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Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure for 2024

The Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure is a hands-on activity that introduces Tiger Cub Scouts to the basics of boating and the principles of buoyancy. Through this adventure, Tigers gain a fundamental understanding of different types of boats and what makes objects float or sink. This knowledge not only piques their curiosity about the physical world but also lays the groundwork for practical science applications.

In this adventure, Tigers are encouraged to explore the outdoors and engage with water environments in a safe and controlled manner. By identifying various boats and experimenting with floating objects, they develop observational skills and learn to make predictions based on physical properties. These activities foster critical thinking and encourage scientific inquiry from a young age.

Building and floating a model boat offers Tigers a creative outlet to apply what they’ve learned. This project enhances their motor skills and encourages creativity, as they use recycled materials to design and construct their boats. The act of testing their boats on water also teaches them about trial and error and the importance of resilience when things don’t work as expected.

Overall, the Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure is about sparking a lifelong interest in learning and exploration. As Tigers work together on these projects, they also build teamwork skills and gain a sense of accomplishment through shared activities. This adventure is a fun and educational way for Cubs to connect with the natural world and each other.

Requirements for the Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure

Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure Requirements

  1. Identify five different types of boats.
  2. Identify five things that float and five things that do not float.
  3. Build or create a model boat and float it on the water. This can be made from recycled materials or other items.  
  4. Show that you can put on and fasten a life jacket correctly and learn when it is safe to enter a boat.

Resources for the Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure

Exploring Different Types of Boats

Identify five different types of boats.

In the first requirement of the Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure, Tiger Cub Scouts learn to identify five different types of boats. This activity introduces them to the diverse world of boating, helping them understand how each boat is designed for specific activities and environments. Here are a few types of boats:

  • Canoes: Canoes are versatile boats that have been used for centuries. They are typically made of wood, aluminum, or fiberglass and are propelled by paddles. Canoes are great for exploring calm rivers and lakes, and they can accommodate multiple people, making them perfect for group outings.
  • Kayaks: Kayaks are similar to canoes but are designed for individual use. They are sleek and maneuverable, making them ideal for navigating narrow waterways and tackling rapids. Kayaks can be made of various materials, including plastic, fiberglass, and carbon fiber.
  • Rowboats: Rowboats are propelled by oars, with each rower facing the stern of the boat. They are commonly used for recreational fishing or leisurely rides on calm waters. Rowboats can be made of wood, aluminum, or fiberglass, and they provide a peaceful and nostalgic boating experience.
  • Sailboats: Sailboats harness the power of the wind to move across the water. They come in various sizes, from small dinghies to large yachts. Learning to sail requires understanding wind direction, sail trim, and navigation skills. Sailboats offer a unique and exhilarating boating experience, allowing Scouts to explore vast bodies of water.
  • Motorboats: Motorboats are powered by engines and offer a faster and more efficient way to travel on the water. They come in different sizes and styles, from small speedboats to large cruisers. Motorboats require proper training and knowledge of boating regulations, including speed limits and safety precautions.
  • Inflatable Boats: Inflatable boats are made of durable materials such as PVC or Hypalon and can be inflated and deflated for easy transport and storage. They are versatile and can be used for various water activities, including fishing, diving, and leisurely rides.

Creative Ideas to Teach Types of Boats:

  • Boat Matching Game: Create cards with pictures of different types of boats like sailboats, canoes, kayaks, motorboats, and paddle boats. Have Tigers match these cards with cards that describe each boat’s uses and features. This game makes learning fun and interactive.
  • Field Trip to a Marina or Boat Show: If possible, organize a visit to a local marina, boat show, or boating event. Seeing these boats up close allows Tigers to better understand their designs and functions. They can ask questions and get information from boat owners or experts.
  • Boat Discovery Videos: Show videos that feature different types of boats in action. Discuss each boat’s unique design and use. Videos can be a great way to engage visual learners who might benefit from seeing the boats rather than just hearing about them.
  • Craft Your Own Boat Flags: Have each Tiger create a flag for a type of boat they learned about. They can draw symbols or pictures on the flag that represent the boat’s key characteristics. This activity combines creativity with learning, reinforcing their knowledge in a memorable way.

Here are some options for fulfilling Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure requirement 1:

  • Color the Boats
    • Color the boats in the Tiger handbook. 
    • Supplies: Tiger handbook page 37, crayons
    • indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
  • Model Boats
    • Identify different types of boats using models. 
    • Supplies: toy boats (rowboat, kayak, canoe, motorboat, sailboat), Tiger handbook page 37, crayons
    • indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
  • Visit a Marina
    • See real boats by visiting a marina. 
    • Supplies: Activity Consent Form 
    • requires travel, moderate energy, a week or more prep

These activities help Tiger Cub Scouts not only identify different types of boats but also understand their purposes and environments. This sets a solid foundation for their boating knowledge and encourages a deeper interest in maritime activities.

Sink or Swim

Identify five things that float and five things that do not float.

Requirement 2 of the Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure challenges Tiger Cub Scouts to identify objects that float and those that sink. This exploration helps Tigers understand the basic principles of buoyancy and density in a practical and engaging way.

  • Float or Sink Experiment: Gather various items such as a small ball, a rock, a piece of wood, a metal spoon, and a plastic bottle. Fill a large container with water and have Tigers predict whether each item will float or sink before testing them. This hands-on experiment is a great way for Tigers to learn through observation and testing.
  • Nature Walk Collection: Take a walk outside and collect different natural items like leaves, sticks, stones, and flowers. Back in your meeting place, test which items float and which sink in a bucket of water. This activity connects Tigers with nature and teaches them about the properties of different natural materials.
  • Story Time with Floating and Sinking: Read a simple story or watch a video about objects that float and sink. Discuss why some things stay on the surface while others go to the bottom. This can help reinforce the concepts in a narrative form that is easy for young Scouts to understand.
  • Prediction and Recording: Provide Tigers with a chart to fill in their predictions and the actual results of the float or sink test. This not only makes the activity more structured but also introduces basic scientific methods of prediction, observation, and recording results.

Here is an option for fulfilling Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure requirement 2:

  • Floating or Sinking?
    • In a tub discover things that float and things that do not. 
    • Supplies: large tub, water, 5 things that float (rubber duck, toy boat, balloon, cork, dry sponge), 5 things that do not float (quarter, rock, spoon, key, screwdriver), hand towel
    • outdoor, moderate energy, 3 to 5 days prep

These activities engage Tigers in active learning, encouraging them to think critically about why some objects float and others do not. Understanding these concepts forms a basic scientific foundation and sparks curiosity about how other things in the world work.

Build and Sail

Build or create a model boat and float it on the water. This can be made from recycled materials or other items.  

Requirement 3 of the Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure gives Tiger Cub Scouts the exciting opportunity to build and float a model boat. This hands-on activity not only cultivates creativity but also teaches Tigers about engineering principles and the importance of recycling.

  • Recycled Boat Building Workshop: Organize a workshop where Tigers can use recycled materials like plastic bottles, styrofoam pieces, popsicle sticks, and old newspaper to build their boats. Provide glue, tape, and scissors for assembling their creations. This promotes environmental awareness by using recyclable materials.
  • Design and Decorate: Encourage Tigers to personalize their boats by painting them or adding flags made from fabric scraps or paper. This allows them to express their creativity and make their boats unique.
  • Boat Floating Competition: After building their boats, arrange a day to test them on water. You can use a small pool or a quiet pond. Have a friendly competition to see whose boat floats the best or moves the fastest. This adds excitement to the activity and gives Tigers a chance to see the results of their hard work.
  • Learn from Mistakes: If a boat doesn’t float as expected, encourage Tigers to figure out why and think about how they could improve their design. This teaches problem-solving skills and resilience.

Here are some options for fulfilling Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure requirement 3:

  • Crafty Boat
  • Paper Boat
    • Fold paper to make a boat using the Tiger handbook. 
    • Supplies: large tub, water, Tiger handbook page 39, construction paper
    • indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
  • Raingutter Regatta Floating Boat
    • Make a Raingutter Regatta boat. 
    • Supplies: large tub, water, Raingutter Regatta kit, screwdriver, sandpaper, paint, paint brushes, glue
    • indoor, moderate energy, 1 to 3 days prep

By engaging in this creative project, Tigers learn about buoyancy and materials, while also having fun designing and building. It’s a great way for them to see science in action and understand how different designs and materials affect whether an object can float.

Learning About Life Jackets and Boat Safety

Show that you can put on and fasten a life jacket correctly and learn when it is safe to enter a boat.

One key skill for the Tiger Floats and Boats adventure is learning how to properly put on and fasten a life jacket. This helps ensure they stay safe while boating. Additionally, they need to understand when it is safe to enter a boat.

  • Demonstrate Proper Use: Show the Scouts how to put on a life jacket. Explain each step clearly. Have them practice until they can do it correctly.
  • Check the Fit: Teach them how to check if a life jacket fits properly. It should be snug but comfortable, and it should not slip over the head when pulled up.
  • Explain Safety Rules: Discuss why it is important to wear a life jacket. Mention situations when they must wear one, like when on a boat, near deep water, or if they can’t swim well.

These activities help reinforce the importance of life jackets and boat safety while keeping Scouts engaged and learning:

  • Life Jacket Relay Race: Divide the Scouts into teams. Set up a course where they need to put on a life jacket, run to a point, and then take it off. The first team to have all members complete the course wins.
  • Boat Safety Obstacle Course: Create an obstacle course that simulates a boating experience. Include tasks like putting on a life jacket, checking for boat safety items, and getting into a pretend boat. Time each Scout and see who completes it the fastest while following safety rules.
  • Safety Scenario Role-Play: Present different scenarios (e.g., bad weather, no life jackets, calm day). Have Scouts act out what they should do in each situation. Discuss the correct responses as a group.
  • Simon Says – Safety Edition: Play a game of “Simon Says” with a focus on life jacket and boat safety actions. Example commands: “Simon says, put on your life jacket,” “Simon says, check the weather,” etc.
  • Life Jacket Tug Test: Once Scouts are wearing life jackets, gently tug on the shoulders. If the jacket stays in place, it fits well. If it rides up, it needs adjusting. Make it a fun, educational check.

Here are some options for fulfilling Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure requirement 4:

  • Life Jacket Relay
    • Once Cub Scouts learn how to proper fit a life jacket conduct a relay race. 
    • Supplies: life jackets
    • indoor, very high energy, 1 to 3 days prep
  • Proper Fit – Proper Safety
    • Cub Scouts try on a properly fitted life jacket. 
    • Supplies: life jackets
    • indoor, moderate energy, 1 to 3 days prep

    It’s important to teach Tiger Scouts about water safety. These skills aim to build confidence and knowledge around water activities.

    Before any activity, check the SAFE Checklist to make sure everyone is safe. Everyone involved in Scouting America activities should know the Guide to Safe Scouting and other relevant guides or books. Also follow any state or local rules that are more strict than Scouting America rules and guidelines.

    Before starting a craft, watch the Craft Tips video (2 minutes 34 seconds).

    More information

    Frequently Asked Questions for the Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure

    What kinds of boats should we learn about for the Floats and Boats adventure?

    Learn about simple boats like sailboats, canoes, kayaks, motorboats, and rowboats.

    How do we find out which things float and which do not?

    Try floating various small items in a bucket of water. See which ones stay up and which ones sink.

    What materials can we use to build our model boats for the Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure?

    Use recycled materials like plastic bottles, cardboard, and foam pieces.

    Where can we float our model boats?

    You can float them in a bathtub, a pool, or a small pond.

    What should we do if our boat sinks?

    Check if the boat is too heavy or unbalanced. Try making it lighter or adjusting its shape.

    Can parents help build the boat for the Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure?

    Yes, parents should help, especially with cutting materials or using glue.

    How can we make sure our boats are safe to float?

    Make sure the materials are securely attached and the boat has no sharp edges.

    What do we learn from the Floats and Boats adventure?

    You learn about boat types, what makes things float, and how to build and test a model boat.

    Buoyant Builders

    The Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure is an engaging and educational journey that teaches Tiger Cub Scouts about boats and buoyancy. It starts with the Tigers identifying different types of boats, enhancing their understanding of each boat’s design and use. This activity helps them appreciate the diversity in boat construction and purpose.

    Next, the adventure explores the concepts of floating and sinking. Tigers experiment with various objects to learn why some things float and others sink. This hands-on experiment is crucial for understanding basic physical principles and encourages curiosity about how things work.

    The most exciting part of the Floats and Boats adventure is building a model boat from recycled materials. Tigers apply their creativity and newly acquired knowledge of buoyancy to construct boats that they can test on water. This activity not only promotes environmental consciousness through the use of recyclable materials but also enhances problem-solving skills as Tigers make their boats seaworthy.

    This adventure offers a blend of learning, fun, and practical application. It’s an ideal way for Tiger Cub Scouts to explore science, work on craft projects, and develop a deeper connection with the natural world.


    One response to “Tiger Floats and Boats Adventure for 2024”

    1. Boat Detailing Near Me Avatar
      Boat Detailing Near Me

      This looks like a fun boating activity for kids.

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