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Prayer for Blue and Gold Banquet

Rev. Jim sent in this question:

I was asked for do prayers for two cub scout packs for their Blue and Gold ceremony o the Crossover. where would I find appropriate Prayers. Thank you.

Thanks for the question, Rev. Jim. Since Cub Scouts should be familiar with the Scout Law,  I suggest you use a prayer based on it.

  • Scout Law Prayer: This is a very nice prayer based on the twelve points of the Scout Law. Some of the words might be a little unfamiliar to the younger Cub Scouts, but you could substitute appropriate simpler language as necessary.
  • A Scout’s Prayer by Lord Baden-Powell: This is another nice prayer based on the Scout Law. It is a little longer. Once again, you might want to simplify some of the language just a little bit.

You can also check out my Prayers and Graces page for more ideas.

Scouters, do you have any suggestions for a favorite prayer for a Blue and Gold banquet? Add them to the comments below.


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