Sports drinks like Gatorade or Power Aid are designed to replenish the water and salt your body loses when you are active or exercising. You can mix up your own homemade sports drink powder to accomplish this for a fraction of the cost of purchasing these drinks by the bottle.
The sugar and flavoring in this mix break the monotony of drinking plain water and might encourage you to drink more. The salt helps prevent low blood sodium. Don’t increase the proportions of sugar and salt in the recipe though. Too much sugar and salt will slow the absorption of the water and will put an additional load on your system.
Homemade Sports Drink Powder Recipe
- 9 tablespoons table sugar
- 3/8 teaspoon table salt
- 1 packet unsweetened Kool Aid
- Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
- Divide the mixture into each of three Ziploc bags.
- When ready to use, add contents of one bag to a 20 ounce bottle.
- Fill about halfway with water.
- Close tightly and shake well to mix.
- Fill the bottle the rest of the way up with water or with water and two or three ice cubes and shake again. (The ice should melt.)
Related Fitness Resources for Homemade Sports Drink Powder Recipe

Health and Fitness Cub Scout Theme
One of the Aims of Scouting is Fitness. According to the Cub Scout program helps health and fitness is:
“Being personally committed to keeping our minds and bodies clean and fit.Cub Scouts will learn that it is important and easy to eat a healthy diet and how a fitness program can be part of their daily routine.”
Teach your Cub Scouts about fitness with this program theme.

Fitness and Nutrition Program Feature for Scouts BSA Troops
The Fitness and Nutrition program feature is listed in the Sports program features category, but fitness and nutrition are important for everyone, whether involved in sports or not. Topics include the Get FITT principle, the My Plate Way, Body Mass Index (BMI), and measuring flexibility with a sit and reach box. There are sample troop meeting plans and sample ideas for a troop outing or activity related to nutrition and fitness.
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