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Webelos/AOL Looking Back Looking Forward Adventure: Retired

BSA retired this adventure on May 31, 2022. This information remains here for historical purposes.

Looking Back Looking Forward is one of the Webelos/Arrow of Light elective adventures. For this adventure, Webelos learn about the history of Scouting, do a hands on activity by making a timeline, and look to the future by creating a time capsule.

Requirements for Looking Back Looking Forward Webelos Adventure

Complete the following requirements. Note: BSA is retiring this adventure on May 31, 2022.

  1. Create a record of the history of Scouting and your place in that history
  2. With the help of your den leader, parent, or guardian and with your choice of media, go on a virtual journey to the past and create a timeline.
  3. Create your own time capsule.


Den Time Capsule

See this simple way to make a den time capsule. If you are just starting this as Webelos, add something every month or two instead of every year.

Clock Neckerchief Slide

This simple clock neckerchief slide fits in well with this time based adventure. Make it as a gathering activity.

When I Was Young Gathering Activity

This is another fun activity for a history based theme. Webelos can see how much a person changes over time.

Faith and Our Ancestors Game

This game will help Webelos explore their family history. They will also talk about how faith impacts a person’s ability to travel forward in time without knowing what the outcome will be.


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