the Webelos discuss what they found with their den. This sharing can be a simple conversation about what they learned and the similarities they discovered.
Here are a few tips to make the process smoother:
- Suggest starting with general information about the faith’s beliefs and practices.
- Encourage them to focus on positive similarities rather than differences.
- Remind them to be respectful and open-minded during this exploration.
- Keep parents well informed about activities.
Here is an option for fulfilling Webelos My Family Adventure requirement 3:
- Exploring Faith
- Learn about a religion different from your own and name two things that it has in common with your family’s beliefs.
- Supplies: Exploring Faith chart
- indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
This activity helps Webelos appreciate the diversity of beliefs and fosters respect for other cultures and religions.
My Family Requirement 4: Reverent
Discuss with our parent or legal guardian what it means to be reverent. Tell how you practice being reverent in your daily life.
For requirement 4 of the My Family adventure, den leaders can assist Webelos in understanding and demonstrating reverence. Here’s how to guide them:
- Define Reverence: Start by explaining that being reverent means showing deep respect for something or someone. This can include people, places, or beliefs.
- Discuss with Family: Encourage Webelos to talk with their parents or guardians about what reverence means in their family. Ask them to think about how they show respect for their own beliefs and the beliefs of others.
- Identify Examples: Help Webelos think of ways they practice reverence in their daily lives. Examples might include how they behave in a place of worship, how they speak about or handle sacred objects, or how they act during a solemn occasion.
- Share Practices: Have the Webelos share these examples with their den. This can help all the Cub Scouts learn different ways to show reverence.
Here are a few simple examples of practicing reverence:
- Attend religious services.
- Being quiet and thoughtful in a place of worship.
- Learning more about traditions.
- Study sacred texts.
- Listening carefully when others talk about their beliefs.
- Following family traditions during holidays or ceremonies.
- Saying kind words about others and their customs.
Here is an option for fulfilling Webelos My Family Adventure requirement 4:
- Reverence Reflection
- Discuss what it means to be reverent and how you practice being reverent in your daily life.
- Supplies: none
- indoor, low energy, minimal prep
This requirement helps Webelos develop a deeper respect for the beliefs and traditions of themselves and others, fostering a respectful and inclusive attitude.
Before any activity, check the SAFE Checklist to make sure everyone is safe. Everyone involved in Scouting America activities should know the Guide to Safe Scouting and other relevant guides or books. Also follow any state or local rules that are more strict than Scouting America rules and guidelines.
Before starting a craft activity, watch the Craft Tips video.
Before starting the “Neighborly Kindness” activity for requirement 2, complete the following:
- Use the Service Project Planning Checklist to plan your den or pack service project.
- Review the SAFE Project Tool Use guide. It provides age guidelines for tools and activities for service projects, not crafts.
During the “Neighborly Kindness” activity:
- Train all youth and adults on proper tool use.
- Ensure continuous, qualified adult supervision during the project.
- Follow all manufacturer’s instructions and age or skill restrictions. If there is a conflict, follow the strictest guidelines.
Frequently Asked Questions for the Webelos My Family Adventure
What is the My Family Adventure?
It’s an activity that helps Webelos learn about their family’s faith traditions, practice kindness, explore other faiths, and understand reverence.
Why do Webelos do the My Family Adventure?
It helps them learn about different beliefs, respect other cultures, and grow closer to their families.
What should Webelos make for the craft or food item in requirement 1?
They can make something simple that reflects a holiday or celebration from their faith, like a drawing, a homemade decoration, or a traditional food.
Can the act of kindness be done with a friend?
Yes, Webelos can perform acts of kindness alone or with others. The important part is to choose a kind act and do it.
How do we find information about a different faith for requirement 3?
You can read books, look up information online from trusted sources, or visit a place of worship.
What are some ways to show reverence in daily life?
Being quiet in a place of worship, being respectful when talking about others’ beliefs, or following family traditions during special times.
Faith, Fun, and Family Ties
The My Family adventure helps Webelos learn about their own family’s faith traditions. This adventure includes four main activities. Each one teaches the Scouts about respect, kindness, and understanding.
First, Webelos talk with their families about their faith traditions. They pick three important holidays or celebrations from their faith. Then, they make a craft, artwork, or food that relates to one of these holidays. This activity helps Webelos understand and celebrate their family’s traditions.
Next, Webelos perform an act of kindness. This could be something small, like helping a neighbor, or something bigger, like a community project. The goal is to practice being kind and helpful to others.
Then, Webelos learn about a faith that is different from their own. With their families, they find two things that this faith has in common with their own beliefs. This teaches them about respect and appreciation for other cultures and religions.
Finally, Webelos discuss what it means to be reverent. They talk about how they show deep respect for people, places, and beliefs in their daily lives. This helps them understand the importance of reverence in their own lives and in their interactions with others.
The My Family adventure is about exploring faith and building respect. Webelos come away with a better understanding of their own beliefs and the beliefs of others. They also learn important values like kindness and reverence, which are important as they grow older.
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