Note: This is still frequently asked on my site. I’m not sure you can even get the yellow shirt at the Scout shop anymore, but since there are still so many out there, people see leaders wearing them. And they are still available on sites like Ebay, I still see female Scouters in them.
The Question
Lorraine sent in this question:
What type of shirt do female den leaders wear? (yellow shirt or tan)I want to get a shirt to wear so my Webelo Scouts understand and take pride in the uniform. (lead by example) I never had a shirt before, we are Webelo 1.
Thanks for the question Lorraine. Female Cub Scout leaders may wear either the yellow shirt or the tan shirt. However, almost all of the den leaders I know wear the tan shirt.
Why Wear Tan?
Female Scouts BSA leaders only wear the tan shirts. The yellow shirt is for Cub Scout leaders. So if you purchase a tan shirt you can also continue to wear it when your son or daughter moves to a Scouts BSA unit and you become a Scout leader. 🙂
For that reason, I’d recommend you get the tan shirt.
And I commend you for wanting to be a good example in uniforming for your den. We can’t really expect the youth to wear the uniform if adults aren’t wearing it.
Who Should Wear a Scout Uniform?
A reader asks if she should wear a Scout uniform. She is a committee member and religious emblems counselor. See my answer.
Scouts BSA and Uniforms
Beth asked, “I realized once again that, as proud as he is to wear the uniform at a Scout function, he still feels uncomfortable wearing it in public. I have seen this with many other boys as well. Has anyone else noticed this trend, and what can be done? These guys are the future of our country and doing great things everyday, and yet the cool factor is just not there.” Add your comments.
Scouting Uniform Guide
Learn all about uniforms and insignia. Includes information about what is appropriate and uniform inspection sheets.
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