Everyone familiar with the Star Trek series knows how much they like to beam people back and forth the transporter, despite all of the weird episodes which seem to result from transporter incidents. So sing this Star Trek song as a tribute to the series.
The Noble Captain Kirk song is sung to the same tune as the Grand Old Duke of York. And the actions are also similar. When you say “Up” everyone stands up. When you say “Down” everyone squats down. And when you say “Halfway Up” you are somewhere in the middle.
This song would go well with a science theme .
Lyrics for The Noble Captain Kirk Star Trek Song
Sing to the tune of Grand Old Duke of York
The noble Captain Kirk, he had 500 men.
He beamed them up to the Enterprise,
And he beamed down again.
And when they’re up, they’re up,
And when they’re down, they’re down,
And when they’re only halfway up,
They’re nowhere to be found.
Related Resources
Dock Your Flying Saucer Game
Play this game with at your meeting or event to complement this futuristic space themed song. 🙂
The Princess Pat Song
This song also mentions Captain Kirk and his noble crew, so it also goes well with any Star Trek theme.
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