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Lion Time to Swim Adventure for 2024

The Lion Time to Swim Adventure is a great way for young Scouts to learn about swimming safely. This activity is designed for Lions, the youngest members of the Cub Scouts, who are kindergarten-aged. In this adventure, Lions get to explore water activities while understanding the importance of safety in and around water. It’s a fun way for them to build confidence and develop basic swimming skills.

During the Time to Swim adventure, Lions learn important swimming safety rules. Knowing how to act safely near water is a skill that they will use throughout their lives. They will practice entering and exiting the water correctly, which helps prevent accidents. These activities are done with their adult partners, making it a safe and supportive experience.

Being active in the water is not only about learning to swim. It’s also about staying healthy and fit. Lions will spend time playing and moving in the water, which is a good form of exercise. The adventure encourages them to be physically active in a way that is enjoyable.

Lastly, the Time to Swim Adventure helps Lions grow more comfortable in the water. They will practice putting their faces in the water and blowing bubbles. This is a basic skill that helps with learning to swim. By the end of the adventure, Lions will have a better understanding of how to be safe and have fun in the water. This is a valuable step in their growth and development as young Scouts.

Requirements for the Lion Time to Swim Adventure

Time to Swim Adventure Requirements

This Adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR passing the BSA Swimmer Test OR taking swimming lessons.

  1. Learn about the swimming safety rules that you need to follow.
  2. Demonstrate how to enter the swimming area properly.
  3. With your Lion adult partner as your buddy, be active in water depths matching your ability for 20 minutes.
  4. Place your face in the water and blow bubbles.
  5. Demonstrate how to exit properly from the swimming area.

Resources for the Lion Time to Swim Adventure

Safety Rules

Learn about the swimming safety rules that you need to follow.

For the Lion Time to Swim Adventure, learning about swimming safety rules is essential. This helps Lions stay safe while enjoying water activities. Here are some simple swimming safety rules that Lions should learn:

  • Always swim with a buddy: Never swim alone, even in shallow water.
  • Listen to the lifeguard or adult in charge: Always follow the rules set by the person supervising the swimming area.
  • Walk, don’t run: Always walk in the pool area to avoid slipping and falling.
  • Keep your head above water: If you’re not comfortable, keep your face out of the water and call for help.

There must always be an adult supervisor trained in Safe Swim Defense at Scouting swimming activities.

Here are some options for Lion Time to Swim requirement 1

  • Lion Safe Swim Defense
    • Cub Scouts will identify the Safe Swim Defense. 
    • Supplies: Lion handbook, crayons
    • Indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep
  • Lions Learn from the Lifeguard
    • Have an adult BSA Lifeguard or other adult who has completed Safe Swim Defense training to talk to the Cub Scouts. 
    • Supplies: none
    • Requires travel, low energy, a week or more prep

Den leaders should teach these rules in a simple and clear way. Use demonstrations and practice sessions to help Lions understand how to follow each rule. It’s also good to discuss why each rule is important. This helps Lions remember them better.

Enter the Swimming Area

Demonstrate how to enter the swimming area properly.

For the Lion Time to Swim Adventure requirement to demonstrate entering the swimming area properly, it’s important for Lions to learn the safest way to get into the water. This helps prevent injuries and makes sure everyone enjoys their time swimming.

  1. Check for a safe entry point: Always enter the water at a designated spot, like a shallow end or a staircase.
  2. Use the ladder or steps if available: If there’s a ladder or steps, use them to slowly and carefully enter the water.
  3. Sit and slide: If entering from the poolside, sit on the edge and slide into the water feet-first.
  4. Enter slowly: Whether using steps or sliding in, always go slowly to adjust to the water temperature and depth.

Here is an option for Lion Time to Swim requirement 2

Den leaders should demonstrate these methods first and then help Lions practice. Make sure each Lion feels comfortable and confident as they learn to enter the water properly. Explain why it’s important to follow these steps, like keeping safe and preventing slips or falls.

Go Swimming

With your Lion adult partner as your buddy, be active in water depths matching your ability for 20 minutes.

For the Lion Time to Swim Adventure, requirement 3 involves being active in the water with an adult partner. This helps Lions get comfortable in the water while ensuring safety with the presence of a trusted adult.

Here’s some advice for den leaders:

  • Choose the right water depth: Make sure Lions are in a part of the pool that matches their swimming ability. For most young Lions, the shallow end is best.
  • Stay close and attentive: Adult partners should always stay near their Lion, offering support and encouragement.

To make this activity fun and engaging, consider these simple games that Lions and their adult partners can play in the shallow section of the pool:

  • Treasure Hunt: Drop some waterproof toys or items in the shallow water and have Lions and their partners find them.
  • Follow the Leader: Have the adult partner lead by doing simple water movements like splashing, kicking, or floating, and the Lion follows.
  • Ring Toss: Use floating rings or safe objects that Lions can toss and then swim or walk to retrieve.
  • Water Dancing: Create simple dance moves or actions to do together in the water, like waving hands or tapping feet on the pool floor.
  • Simon Says: Play a water version of “Simon Says,” where the adult gives commands like “Simon says, splash water!” or “Simon says, jump!”

Here is an option for Lion Time to Swim requirement 3

These games keep Lions moving and enjoying the water, all while building their confidence and swimming skills. It’s a great way to meet the requirement while having a lot of fun.

Blow Bubbles

Place your face in the water and blow bubbles.

For the Lion Time to Swim Adventure, requirement 4 teaches Lions how to put their face in the water and blow bubbles. This skill is important as it helps young Scouts become more comfortable with water, especially around their face, which is essential for learning to swim.

Here’s how den leaders can encourage and support Lions in this activity:

  • Start slow: Begin by having Lions practice blowing bubbles in a bowl of water or at the edge of the pool. This helps them get used to the sensation.
  • Demonstrate: Show them how to gently place just their mouth or nose in the water and blow bubbles. Gradually, they can progress to submerging their entire face as they feel comfortable.
  • Use a game: Turn it into a fun game, like pretending to be fish or sea creatures blowing bubbles under the water. This makes the activity playful and less intimidating.
  • Offer praise: Always give lots of encouragement and praise for any attempt, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement will make Lions feel proud and eager to try more.
  • Stay close: Be nearby to provide support and make them feel secure. This reassurance is crucial for building their confidence in the water.

Here is an option for Lion Time to Swim requirement 4

By making this experience fun and stress-free, Lions will learn to be more at ease with water on their face and take an important step in their swimming education.

Exit the Water

Demonstrate how to exit properly from the swimming area.

For the Lion Time to Swim Adventure, requirement 5 focuses on teaching Lions how to exit the swimming area properly. This skill is crucial for safety and helps ensure that Lions can leave the water safely and efficiently.

  • Approach the exit: Guide Lions to move towards the exit area, such as the ladder or steps, calmly and without rushing.
  • Use the ladder or steps: Encourage them to use a ladder if available. Show them how to hold onto the sides with both hands and climb out step by step. If steps are available, teach them to use the railing for support as they step out.
  • Exit safely: Make sure they know to never push or jump near the exit area, as it can be slippery. Teach them to take their time and be careful.
  • Don’t forget your buddy: Remind them that their buddy should exit at the same time.
  • Stay calm: Remind Lions to keep calm and not to crowd or rush at the exit. Everyone will get their turn to exit safely.

Here is an option for Lion Time to Swim requirement 5

Den leaders should demonstrate these steps themselves and assist Lions as needed. Practice this several times to ensure that all Lions are comfortable with exiting the pool properly. This practice not only promotes safety but also builds the Lions’ confidence in handling themselves in the water.

Before any activity, check the SAFE Checklist to make sure everyone is safe. Everyone involved in Scouting America activities should know the Guide to Safe Scouting and other relevant guides or books. Also follow any state or local rules that are more strict than Scouting America rules and guidelines.

All swimming activities must be supervised by a responsible adult, age 21 or older, who understands and accepts responsibility for everyone’s safety. This adult must be trained in and follow the eight points of BSA Safe Swim Defense.

Before starting this Adventure:

During the Adventure:

  • Give an overview of the Safe Swim Defense points before starting.
  • Provide continuous, qualified adult supervision and discipline.
  • When swimming outdoors, ensure all Cub Scouts apply sunscreen.

See more information

Frequently Asked Questions for the Lion Time to Swim Adventure

What should Lions wear for the Time to Swim Adventure?

Lions should wear a swimsuit and sunscreen.

What if a Lion is scared to put his or her face in the water?

That’s okay. Encourage them to start slow, perhaps by blowing bubbles on the surface. Gradually, as they feel more comfortable, they can try putting part of their face in the water.

How can adult partners help during the Time to Swim Adventure?

Adult partners should stay close to their Lion, offering encouragement and support. They can demonstrate skills and play games to make the adventure fun.

What do Lions learn from the Time to Swim Adventure?

Lions learn how to be safe around water, basic swimming skills, and how to enjoy being active in the water. They also build confidence as they try new things.

Splish Splash, Lions Learn to Dash!

The Lion Time to Swim Adventure is designed to introduce young Lions in kindergarten to basic swimming skills and water safety. This adventure helps Lions gain confidence and comfort in the water through fun and educational activities. Lions learn crucial swimming safety rules, which are essential for their safety around water throughout their lives.

In the adventure, Lions practice entering and exiting the swimming area properly. This teaches them to be cautious and responsible in the pool. They also spend time being active in water that matches their ability, always accompanied by their adult partner. This activity not only helps them get comfortable in the water but also promotes physical fitness through playful exercises.

One of the key skills Lions learn is how to put their face in the water and blow bubbles. This basic skill is an important step in learning to swim and helps young Scouts overcome any fear of water. By the end of the adventure, Lions have not only improved their swimming ability but also learned how to be safe and have fun in the water.


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