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Fire Safety Merit Badge for Boy Scouts

Fire Safety Merit Badge

Free Resources and Answers

The Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts learn how to stay safe around fires. Through this badge, Scouts gain important skills to understand and prevent fire hazards. They learn how fires start, how they spread, and what steps can keep people safe. This knowledge can help protect Scouts and those around them.

Scouts working on the Fire Safety merit badge learn how to recognize fire risks at home, in their communities, and in outdoor settings. They explore how to use fire extinguishers, set up escape plans, and identify fire hazards. This practical knowledge prepares them to react safely and responsibly if a fire ever happens.

The Fire Safety merit badge also builds awareness of the work firefighters do. Scouts learn about firefighting equipment, fire safety laws, and the challenges that firefighters face. This can help Scouts appreciate the bravery and dedication required in emergency services.

By earning the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts gain skills they can use for life. This badge teaches safety, quick thinking, and responsibility. It also encourages Scouts to take fire safety seriously and look out for others, making their communities safer places.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirements and Workbook

Fire Safety Merit Badge Answers and Resources

Help with Answers for Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirements

Find specific helps for some of the Fire Safety merit badge requirements listed below. Some of these resources will just give the answers. Others will provide engaging ways for older Scouts to introduce these concepts to new Scouts.

Requirement 1: Safety Basics

Do the following:

  1. Demonstrate the technique of stop, drop, cover, roll, cover your face, and cool. Explain how burn injuries can be prevented.
  2. List the most frequent causes of burn injuries.
  3. Explain how to safely store flammable and combustible liquids. Describe the options available for safely disposing of unwanted hazardous substances in your community.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 1 Helps and Answers

Staying Safe with “Stop, Drop, Cover, and Roll”

One of the most important techniques Scouts learn in the Fire Safety merit badge is “stop, drop, cover, and roll.” This technique is used if your clothes catch on fire. Here’s how it works:

  • Stop – Do not run, as running makes the flames grow faster.
  • Drop – Get down to the ground right away.
  • Cover – Protect your face with your hands to keep smoke and flames away.
  • Roll – Roll back and forth to smother the flames until they go out.
  • Cool – Once the flames are out, cool the burned area with water.

The Fire Safety merit badge also teaches ways to prevent burn injuries. Keeping flammable materials like papers or towels away from heat sources is important. In the kitchen, turn pot handles inward to avoid knocking them over. Around campfires, always watch for sparks and avoid wearing loose clothing that could catch fire. Practicing fire safety habits at home, in the kitchen, and outdoors can help prevent accidents and keep everyone safe.

Common Causes of Burn Injuries

Understanding what causes burn injuries is an important part of the Fire Safety merit badge. Knowing these risks helps Scouts learn to avoid dangerous situations and protect themselves and others.

The most common causes of burn injuries include:

  • Hot Liquids – Burns from hot liquids like boiling water, coffee, or soup are very common, especially in the kitchen. Always handle hot liquids carefully and keep them away from edges of tables and counters.
  • Open Flames – Campfires, candles, and even fireplaces can cause burns. Never leave flames unattended, and keep flammable items, like paper or clothing, away from them.
  • Electrical Burns – Faulty wires, overloaded outlets, or damaged cords can cause electrical burns. Avoid plugging too many things into one outlet and don’t touch electrical equipment with wet hands.
  • Chemical Burns – Some household cleaners or chemicals can cause burns if they touch the skin. Always wear gloves and follow instructions when using chemicals, and keep them out of reach of younger children.
  • Hot Surfaces – Burn injuries can happen from touching hot surfaces like stoves, ovens, and even irons. Be mindful around these items, and use caution when cooking or ironing.

Learning about these causes as part of the Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts recognize burn hazards and take steps to stay safe.

Storing and Disposing of Flammable Liquids Safely

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts how to handle flammable and combustible liquids safely. These are liquids that can catch fire easily, like gasoline, paint thinner, or certain cleaning supplies. Proper storage and disposal are key to preventing fires and accidents.

Safe Storage Tips
  • Use the Right Container – Always keep flammable liquids in original containers or approved safety containers that are clearly labeled.
  • Store in a Cool, Dry Place – Keep flammable items away from heat sources like stoves, heaters, or direct sunlight. Avoid storing them near ignition sources such as electrical outlets.
  • Keep Containers Closed – Make sure lids are sealed tightly to prevent fumes from leaking out, which could catch fire if they reach a spark.
Disposing of Hazardous Substances

Most communities have options for safely disposing of unwanted hazardous liquids. Many areas have hazardous waste disposal days where you can drop off items like old paint, gasoline, or chemical cleaners. Local fire departments or waste management centers may also have programs to handle these items. Never pour these liquids down drains or throw them in the trash, as they can harm the environment and cause safety issues.

Following these steps for safe storage and disposal of flammable liquids helps Scouts complete the Fire Safety merit badge while keeping their homes and communities safe.

Requirement 2: Fire Science

Explain the concept of fire and name the parts of the fire tetrahedron. Name the by-products of combustion. Describe the life cycle of a fire.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 2 Helps and Answers

Understanding Fire: The Fire Tetrahedron and the Life Cycle of a Fire

As part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts learn the science behind fire. Fire needs specific elements to exist, and understanding this can help Scouts learn how to prevent and control fires.

The Fire Tetrahedron: Elements of Fire

The fire tetrahedron explains what keeps a fire burning. A tetrahedron is a pyramid shape. It has four parts:

  • Heat – The warmth needed to start and maintain a fire.
  • Fuel – The material that burns, like wood, paper, or gas.
  • Oxygen – Air feeds a fire, helping it grow and stay alive.
  • Chemical Reaction – The process that keeps the fire going as it combines fuel and oxygen.

If you remove any one of these parts, the fire will go out. This concept is used in firefighting, where they often try to take away heat, oxygen, or fuel to stop a fire.

Learn more about the science of fire here.

By-Products of Combustion

When fire burns, it creates by-products. The main by-products are:

  • Smoke – A mix of tiny particles and gases.
  • Gases – Carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sometimes toxic gases like carbon monoxide.
  • Heat – The warmth we feel from the flames.

Understanding these by-products is important because they can be harmful. Smoke can reduce visibility, and toxic gases can be dangerous to breathe.

The Life Cycle of a Fire

The life cycle of a fire has four stages:

  • Ignition – This is when the fire starts, usually from a spark or flame.
  • Growth – The fire begins to spread, using fuel and oxygen to grow bigger.
  • Fully Developed – The fire reaches its peak, burning all available fuel.
  • Decay – As the fire runs out of fuel or oxygen, it starts to die down and eventually goes out.

Learning about the fire tetrahedron, by-products of combustion, and the fire life cycle as part of the Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts understand how fire behaves and how to stay safe around it.

Requirement 3: Home Fires

Name the most frequent causes of fire in the home, and give examples of ways they can be prevented. Include a discussion about fires caused by smoking in the home, cooking, candles, fireplaces, and electrical appliances.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 3 Helps and Answers

Common Causes of Home Fires and How to Prevent Them

The Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts learn about common causes of home fires and how to avoid them. Knowing these causes can help prevent accidents and keep everyone safer.

Smoking Indoors

Cigarettes and other smoking materials are a frequent cause of fires, especially if someone falls asleep with a lit cigarette. To prevent fires, it’s best to smoke outside and always fully extinguish cigarettes in an ashtray. Never leave smoking materials unattended, and keep ashtrays away from anything that can catch fire.

Cooking Fires

Cooking is a top cause of home fires, often starting when food or oil is left unattended on the stove. Always stay in the kitchen when cooking, especially with high heat. Keep flammable items like towels, wooden spoons, and pot holders away from the stove, and have a lid nearby to smother flames if a fire starts.


Candles create a warm atmosphere but can easily start fires if left unattended. Place candles on stable surfaces away from curtains, papers, or other flammable items. Always blow out candles before leaving the room, and consider using flameless, battery-operated candles for safety.


Fireplaces can cause fires when sparks fly out or when heat reaches nearby objects. To stay safe, keep a screen in front of the fireplace to contain sparks and store logs and kindling at a safe distance. Make sure the chimney is cleaned regularly to prevent soot buildup, which can cause chimney fires.

Electrical Appliances

Faulty or misused appliances are another common fire source. Worn-out cords, overloaded outlets, or damaged wiring can lead to electrical fires. To prevent fires, check appliance cords for damage, avoid plugging too many items into one outlet, and unplug appliances when not in use.

Learning to prevent these fire hazards as part of the Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts create a safer environment at home for themselves and their families.

Requirement 4: Incendiaries

Do the following:

  1. Explain the four classifications of fire origin (accidental, natural, incendiary, or undetermined) and give an example of each.
  2. Describe how a fire classified as incendiary might lead to criminal prosecution of a person charged with arson.
  3. Explain some of the social, economic and environmental consequences that result from incendiary fires that damage or destroy structures and wildlands.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 4 Helps and Answers

Understanding the Four Classifications of Fire Origin

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts about different types of fire origins. Fires are classified based on how they start, which helps firefighters and investigators understand how to respond and prevent future fires. The four main classifications are accidental, natural, incendiary, and undetermined.

Accidental Fires

An accidental fire is one that starts without intent and usually by mistake. An example is a cooking fire that begins when someone forgets food on the stove. These fires are common and can often be prevented with careful attention and safe practices.

Natural Fires

Natural fires are caused by nature, not by humans. Lightning strikes are a frequent cause of natural fires, especially in dry, forested areas. While natural fires are less common in homes, they can still impact communities, particularly in wildfire-prone regions.

Incendiary Fires

An incendiary fire is set on purpose to cause harm or damage. This is often called arson. For example, if someone intentionally sets fire to a building, it is classified as incendiary. These fires are dangerous and illegal, and they require investigation to determine who is responsible.

Undetermined Fires

When the exact cause of a fire cannot be figured out, it is classified as undetermined. For instance, if a building burns down and there isn’t enough evidence to identify how the fire started, it will remain undetermined. This classification is used when all other possibilities have been ruled out.

Understanding these classifications helps Scouts learn how fires start and the importance of fire prevention in the Fire Safety merit badge.

Incendiary Fires and Arson Charges

The Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts understand that some fires are intentionally set and can lead to serious legal consequences. A fire classified as incendiary means it was started on purpose with the intent to cause harm, damage, or destruction. When this happens, it is often considered arson, which is a crime.

If investigators determine that a fire was incendiary, they work to find evidence linking a person to the fire. This could include fingerprints, eyewitness accounts, or surveillance footage showing someone starting the fire. If enough evidence is found, a person may be charged with arson. Being convicted of arson can lead to serious penalties, including fines, prison time, or both, because arson endangers lives, property, and entire communities.

By learning about incendiary fires in the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts gain a better understanding of fire safety and the importance of respecting fire and fire laws.

The Impact of Incendiary Fires on Communities and Nature

As part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts learn that incendiary fires—those set intentionally—can have serious effects on society, the economy, and the environment. These fires harm people, communities, and the natural world in many ways.

Social Consequences

Incendiary fires can destroy homes and buildings, leaving families without shelter and causing emotional stress. Schools, businesses, and other important buildings may also be damaged, disrupting lives and creating a sense of insecurity in the community. When wildlands are burned, recreation areas may be closed, and people lose safe places to enjoy the outdoors.

Economic Consequences

The costs of incendiary fires are high. Damaged structures require costly repairs or complete rebuilding. Businesses affected by fires may have to close temporarily or even permanently, leading to lost jobs and income. Taxpayers often end up covering some of these costs, such as firefighting expenses and cleanup efforts.

Environmental Consequences

Incendiary fires in wildlands damage forests, wildlife habitats, and water sources. Trees, plants, and animals may be lost, and it can take years or even decades for these areas to recover. Fires also release smoke and harmful gases into the air, which contributes to air pollution and impacts the health of people and wildlife.

By studying the consequences of incendiary fires as part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts learn how harmful these fires can be and the importance of preventing them.

Requirement 5: Seasonal Fires

List the actions and common circumstances that cause seasonal and holiday related fires. Explain how these fires can be prevented.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 5 Helps and Answers

Preventing Seasonal and Holiday Fires

The Fire Safety merit badge covers how certain times of year bring unique fire risks. Holiday decorations, cold-weather heating, and festive cooking can all lead to fire hazards. Here are some common causes of seasonal and holiday fires and tips to prevent them.

Christmas Trees and Decorations

Dry Christmas trees and electric lights can easily cause fires if not handled carefully. Fires can start when trees are placed near heat sources or when lights are left on for long periods. To prevent fires, keep the tree well-watered, use LED lights, and turn off lights when leaving the house or going to bed.


Candles are common in many holiday celebrations. However, if left unattended or placed near flammable decorations, they can quickly start a fire. Prevent fires by placing candles on stable surfaces, away from curtains and decorations, and always blowing them out before leaving a room.

Fireplaces and Space Heaters

In colder months, people often use fireplaces and space heaters to stay warm. Fires can occur when flammable items are too close to heaters, or if chimneys haven’t been cleaned. To stay safe, keep a safe distance around heaters and ensure fireplaces are properly maintained.

Holiday Cooking

Holiday meals mean more time cooking, which increases the risk of kitchen fires. Grease fires or unattended cooking are common causes. Always stay in the kitchen when using the stove or oven, and keep flammable items away from burners.

By learning these tips as part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts can help prevent seasonal and holiday fires, keeping their families and communities safe.

Requirement 6: Home Safety Survey

Conduct a home safety survey with the help of an adult. Then do the following:

  1. Draw a home fire-escape plan, create a home fire-drill schedule, and conduct a home fire drill.
  2. Identify the location of all smoke alarms in your home and confirm that none are more than 10 years old. Test each smoke alarm and demonstrate regular maintenance of a smoke alarm.
  3. Explain what to do when you smell natural gas and when you smell smoke.
  4. Explain how you would report a fire to have the fire department respond.
  5. Explain what fire safety equipment can be found in public buildings.
  6. Explain who should use fire extinguishers and when these devices can be used.
  7. Explain how to extinguish a stovetop pan fire.
  8. Explain what fire safety precautions you should take when you are in a public building.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 6 Helps and Answers

Creating and Practicing a Home Fire-Escape Plan

One important part of the Fire Safety merit badge is preparing for the possibility of a fire at home. Planning a fire escape route and practicing a fire drill can help everyone exit safely in an emergency.

Draw a Fire-Escape Plan
Start by drawing a simple map of your home, including every room, door, and window. Identify at least two exits from each room in case one is blocked. Mark a safe meeting spot outside where everyone should go after escaping, like a tree or a mailbox a safe distance from the house.

Create a Fire-Drill Schedule
Set a regular schedule for practicing fire drills. A good practice is to have one drill every six months. Practice drills more often if there are young children or people who need extra help. Make sure everyone knows the alarm sound and the plan.

Conduct a Home Fire Drill
During the fire drill, pretend there’s a fire and use your escape routes. Stay low to the ground to avoid “smoke,” and go directly to the safe meeting spot. Time the drill to see how quickly everyone can get out, and look for any parts of the plan that may need improvement.

Following these steps as part of the Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts learn fire preparedness and keeps families ready for emergencies.

Checking and Maintaining Your Smoke Alarms

As part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts learn the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home. Smoke alarms alert us to danger early, giving everyone more time to escape in a fire emergency.

Identify Smoke Alarm Locations
Smoke alarms should be installed in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of the home, including the basement. Walk through the house and locate each alarm. If an alarm is missing from any of these key locations, it’s important to add one.

Check the Age of Each Alarm
Smoke alarms need to be replaced if they are more than 10 years old, as they become less reliable over time. Look at the back of each alarm for a manufacture date. If any are over 10 years old, replace them to ensure your home has up-to-date protection.

Test and Maintain Each Alarm
Press the test button on each smoke alarm to make sure it sounds properly. This should be done monthly. Replace the batteries at least once a year, or as soon as you hear a “chirping” sound, which signals low battery power. Dust or vacuum around each alarm occasionally to keep it clear of debris that could interfere with its function.

By learning these steps in the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts ensure their homes have fully functioning smoke alarms, helping keep their families safe from fires.

Responding to the Smell of Natural Gas or Smoke

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts how to respond quickly and safely to signs of danger, like the smell of natural gas or smoke. Recognizing these warnings can prevent fires and protect everyone in the area.

What to Do When You Smell Natural Gas

If you smell natural gas (often described as a “rotten egg” smell), it may mean there’s a gas leak, which could lead to an explosion or fire. Here’s what to do:

  • Do Not Use Electrical Switches or Phones – Even flipping a light switch can create a spark that might ignite the gas.
  • Leave the Building Immediately – Get everyone out of the building right away.
  • Call for Help from a Safe Location – Once you’re safely outside, call the gas company or 911 to report the leak.
What to Do When You Smell Smoke

If you smell smoke, it might mean a fire is nearby or starting. Here’s how to respond:

  • Check for Visible Smoke or Flames – Look around for signs of a fire. If you find any, follow your fire-escape plan immediately.
  • Feel Doors Before Opening – Use the back of your hand to feel if doors are hot. If they are, don’t open them, as there may be fire on the other side.
  • Get Out and Stay Out – Leave the building as quickly as possible, and go to your family’s meeting spot. Once outside, call 911.

By learning what to do when smelling natural gas or smoke as part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts gain skills that can help them act quickly in emergencies, protecting themselves and others.

How to Report a Fire to Get Emergency Help Fast

An important skill in the Fire Safety merit badge is learning how to report a fire. Acting quickly and clearly when reporting a fire helps the fire department respond sooner, which can save lives and property.

Steps to Report a Fire
  • Get to a Safe Location – If you’re in a burning building, follow your fire escape plan to get outside. Once safe, stay out and don’t re-enter.
  • Call 911 – Use your phone or ask a neighbor to call 911. When the operator answers, stay calm and speak clearly.
  • Provide Important Details – Tell the 911 operator there is a fire. Share the exact address, including apartment number or other details to help firefighters find the location quickly. Explain what’s burning if you know (e.g., house, vehicle, or nearby forest).
  • Answer Questions and Follow Instructions – The operator may ask for more information, like if everyone is safely out or if you see smoke and flames. Stay on the line until the operator says it’s okay to hang up.

By learning these steps in the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts understand how to report a fire properly, which can make a big difference in emergency response times.

Fire Safety Equipment in Public Buildings

As part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts learn about different types of fire safety equipment in public buildings. This equipment is there to protect people by detecting fires, helping with evacuation, and controlling the flames until help arrives.

Fire Alarms
Fire alarms are installed throughout public buildings and will sound if smoke or heat is detected. They alert everyone inside to evacuate right away. Fire alarms often include flashing lights to help people with hearing impairments recognize the alarm.

Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers are placed in key areas like hallways and near exits. They are used to put out small fires before they spread. Only trained people should use fire extinguishers, as using them incorrectly can be dangerous.

Sprinkler Systems
Sprinkler systems automatically release water when a fire is detected. This helps contain the fire until firefighters arrive. Sprinklers are an important tool in preventing large fires, especially in crowded spaces like offices and schools.

Emergency Exits and Exit Signs
Emergency exits are clearly marked and have lighted signs to guide people to the nearest way out. Exit signs often stay lit even if the power goes out. These exits are crucial for safe evacuation.

Smoke Detectors
Smoke detectors are placed throughout buildings to sense smoke early. When they detect smoke, they activate alarms that alert everyone inside. Smoke detectors are key in giving people time to escape before a fire spreads.

Learning about this equipment as part of the Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts understand how public buildings are prepared for fire emergencies and how to stay safe in these spaces.

When and How to Use a Fire Extinguisher Safely

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts that fire extinguishers are helpful for putting out small fires but must be used carefully. Not everyone should use a fire extinguisher, and knowing when to use one is important for safety.

Who Should Use a Fire Extinguisher
Only people who have been trained on how to use a fire extinguisher should attempt to operate one. Fire extinguishers can be dangerous if used incorrectly, so trained adults or building staff should take charge.

When to Use a Fire Extinguisher
Fire extinguishers are meant for small, contained fires—such as a small flame in a wastebasket or a small kitchen fire that hasn’t spread. A fire extinguisher should only be used if:

  • The Fire is Small and Contained – If the fire is spreading quickly, evacuate immediately instead of trying to fight it.
  • You Have a Clear Escape Route – Make sure there’s a safe exit nearby in case the fire gets worse.
  • The Fire Department Has Been Called – Always call 911 to alert firefighters. Fire extinguishers may only slow the fire, so professional help is still needed.

Learning about the proper use of fire extinguishers as part of the Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts understand that fire safety always comes first. Knowing when and who should use an extinguisher can help keep people safe in an emergency.

Safely Extinguishing a Stovetop Pan Fire

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts about handling kitchen fire hazards, including how to put out a stovetop pan fire. These fires can happen quickly, especially if cooking oil or grease overheats. Acting calmly and knowing the right steps can stop the fire without spreading it.

Steps to Extinguish a Stovetop Pan Fire Safely
  1. Turn Off the Heat – Immediately turn off the stove to stop adding heat to the fire.
  2. Cover the Pan with a Lid – If it’s safe to do so, slide a metal lid or a baking sheet over the pan to cut off oxygen, which will smother the flames. Never use a glass lid, as it may break from the heat.
  3. Do Not Use Water – Water on a grease fire can cause the fire to spread or splash burning oil. Avoid pouring anything onto the flames.
  4. Use Baking Soda for Small Flames – If the fire is small and contained, sprinkling baking soda can help put it out. However, only use this if the fire is still manageable.
  5. Have a Fire Extinguisher Nearby – If the fire doesn’t go out right away, use a Class B or multi-purpose fire extinguisher and call 911 for help.

Learning how to handle a stovetop pan fire as part of the Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts stay calm and know what to do if a kitchen fire occurs, ensuring their safety and protecting their homes.

Fire Safety Precautions to Take in Public Buildings

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts that being prepared in public places can help keep them safe in case of a fire. Here are key fire safety precautions to remember whenever you’re in a public building, like a school, mall, or theater.

Identify Emergency Exits
When entering a building, always look for the closest emergency exits. Knowing where exits are located can help you escape quickly if needed. There should be lighted exit signs above doors that lead outside or to safe areas.

Stay Aware of Fire Alarms and Safety Equipment
Notice where fire alarms, extinguishers, and sprinkler systems are located. Fire alarms are usually in hallways and near exits. Understanding where safety equipment is placed can be helpful in an emergency, even if you don’t use it yourself.

Avoid Blocking Exits
In public places, make sure not to place bags or belongings in front of doors or walkways that lead to exits. Clear exits are crucial for fast evacuations if there’s an emergency.

Follow Staff Instructions During an Emergency
If a fire alarm sounds, listen to any instructions from building staff or security personnel. They are trained to handle evacuations and will help guide people to safety.

Use Stairs, Not Elevators
In a fire, never use elevators. Smoke or flames could disrupt elevator function, trapping people inside. Always take the stairs to exit safely.

By practicing these precautions as part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts are better prepared to stay safe and help others in public spaces during a fire emergency.

Requirement 7: Lighting a Fire

 Do the following:

  1. Demonstrate lighting a match safely, the proper way to extinguish it and to dispose of it.
  2. Demonstrate the safe way to start a charcoal fire.
  3. Demonstrate how to safely light a candle. Discuss with your counselor how to safely use candles.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 7 Helps and Answers

Safely Lighting, Extinguishing, and Disposing of a Match

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts how to handle fire tools carefully, including matches. Knowing how to light, extinguish, and dispose of a match safely can prevent accidents and burns.

Lighting a Match Safely
Hold the match stick near its base and keep it pointed away from you. Strike it against the matchbox with a quick, firm motion to ignite it. Always keep your fingers behind the flame and avoid lighting a match near flammable materials or in windy areas.

Extinguishing the Match
Once you’ve used the match, extinguish it by holding it upright and letting the flame go out, or by blowing it out gently. Make sure there are no glowing embers left at the tip. If you see any red or glowing spots, wait a few more seconds for it to cool completely.

Disposing of the Match Properly
Dispose of the match by placing it in a non-flammable container, like a metal ashtray or a cup of water. Never throw a warm or used match in the trash without making sure it is fully cool, as it could start a fire.

By practicing these steps as part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts learn how to handle matches responsibly and reduce fire risks.

Starting a Charcoal Fire Safely

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts safe methods for starting fires, including charcoal fires for cooking. Charcoal fires can be useful for outdoor grilling but must be started and handled carefully to prevent accidents and burns.

Steps to Start a Charcoal Fire Safely
  • Use a Charcoal Chimney or Starter Cubes
    Using a charcoal chimney is a safe way to light charcoal without needing lighter fluid. Fill the chimney with charcoal, place crumpled newspaper or a few starter cubes underneath, and light them from the bottom. This method avoids direct contact with the fire and doesn’t produce harmful fumes.
  • Light Charcoal in a Well-Ventilated, Open Area
    Place the grill or charcoal chimney in an open, outdoor space with no overhanging branches or nearby flammable objects. Never start a charcoal fire indoors, in a tent, or in an enclosed area due to the risk of carbon monoxide buildup.
  • Wait for Charcoal to Ash Over
    Once the charcoal is lit, allow it to burn until the coals are covered in a gray ash. This means the charcoal is ready to spread evenly for cooking and will burn steadily without large flames.
  • Use Fire-Resistant Gloves and Tongs
    When handling or spreading the hot charcoal, wear fire-resistant gloves and use long-handled tongs. This protects hands and arms from burns.

Following these steps as part of the Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts start a charcoal fire safely, reducing risks while preparing for outdoor cooking activities.

Safely Lighting and Using Candles

As part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts learn how to safely light and use candles. Candles can add light or warmth, but they need to be handled carefully to avoid fires.

Lighting a Candle Safely
Hold the match or lighter at an angle to the candle wick to avoid your fingers being near the flame. Light the wick carefully and remove the match or lighter once the wick catches fire. If using matches, extinguish and dispose of the match safely, ensuring it’s fully out.

Placing the Candle Properly
Always set candles on a stable, non-flammable surface, like a glass or ceramic dish, to prevent tipping. Keep them away from anything that could catch fire, such as curtains, books, or decorations. Make sure candles are out of reach of children and pets.

Never Leave a Candle Unattended
Stay in the room while a candle is burning, and always extinguish it before leaving or going to sleep. Candles should also be blown out when they’re no longer needed to prevent accidental fires.

By practicing these safety steps, Scouts completing the Fire Safety merit badge learn responsible ways to use candles, ensuring their environment stays safe from accidental fires.

Requirement 8: Combustible and Noncombustible

Explain the difference between combustible and noncombustible liquids and between combustible and noncombustible fabrics.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 8 Helps and Answers

Understanding Combustible and Noncombustible Liquids and Fabrics

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts the importance of knowing what materials can catch fire easily and what materials resist burning. Understanding the difference between combustible and noncombustible liquids and fabrics can help prevent fires and protect people.

Combustible vs. Noncombustible Liquids
  • Combustible Liquids: These are liquids that can catch fire, especially when they reach high temperatures. Examples include gasoline, oil, and some cleaning products. These should be stored carefully, away from heat sources.
  • Noncombustible Liquids: These do not burn or catch fire easily. Water is a common noncombustible liquid, as well as many household products that don’t have alcohol or oil in them.
Combustible vs. Noncombustible Fabrics
  • Combustible Fabrics: Fabrics like cotton, wool, and polyester can catch fire if exposed to a flame or heat. Cotton, for example, burns quickly, while polyester melts when it gets hot, which can also cause burns.
  • Noncombustible Fabrics: Certain fabrics are designed to resist flames and won’t ignite as easily. Flame-resistant materials, often used in firefighter uniforms or in children’s pajamas, are treated to slow down burning or resist catching fire.

Learning these differences as part of the Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts recognize fire risks and choose safer options, whether it’s storing liquids or selecting clothes for certain activities.

Requirement 9: Liquid Fuels

Do the following:

  1. Describe for your counselor the safe way to refuel a liquid fueled engine, such as a lawn mower, weed eater, outboard motor, farm machine, or automobile with fuel from an approved gasoline container.
  2. Demonstrate the safety factors, such as proper ventilation, for auxiliary heating devices and the proper way to fuel those devices.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 9 Helps and Answers

Safely Refueling a Liquid-Fueled Engine

Refueling safely is an important skill taught in the Fire Safety merit badge. Handling gasoline carefully prevents fires and accidents, especially around engines like lawn mowers, weed eaters, and outboard motors. Here’s the right way to refuel safely using an approved gasoline container.

Steps to Refuel Safely
  1. Turn Off the Engine – Always turn off the engine before refueling. Let it cool down for a few minutes, as heat from the engine could ignite gasoline vapors.
  2. Move Away from Ignition Sources – Refuel in a well-ventilated area away from open flames, sparks, or smoking materials. Gasoline vapors are flammable and can spread quickly.
  3. Use an Approved Gasoline Container – Use a container specifically designed for gasoline, with a secure, spill-proof cap. Approved containers are usually red and have a label showing they’re safe for fuel.
  4. Refuel Slowly to Avoid Spills – Remove the cap carefully and pour the gasoline slowly to prevent splashing or overfilling. Keep the nozzle close to the tank opening and avoid breathing in fumes.
  5. Secure the Cap and Clean Up Spills – Once refueling is done, securely tighten the gas cap on both the engine and the container. If any gasoline spills, wipe it up immediately and dispose of the rag safely, as gasoline-soaked materials can ignite.

Following these steps for the Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts learn how to safely handle fuel, reducing the risk of fires and protecting themselves and others.

Safe Use of Auxiliary Heating Devices

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts how to safely operate auxiliary heating devices, like portable heaters, kerosene heaters, and propane heaters. These heaters can help warm up small areas but must be used carefully to avoid fire or carbon monoxide risks.

Ensure Proper Ventilation
Many auxiliary heaters, especially those that use kerosene or propane, produce carbon monoxide. Always use them in well-ventilated spaces to prevent a buildup of toxic fumes. Never operate these heaters in enclosed spaces like tents, closed garages, or small rooms without an open window.

Place Heater on a Stable, Nonflammable Surface
Set heaters on a solid, nonflammable surface like concrete or tile to avoid tipping or accidental fires. Keep the heater at least 3 feet away from flammable materials such as curtains, furniture, or paper.

Refuel Safely
If the heater uses liquid fuel (like kerosene), turn it off and let it cool down completely before refueling. Use an approved fuel container and pour slowly to avoid spills. Avoid overfilling the fuel tank, as spills increase fire risks.

Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions
Each type of heater has specific safety guidelines. Always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe use, proper fuel type, and maintenance requirements.

By learning these safety practices as part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts gain knowledge about safe heater use, helping to prevent fires and maintain healthy indoor air quality.

Requirement 10: Campsite Safety

Do the following:

  1. Explain the costs associated with outdoor and wildland fires and how they can be prevented.
  2. Demonstrate setting up and putting out a cooking fire.
  3. Demonstrate using a camp stove and lantern.
  4. Explain how to set up a campsite safe from fire.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 10 Helps and Answers

Understanding the High Costs of Outdoor and Wildland Fires

As part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts learn that outdoor and wildland fires come with serious costs. These fires can destroy homes, harm natural habitats, and even threaten lives. Preventing wildfires can save resources, protect communities, and preserve the environment.

The Costs of Wildland Fires
  • Economic Costs: Wildland fires require costly firefighting resources, such as water, equipment, and personnel, to contain them. Homes, businesses, and infrastructure damaged or destroyed by fires are also expensive to repair or replace. Wildfires can impact local economies by disrupting tourism, agriculture, and other businesses that rely on the land.
  • Environmental Costs: Wildfires damage forests, watersheds, and wildlife habitats. It can take years, even decades, for the land to recover. Fires increase soil erosion, destroy trees and plants, and reduce air quality by releasing large amounts of smoke and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  • Social Costs: People lose homes, communities may be forced to evacuate, and there is a lasting impact on mental health from the trauma of experiencing a fire. The smoke and poor air quality can also cause respiratory issues, especially in children and the elderly.
How to Prevent Outdoor and Wildland Fires
  • Practice Fire Safety When Camping – Always extinguish campfires completely, making sure no embers are left. Avoid building fires during dry or windy conditions.
  • Follow Local Fire Restrictions – Many areas have rules during dry seasons that restrict campfires, burning debris, or using fireworks. Always check for local regulations before using fire outdoors.
  • Maintain a Safe Perimeter Around Buildings – Clear brush, dead leaves, and other flammable materials away from homes and buildings, especially in fire-prone areas. This “defensible space” can slow down a wildfire.

Learning about the costs and prevention of wildland fires as part of the Fire Safety merit badge helps Scouts understand their role in protecting communities and natural landscapes from devastating fires.

Setting Up and Safely Putting Out a Cooking Fire

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts how to build and extinguish a cooking fire safely. Cooking fires are useful for outdoor meals, but they require careful setup and handling to prevent accidents and wildfires.

Setting Up a Safe Cooking Fire
  • Choose a Clear Area – Find a flat, open space away from overhanging branches, dry grass, or flammable materials.
  • Build a Fire Ring – Use rocks or dig a small pit to create a boundary around the fire. This helps keep flames and embers contained.
  • Use Dry Wood Only – Gather dry sticks and branches to avoid excess smoke. Stack kindling and small branches in a teepee or log cabin shape, which helps air flow to keep the fire burning evenly.
Lighting the Fire

Light the fire safely using matches or a lighter, keeping your body and face away from the flames. Start with the kindling at the bottom and let the flames spread to larger pieces of wood.

Cooking on the Fire

Once the fire has a steady flame and coals are forming, place a grill grate or pot over the fire. Keep water or a shovel nearby to handle any flare-ups or flying embers.

Putting Out the Cooking Fire
  • Let the Fire Burn Down – Allow the fire to reduce to ashes or small, glowing embers.
  • Douse with Water – Pour water over the fire, stirring the ashes to ensure all embers are soaked and cooled. Listen for any hissing sounds, which mean the fire is still hot.
  • Check for Heat – Place the back of your hand above the ashes to feel for any remaining warmth. Repeat adding water and stirring until the area is completely cool.

Learning how to set up and extinguish a cooking fire as part of the Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts the importance of fire control, helping them enjoy outdoor cooking safely and responsibly.

Safely Using a Camp Stove and Lantern

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts how to handle camp stoves and lanterns safely, which are important tools for outdoor cooking and lighting. Using these devices correctly helps prevent burns, fires, and accidents in camp.

Setting Up a Camp Stove Safely
  • Choose a Stable, Flat Surface – Set up the stove on level ground, away from tents, dry grass, and flammable materials.
  • Check Fuel Connections – If using a propane or liquid-fuel stove, make sure all connections are secure and check for leaks before lighting.
  • Light the Stove Carefully – Follow the stove’s instructions for lighting. Usually, you open the fuel valve and use a lighter or match to ignite. Keep your face and body back from the flame when lighting.
Cooking on the Camp Stove

Once lit, place pots and pans carefully on the stove, keeping handles turned inward to prevent them from being accidentally knocked over. Never leave the stove unattended while it’s on, and keep water nearby in case of a flare-up.

Using a Lantern Safely
  • Set Up on a Stable Surface – Place the lantern on a flat surface or hang it from a sturdy branch or hook, away from tents and other flammable items.
  • Check Fuel Levels and Connections – Ensure that the fuel is filled properly and that the lantern is not leaking. If using a propane lantern, secure the tank tightly.
  • Light the Lantern Carefully – Follow instructions for lighting. For liquid-fuel lanterns, this often involves lighting the wick; for propane, it may involve opening the fuel valve and igniting. Always light it from the side, keeping your hands and face away from the top where heat escapes.
Extinguishing the Stove and Lantern

After cooking or when light is no longer needed, turn off the fuel supply and let both the stove and lantern cool completely. Store them safely away from tents and other supplies.

By learning how to use a camp stove and lantern as part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts gain skills for safe cooking and lighting, enhancing their outdoor experience while reducing fire risks.

Setting Up a Fire-Safe Campsite

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts how to choose and set up a campsite that minimizes fire risks. Being careful about where and how you set up camp can protect everyone from accidental fires and help preserve the environment.

Choose a Clear, Open Area
Pick a campsite away from overhanging branches, dry grass, or flammable plants. Make sure it’s in an open area where wind won’t blow sparks toward tents or other supplies. If the campsite has a designated fire ring or pit, set up camp at a safe distance from it.

Set Up Tents and Gear Properly
Place tents, sleeping bags, and gear upwind and at least 15 feet away from the fire area to keep them safe from sparks. Use only flame-resistant tents to reduce the risk of accidental fires.

Use a Fire Ring or Established Fire Pit
If you plan to have a campfire, use an existing fire ring or pit whenever possible. If none are available, clear an area down to bare soil and surround it with rocks. This helps contain the fire and keeps it from spreading to nearby vegetation.

Store Fuel and Cooking Equipment Safely
Keep fuel for stoves and lanterns stored away from the fire area and out of direct sunlight. Place cooking equipment, like camp stoves, on stable ground and at a safe distance from tents.

Always Have Fire-Extinguishing Supplies Ready
Set up a water bucket, shovel, or sand nearby to put out the fire quickly if needed. This also allows you to fully extinguish the fire when you’re done, ensuring no embers are left to spark a fire.

By setting up a campsite safely, Scouts learn valuable skills through the Fire Safety merit badge that help protect both their camping group and the surrounding nature from fire hazards.

Requirement 11: Fire Station Visit

Visit a fire station. Identify the various types of fire trucks and describe the functions of each. Find out about the fire prevention activities in your community during your visit.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 11 Helps and Answers

Learning About Fire Trucks and Fire Prevention at Your Local Fire Station

Visiting a fire station is an important activity in the Fire Safety merit badge, helping Scouts learn about different fire trucks and the roles they play in emergencies. Firefighters use various types of fire trucks to respond to different situations, and fire stations also support the community through fire prevention programs.

Types of Fire Trucks and Their Functions
  • Pumper Truck (Engine)
    A pumper truck, or engine, is the most common type of fire truck. It carries water and hoses to put out fires. It also has a pump to connect to fire hydrants, providing a steady water supply during firefighting efforts. Pumper trucks are essential for nearly every fire response.
  • Ladder Truck
    Ladder trucks have long, extendable ladders that reach high floors in buildings, making them useful for rescuing people and directing water from above. Ladder trucks also carry other rescue tools and equipment, such as axes, crowbars, and fans.
  • Rescue Truck
    Rescue trucks are equipped with specialized tools for freeing people trapped in cars, buildings, or other hazardous areas. These trucks often carry heavy equipment like hydraulic rescue tools (jaws of life), ropes, and first aid supplies for emergency medical assistance.
  • Wildland Fire Truck
    Wildland fire trucks are designed for off-road terrain and are used to fight forest and grass fires. They are smaller and more mobile than other trucks, carrying water, hoses, and equipment to navigate rough landscapes and handle wildfires.
  • Tanker (Water Tender)
    A tanker truck, or water tender, transports large amounts of water to areas without hydrants, such as rural areas or large outdoor fires. These trucks are especially helpful in wildland firefighting or when additional water is needed.

Fire Prevention Activities in the Community
During your visit, ask about fire prevention efforts in your community. Firefighters often give presentations at schools, conduct safety checks in homes, and teach people how to use fire extinguishers. They may also host open houses or offer smoke detector checks to increase fire awareness and preparedness.

Through the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts gain insight into the different tools firefighters use and the preventive work they do to keep the community safe from fire-related emergencies.

Requirement 12: Smoke Detectors

Determine if smoke detectors are required in all dwellings within your municipality. If so, explain which specific types are required. Tell your counselor what type of smoke detectors your house has or needs.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 12 Helps and Answers

Understanding Smoke Detector Requirements for Your Home

As part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts learn about smoke detector requirements to help keep families safe from fires. Smoke detectors are vital because they alert people early when smoke or fire is detected, giving them time to evacuate.

Are Smoke Detectors Required in Your Area?
Check with your local fire department or municipal building authority to find out if smoke detectors are required in all homes. Most areas require smoke detectors in every dwelling to increase safety. Many municipalities also have specific rules for where smoke detectors should be installed, such as in each bedroom, outside sleeping areas, and on every floor, including basements.

Types of Smoke Detectors That May Be Required
If your area has smoke detector requirements, they may specify certain types of smoke detectors, such as:

  • Ionization Smoke Detectors: These detect fast, flaming fires and are very common in homes.
  • Photoelectric Smoke Detectors: These are better at detecting slow, smoldering fires.
  • Dual-Sensor Detectors: These combine ionization and photoelectric sensors for more comprehensive detection.
  • Battery-Operated or Hardwired: Some areas may require detectors to be hardwired into the home’s electrical system with a battery backup, while others allow battery-only models.

What Your Home Has or Needs
Look around your home to determine the types of smoke detectors you have or may need. Note if they are battery-operated or hardwired, and check the manufacture date on each detector. Detectors more than 10 years old should be replaced to ensure they work reliably.

Through the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts learn how essential smoke detectors are and gain knowledge to help their families stay protected from fire risks.

Requirement 13: Careers

Choose a fire safety-related career that interests you and describe the level of education required and responsibilities of a person in that position. Tell why this position interests you.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Requirement 13 Helps and Answers

Careers in Fire Safety

The Fire Safety merit badge introduces Scouts to a range of fire safety-related careers. These roles focus on preventing, fighting, and investigating fires, as well as educating the public about fire safety. Here are some careers in fire safety:

  • Firefighter: Firefighters respond to fires, rescue people in danger, and provide emergency medical assistance. They also participate in community education to teach fire safety.
  • Fire Inspector: Fire inspectors examine buildings to ensure they meet fire safety codes. They look for potential hazards, check fire alarm and sprinkler systems, and recommend improvements to prevent fires.
  • Fire Investigator: Fire investigators determine the cause of fires, especially suspicious ones. They collect evidence, interview witnesses, and work closely with law enforcement to uncover arson or accidental causes.
  • Wildland Firefighter: Wildland firefighters combat fires in forests, grasslands, and other natural areas. They work to contain wildfires and protect communities and ecosystems, often in challenging outdoor conditions.
  • Fire Protection Engineer: Fire protection engineers design systems, like sprinklers and alarms, to protect buildings from fire. They evaluate fire risks and create plans to minimize damage and improve safety.
  • Emergency Dispatcher: Emergency dispatchers take calls from people reporting fires or other emergencies and quickly send fire trucks and emergency personnel to the location. They are skilled in staying calm under pressure and giving clear instructions.
  • Fire Safety Educator: Fire safety educators work in schools, businesses, and community centers, teaching people about fire prevention, escape plans, and safe practices. They often work with fire departments or safety organizations.
  • Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Technician: HazMat technicians specialize in handling dangerous chemicals and materials. They respond to spills and fires involving hazardous substances and work to contain and neutralize these risks.
  • Industrial Firefighter: Industrial firefighters work in factories, oil refineries, and other high-risk workplaces. They focus on preventing and responding to fires that could be caused by machinery, chemicals, or other industrial processes.
  • Smokejumper: Smokejumpers are specially trained wildland firefighters who parachute into remote areas to combat wildfires. They handle initial fire control efforts in hard-to-reach areas, often as the first responders to a wildfire.

These careers demonstrate the many ways people contribute to fire safety, from prevention and response to investigation and education. Through the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts learn about these essential roles and how they each play a part in keeping communities safe.

Resources for the Fire Safety Merit Badge

Safety Programs Feature for Scouts BSA

The BSA has updated the Troop Program features for Scouts BSA, including the Safety program feature, which teaches Scouts essential skills for staying safe. This resource, available digitally on the BSA website or as a publication at local Scout Shops, helps Scouts learn to “Be Prepared” in potentially hazardous situations at home, outdoors, and during activities. Like the Fire Safety merit badge, this program includes safety topics like hazard awareness, preventing crime, and internet safety. The Safety program feature also suggests meeting ideas and activities such as skits, games, and events to keep learning engaging and practical for Scouts.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Fire Safety Merit Badge

What is the Fire Safety merit badge?

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts about fire prevention, fire behavior, and how to stay safe around fire. Scouts also learn about the equipment used to fight fires and the work firefighters do to keep communities safe.

Why is the Fire Safety merit badge important?

This merit badge helps Scouts understand how fires start, how to prevent them, and how to act safely in a fire emergency. Learning these skills can help protect Scouts, their families, and their communities from fire dangers.

Do I need to visit a fire station for the Fire Safety merit badge?

Yes, visiting a fire station is part of the requirements. Scouts learn about different types of fire trucks and equipment and hear about fire prevention programs in the community.

What types of fire extinguishers should I learn about for the Fire Safety merit badge?

For this badge, Scouts should know the basic types of fire extinguishers, such as Class A, B, C, and multipurpose extinguishers. Each type is used for different kinds of fires, like fires caused by wood, liquids, or electrical equipment.

What are common causes of home fires covered in the Fire Safety merit badge?

Some common causes include cooking accidents, unattended candles, smoking indoors, electrical issues, and fireplace mishaps. Scouts learn how to prevent these fires by being aware and following safety tips.

Are smoke detectors part of the Fire Safety merit badge requirements?

Yes, Scouts need to understand the importance of smoke detectors and check if they are properly installed and working in their homes. They should also learn about the different types of smoke detectors.

What is the fire tetrahedron, and why do I need to know about it?

The fire tetrahedron explains the four things that keep a fire burning: heat, fuel, oxygen, and a chemical reaction. Knowing this helps Scouts understand how to stop fires by removing one of these elements.

Do I have to practice fire drills for the Fire Safety merit badge?

Yes, Scouts should create a fire escape plan for their home and practice a fire drill with their family. This prepares everyone to act quickly and safely in case of a fire.

What careers are related to the Fire Safety merit badge?

Careers include firefighter, fire inspector, fire investigator, safety officer, emergency medical technician (EMT), and fire safety educator. These roles focus on fire prevention, safety, and emergency response.

Be Prepared, Not Burned!

The Fire Safety merit badge teaches Scouts how to protect themselves, their families, and their communities from fire hazards. Through this badge, Scouts learn how fires start, how they spread, and how to prevent them. They also practice skills like making a fire escape plan, checking smoke detectors, and using a fire extinguisher safely. The Fire Safety merit badge is all about being prepared and understanding the best ways to stay safe around fire.

As part of the Fire Safety merit badge, Scouts visit a fire station to see firefighters and their equipment up close. They learn about the different fire trucks and tools used to control fires and rescue people. Firefighters also share advice about preventing fires in homes and communities, making it a valuable experience for anyone who wants to keep others safe.

Completing the Fire Safety merit badge gives Scouts skills they can use for life. They learn not only how to prevent fires but also how to act quickly and safely if a fire does happen. This badge is a great way to understand the dangers of fire while gaining hands-on experience that could one day save lives.


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