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Cub Scout Six Essentials for Outdoor Activities

Being prepared is very important for Cub Scouts. When they go on adventures, they need the right tools. The Cub Scout Six Essentials are the key items they should always bring. These items help keep them safe and ready for anything.

The Cub Scout Six Essentials are a filled water bottle, a small personal first aid kit, a whistle, a flashlight, sun protection, and trail food. Each of these items has a special purpose. They help Cub Scouts stay safe, healthy, and prepared.

Teaching your Cub Scouts to carry these essentials is a good habit. It shows them how to be responsible and ready. You never know when they might need one of these items.

Whether they are hiking, camping, or just exploring, make sure your Cub Scouts always take the Cub Scout Six Essentials with them. These simple but important tools will help them on their adventures.

Filled Water Bottle

A filled water bottle is one of the Cub Scout Six Essentials. Staying hydrated is very important for Cub Scouts. When they are active, they need plenty of water to keep their bodies working well. Always make sure your Cub Scout has a full water bottle before they start their adventure.

Choose a water bottle that is easy to carry and use. It should be sturdy and not leak. Many water bottles have clips or straps to attach to a backpack. This makes it easy for Cub Scouts to bring them along without any trouble.

See a suggested water bottle Ad*

Remind your Cub Scout to take regular sips of water, especially if it’s hot outside. Dehydration can make them feel tired and sick. Drinking water helps them stay energetic and healthy. Encourage them to drink even if they don’t feel thirsty.

Always refill the water bottle when it gets low. Teach your Cub Scout to recognize when they need more water. Having a filled water bottle helps ensure they have enough to drink during their activities. This simple habit is key to staying safe and healthy on any outing.

First Aid Kit

A small personal first aid kit is another one of the Cub Scout Six Essentials. It’s important for Cub Scouts to have basic medical supplies with them. This helps them handle minor injuries quickly and safely. A first aid kit is a simple way to be prepared for any small emergencies.

The first aid kit should include band-aids, antiseptic wipes, gauze pads, and adhesive tape. These items can help treat cuts, scrapes, and minor wounds. You can also include tweezers for removing splinters and a small pair of scissors. Make sure everything is in a waterproof container to keep it clean and dry.

See an appropriate mini first aid kit Ad*

Teach your Cub Scout how to use the items in their first aid kit. They should know how to clean a wound and apply a band-aid. Practicing these skills helps them feel confident and prepared. Remind them to tell an adult if they use their first aid kit, so the supplies can be restocked.

Carrying a small personal first aid kit is a good habit. It shows Cub Scouts the importance of being ready for minor injuries. Having these basic supplies can make a big difference in keeping them safe and healthy on their adventures.


A whistle is another of the Cub Scout Six Essentials. It’s a simple tool that can be very important in emergencies. If a Cub Scout gets lost or needs help, a whistle can make a loud sound to alert others. It’s much easier to hear a whistle than a shout.

Choose a sturdy whistle that is easy to use. It should be loud enough to be heard from a distance. Many whistles come with a lanyard or clip, making them easy to attach to a backpack or wear around the neck. This way, the whistle is always within reach.

See a whistle on a lanyard Ad*

Teach your Cub Scout when and how to use their whistle. Three short blasts is a common signal for help. Practice using the whistle so they know what to do in an emergency. Make sure they understand that the whistle is for emergencies only and not for playing.

Having a whistle can give both you and your Cub Scout peace of mind. It’s a simple but effective way to stay safe. Remind them to always carry their whistle and use it if they need help. This small tool can make a big difference in an emergency.


A flashlight is one of the Cub Scout Six Essentials. It helps Cub Scouts see in the dark and stay safe. Whether they are camping, hiking, or walking at night, a flashlight is very useful. It can also help them find things in low light or signal for help.

Choose a flashlight that is easy to carry and use. It should be sturdy and bright enough to light the way. Some flashlights come with straps or clips, making them easy to attach to a backpack. This ensures that the flashlight is always handy when needed.

Get a small flashlight Ad*

Make sure to check the batteries regularly. A flashlight is only useful if it works. Teach your Cub Scout to test the flashlight before they go on an adventure. Carry extra batteries just in case. This simple step can prevent problems if the batteries run out.

Using a flashlight is a good habit for staying safe. Remind your Cub Scout to always have their flashlight with them. It can help them avoid obstacles and find their way in the dark. A working flashlight is an essential tool for any outdoor activity.

Sun Protection

Sun protection is also of the Cub Scout Six Essentials. It is important to protect your Cub Scout’s skin from the sun. Too much sun can cause sunburn and long-term skin damage. Proper sun protection helps keep their skin healthy.

There are several ways to protect against the sun. Sunscreen is very important. Choose a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Apply it to all exposed skin and remember to reapply every two hours or after swimming. Make sure your Cub Scout knows how to use sunscreen properly.

Wearing a hat is another good way to protect from the sun. A wide-brimmed hat can shield their face, ears, and neck. Sunglasses are also helpful. They protect the eyes from harmful UV rays. Look for sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays.

Remind your Cub Scout to seek shade when possible, especially during the hottest part of the day. Teaching them good sun protection habits helps keep them safe and healthy on all their outdoor adventures. Sun protection is a simple but essential part of staying prepared.

Trail Food

Trail food is another of the Cub Scout Six Essentials. It is important to have snacks that give energy during outdoor activities. Good trail food keeps Cub Scouts fueled and ready for adventure. It helps them stay strong and focused.

Choose trail food that is easy to carry and eat. Granola bars, nuts, and dried fruit are great options. These snacks provide energy and are not messy. Pack enough to last the whole trip, but avoid heavy or bulky items. See more suggestions for trail food.

Teach your Cub Scout to eat small snacks throughout the day. This keeps their energy levels steady. Eating trail food also helps prevent fatigue and keeps them feeling good. Remind them to drink water with their snacks to stay hydrated.

Having the right trail food is a key part of being prepared. It helps Cub Scouts stay active and enjoy their adventures. Make sure they always have healthy snacks in their pack. This simple step ensures they have the energy they need for a fun and safe outing.

Additional Resources

Creative Ways to Learn About the Cub Scout Six Essentials

Scavenger Hunt

Organize a scavenger hunt where Cub Scouts find items related to the Cub Scout Six Essentials hidden around a park or meeting area. This teaches them to recognize and gather each essential item.

Essentials Relay Race

Set up a relay race where each station focuses on one of the Cub Scout Six Essentials. Scouts must complete a task related to each item before moving to the next station. For example:

  • Water Bottle: Scouts must fill a water bottle from a water source (e.g., a bucket or cooler) and then carry it through a short obstacle course without spilling.
  • First Aid Kit: Set up a station with various first aid items scattered around. Scouts must find and correctly identify the items needed for a small personal first aid kit, then bandage a “wound” on a fellow Scout (using a doll or another Scout).
  • Whistle: Scouts must blow the whistle using the emergency signal (three short blasts), then navigate through a small maze or series of cones while blindfolded, guided by another Scout’s instructions.
  • Flashlight: Scouts must use a flashlight to find and retrieve items hidden in a darkened area (indoor room or shaded outdoor area).
  • Sun Protection: Scouts must apply sunscreen to their arms, put on a hat, and wear sunglasses, then complete a short activity like a hula hoop or jumping jacks.
  • Trail Food: Scouts must select appropriate trail food items from a table of mixed options (healthy snacks mixed with junk food), then pack them in a small bag or container.
  • Backpack Packing Task: Scouts must pack all of the Cub Scout Six Essentials into a backpack, ensuring it’s properly organized and easy to carry.

This reinforces the importance and use of each essential through fun, hands-on activities.

Story Time Adventure

Create a story about a Cub Scout adventure where each of the Six Essentials plays a crucial role. Ask Scouts to act out parts of the story. See a story about the Cub Scout Six Essentials here.

DIY First Aid Kits

Have Scouts assemble their own small personal first aid kits with provided materials. This will teach them what items belong in a first aid kit and how to use them.

Trail Mix Creation

Let Scouts make their own trail mix using a variety of healthy ingredients. Discuss why each ingredient is a good choice for trail food. See some trail mix ideas here.

More Ideas

Using these creative activities, Cub Scouts will learn about the Six Essentials in a fun and engaging way. They will be better prepared for their adventures and understand the importance of each item.

Here is some more information to consider before heading out on your outdoor adventure:

Frequently Asked Questions about the Cub Scout Six Essentials

What are the Cub Scout Six Essentials?

The Cub Scout Six Essentials are a filled water bottle, a small personal first aid kit, a whistle, a flashlight, sun protection, and trail food. These items help keep Cub Scouts safe and prepared on their adventures.

Why is a filled water bottle important?

A filled water bottle is important because it keeps Cub Scouts hydrated. Staying hydrated helps them stay energetic and healthy during outdoor activities.

What size water bottle is best for Cub Scouts?

An appropriately sized water bottle for Cub Scouts should be large enough to hold enough water for their activities but not too heavy to carry. A bottle that holds about 16 to 24 ounces is usually a good size. Make sure it is easy for them to open and drink from.

What should be in a small personal first aid kit for the Cub Scout Six Essentials?

A small personal first aid kit should include band-aids, antiseptic wipes, gauze pads, adhesive tape, tweezers, and small scissors. These items help treat minor injuries and keep wounds clean.

How do you use a whistle in an emergency?

In an emergency, a Cub Scout should use a whistle to make three short blasts. This is a common signal for help. The loud sound of a whistle is easier to hear than shouting.

What type of flashlight is best to include in the Cub Scout Six Essentials?

A good flashlight for Cub Scouts should be sturdy and bright. It should be easy to carry and use. Make sure to check the batteries regularly and carry extra batteries just in case.

What kinds of sun protection should Cub Scouts use?

Cub Scouts should use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays. These items help protect their skin and eyes from the sun.

What are good examples of trail food?

Good examples of trail food are granola bars, nuts, and dried fruit. These snacks are easy to carry and provide energy. They help Cub Scouts stay strong and focused during their activities.

Why are the Cub Scout Six Essentials important?

The Cub Scout Six Essentials are important because they help Cub Scouts stay safe, healthy, and prepared. These items support their well-being and ensure they are ready for any situation during their adventures.

Ready, Set, Adventure!

The Cub Scout Six Essentials are key to staying safe and prepared. Each item plays an important role. A filled water bottle keeps them hydrated. A small personal first aid kit helps treat minor injuries. A whistle is a vital tool for emergencies. A flashlight ensures they can see in the dark. Sun protection keeps their skin safe. Trail food gives them energy.

As a den leader or parent, teaching your Cub Scouts to always carry these essentials is important. It helps them learn responsibility and readiness. These simple items can make a big difference in their safety and enjoyment.

Encourage your Cub Scouts to check their gear before every adventure. Make sure their water bottle is full and their flashlight has working batteries. Ensure their first aid kit is stocked, and they have enough sunscreen and snacks.

Being prepared with the Cub Scout Six Essentials helps your Cub Scouts have fun and stay safe on all their adventures. Ready, set, adventure!


2 responses to “Cub Scout Six Essentials for Outdoor Activities”

  1. Nikki Avatar

    Cub Scouts are not allowed to carry matches or lighters.

  2. Nik Stanosheck Avatar
    Nik Stanosheck

    Cub Scouts have 6 Essentials. Scout BSA has 10.

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