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Scoutmaster Minute – Cheerful Service

With Order of the Arrow elections approaching in the coming months, I though I’d share this Scoutmaster minute about cheerful service.  It will help the troop remember what they should be basing their votes on and it should help current OA members remember the ideals they should be trying to live up to.

Scoutmaster Minute – Cheerful Service

Service is part of Scouting. Every Scout must participate in service projects to advance in rank. But service goes beyond advancement requirements. It is part of the growing process. As you move from childhood to adulthood, you progress from only working for what you want to what is good for the community as a whole.

That is why so many good people spend so much time volunteering. Think of all of the adults who help out this troop. They give their time willingly to help you, even though they are busy. These Scouters don’t complain about the commitment. They are happy to spend their precious free time helping you, not because it benefits themselves, but because they know it is a good cause.  They demonstrate cheerful service every week at our meetings.

Next month you will elect new members into the Order of the Arrow. It is a great honor to be elected. When you are making your decision about who to vote for , consider that it is not a popularity contest. Remember, the Order of the Arrow is a “brotherhood of cheerful service”. So when you are voting, think about how the candidates have demonstrated their dedication to the ideals of Scouting. Are they willing to live by the Scout Law, not just when it benefits themselves, but for the good of everyone?


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