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Turn Back the Clock Cub Scout Theme (Resourcefulness)

A supplemental meeting plan theme called Turn Back the Clock was provided by BSA a few years ago. For more ideas for use with this theme, see then end of this post.

Here is how the BSA plan suggests tying together this history based theme with the value of resourcefulness.

When you look back in time, it is easy to find many examples of resourcefulness, using human and other resources to their fullest. Whether it is the Ice Age, the Wild West, the Space Age, or the 1950s, each time period had people with goals who used the resources available to them to make their lives better.

What Is Included?

This meeting plan includes the following – all within a resourcefulness theme. See the meeting plan for details.

  • Gathering activities – A word search which can also double as a place mat
  • Opening ceremony – Resourcefulness
  • A prayer for your banquet
  • Song – We Are a Cub Scout Pack (To the tune of Hickory Dickory Dock)
  • Ideas for den skits
  • Audience participation – putting together phrases to make up a story, a little bit like Mad Libs
  • A Turn Back the Clock recognition ceremony
  • A Resourcefulness Cubmaster Minute
  • A simple closing ceremony

Clock Neckerchief Slide

Cub Scouts can make this simple neckerchief on their own. Use it as a gathering activity with the Turn Back the Clock theme.

Den Time Capsule

The idea is to make a den time capsule which they add to from time to time – maybe every year at Blue and Gold time and after summer camp or when they earn their rank or do something special. Then, when they cross over to Scouts BSA, they open the time capsule and see all of the things they added.

My Story Mystery Game

The My Story Mystery Game is a great way to get to know some “history” about a group of individuals. It makes a great icebreaker. It can also serve as an introduction to a discussion about oral history and storytelling.

When I Was Young Gathering Activity

“When I Was Young” can be used as one of the gathering activities for any meeting centered around a history theme or a photography or cinema theme. This also works well for a Blue and Gold banquet.

Tick-Tock the Crocodile Hunt

Tick-Tock the Crocodile Hunt is a very simple small group indoor activity. It works best with eight or fewer players, so you might need to divide into smaller groups. In this activity one of the players (Captain Hook), hunts for a ticking crocodile.


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