A Scout is Reverent
A Scout is reverent toward God. She is faithful in her religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.
12th point of the Scout Law
A Scout understand that there is a greater power at work in the world. A Scout does his or her Duty to God and works to cooperate with that power.
A Scout is also respectful to those with different beliefs. It is especially important for Scouting units with diverse religious traditions to work to support the spiritual beliefs of all of their members.
Here are some ideas for the twelfth point of the Scout Law. Add your own ideas about how “A Scout Is Reverent” to the comments.
Religious Emblems Programs
Faith is an important part of Scouting programs and religious emblems programs for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Venturers reinforce that a Scout is Reverent. For most denominations, the appropriate materials can be found at the P.R.A.Y website. For Catholic emblems, see the National Catholic Committee on Scouting. For Jewish emblems, see the National Jewish Committee on Scouting. In many cases, materials are also available at your local Scout Shop.
TRUST Award: Requirements and Resources
By doing the requirement for the TRUST award, Venturers learn to deepen their own faith and to respect the beliefs of others. They understand that trust comes from having honest and respectful conversations about faith and culture. They put their beliefs into action by doing service work in the community.
Faith Requirements for Cub Scouts Who Are Agnostic or Atheist
Two Cub Scout leaders ask about how to complete the faith related requirements with Cub Scouts who are raised in agnostic homes.
Should Duty To God Requirements Be Completed at Home or at a Meeting?
A reader asks ” We have kids of different faiths and some atheists in our pack. Do you have a good list of non-religious questions for the duty to God requirements?”
Prayers and Graces for Scouts
A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. She respects the beliefs of others. Find prayers and graces for use in your program below.

Try a Faith Hike
A faith hike is an activity where Scouts visit different places of worship to learn about various beliefs. If possible, they meet with leaders from each faith, who share a little about their traditions. The goal is for Scouts to understand and respect different religions in their community. If a place of worship isn’t available, Scouts may stop somewhere quiet to discuss the faith instead. This activity teaches Scouts about “Duty to God” and the values of respect, kindness, and understanding. By learning about others, Scouts grow in character and build stronger connections with those around them.
Chaplain Aide Training
A reader asks “Can someone please share with me how you run training for Chaplain’s Aide?”
Ideas for a Pack Meeting about Faith
A Cub Scout is Reverent. According to the program helps, faith is “Having inner strength and confidence based on our trust in God.”
Pack Meeting Plan – Soaring the Skies (Reverent)
BSA has a Cub Scout pack meeting plan called Soaring the Skies related to Scout Law point of reverent. The Soaring the Skies meeting plan features ideas for the value of faith – games, group activities, songs, and more.
Cub Scouts Give Thanks Cub Scout Theme
The Cub Scouts Give Thanks related to Scout Law point of Reverent. See ideas to use with this Cub Scout program theme.

The Scout Law
I like the simplicity of the Scout Law. It is brief and therefore easy for youth to memorize. But it covers a lot of ground. A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent.

What Is Scout Spirit?
Scout spirit is mentioned in several of the requirements for Scouts BSA ranks. But what is Scout spirit and how does a Scout go about demonstrating it? Hint: Think about the Scout Law.

Trustworthy Tommy Song
Scouts of all ages need to learn the Scout Law. This classic Trustworthy Tommy song will help them remember the twelve points of the Scout Law and to understand what the points mean.
A Scout’s Prayer by Lord Baden-Powell
This prayer is attributed to Lord Baden-Powell himself. B-P clearly believed that faith was an important component of his Scouting program. So while Scouting is not specific to any particular faith, there is a spiritual aspect to it. This prayer, based on the Scout Law, would be appropriate for most groups of Scouts.
Scout Law Prayer
A Scout is Reverent. This is another Scout Law prayer which incorporates the twelve points of the Scout Law.
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