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Gandhi’s Shoe (Cubmaster or Scoutmaster Minute)

This Cubmaster or Scoutmaster minute uses a story about Gandhi to demonstrate what being cheerful and having a positive attitude means. For Cub Scouts, you could even have a few den chiefs act this out while you tell the story.

This would also work as a Scoutmaster minute for Scouts BSA.

Gandhi’s Shoe

You might have heard the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” What does this mean? It means we should look on the bright side of life and try to make something good out of every situation. Sometimes things happen which don’t seem so great at first, but with a positive attitude, we can try to make the best of the situation and maybe even find some good in it.

Consider this story. There was a famous man from India named Gandhi. He was riding on a train and his shoe fell off. Since the train was already moving, he couldn’t go back and get it. As his friends watched, he took off his other shoe and threw it near the first.

His friends couldn’t understand it. “What are you doing?”, they asked. Gandhi replied, “Now when a poor man comes by and finds my shoe, he will find the other one also and have a pair.”

That’s a positive attitude!


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