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Tiger Race Time Adventure

The Tiger Race Time adventure is a fun activity for Tiger Scouts and their adult partners. In this adventure, they get to work together on a hands-on project. They build and decorate a vehicle, like a Pinewood Derby car or a Raingutter Regatta boat. This project is not just about making a vehicle. It’s about spending quality time together.

During this adventure, Tigers learn about the rules of the race. Knowing the rules helps them understand how to race fairly. This is important because it teaches them about fairness and following guidelines.

Another key part of the Tiger Race Time adventure is talking about good sportsmanship. Tigers and their adult partners discuss how to behave during the race. They learn the importance of being kind and respectful to others, whether they win or lose.

By participating in the race, Tigers get a chance to put what they have learned into action. They experience the excitement of the race and enjoy the spirit of friendly competition. This helps them feel proud of their hard work and shows them how fun and rewarding teamwork can be.

Requirements for the Tiger Race Time Adventure

Tiger Race Time Adventure Requirements

  1. With your Tiger adult partner, assemble and decorate either a Pinewood Derby car or a Raingutter Regatta boat.
  2. Learn the rules of the race for the vehicle chosen in requirement 1.
  3. Before the race, discuss with your Tiger adult partner how you will demonstrate good sportsmanship during the race.
  4. With your Tiger adult partner, participate in a Pinewood Derby or a Raingutter Regatta.

Resources for the Tiger Race Time Adventure

Create a Vehicle

With your Tiger adult partner, assemble and decorate either a Pinewood Derby car or a Raingutter Regatta boat.

For the first requirement of the Tiger Race Time adventure, Tiger Scouts and their adult partners get to build a vehicle together. They can choose to make either a Pinewood Derby car or a Raingutter Regatta boat. Here are some ideas and tips for this project:

  1. Choosing Your Kit: Start by picking a kit for either the Pinewood Derby car or the Raingutter Regatta boat. These kits can be bought at Scout shops or online. They include all the parts you need.
  2. Planning the Design: Before you start building, think about how you want your vehicle to look. You can sketch your ideas on paper first. Think about what colors you want to use and if you want to add any special designs.
  3. Assembling the Vehicle: Follow the instructions in your kit to put your vehicle together. This might include attaching the wheels to the car or the sails to the boat. It’s important to follow the steps carefully to make sure your vehicle works well.
  4. Decorating: Once your vehicle is built, you can decorate it. Use paint, stickers, or markers to make it look unique. This is your chance to be creative and have fun with it.

Here are some options for fulfilling Tiger Race Time Adventure requirement 1:

  • Pinewood Derby Car Build Day Tiger
    • Den or pack provides a build day for Cub Scouts. 
    • Supplies: woodworking tools, sandpaper, hammers, Pinewood Derby kits, weights, screwdrivers, paint, paintbrushes, water, adjustment tool, small digital scale, wood glue, Tiger handbook page 45, pencils, scissors, first aid kit
    • indoor, moderate energy, one week prep
  • Raingutter Regatta Boat Build Day Tiger
    • Den or pack provides a build day for Cub Scouts. 
    • Supplies: sandpaper, Raingutter Regatta kits, screwdrivers, paint paintbrushes, water, stickers, wood glue
    • indoor, moderate energy, one week prep

This activity is a great way for Tigers to learn about building and designing, while spending quality time with their adult partners.

Learn the Rules

Learn the rules of the race for the vehicle chosen in requirement 1.

For the second requirement of the Tiger Race Time adventure, Tigers need to learn the rules of the race for the vehicle they chose to build, either a Pinewood Derby car or a Raingutter Regatta boat. Here are the simplified rules for both. See the instructions in your kit for a detailed list.

Pinewood Derby Rules

  • Car Specifications: The car must fit certain size and weight limits. It should not be too long or too heavy.
  • No Power Aids: The car must be powered only by gravity. Motors or batteries are not allowed.
  • Wheel and Axle: Only the wheels and axles provided in the kit can be used. Modifications like bearings or bushings are not allowed.
  • Stay in Lane: The car must stay in its lane and cannot interfere with other cars.

Raingutter Regatta Rules

  • Boat Specifications: The boat must fit specific size requirements and be made from the materials provided in the kit.
  • Sail Power Only: The boat must be powered by blowing air to move it. No mechanical devices or paddles are allowed.
  • No Modifications: The hull, sails, and mast must be used as provided. Cutting or altering them is not allowed.
  • Direct Contact: Scouts can only blow air to move the boat. They cannot touch the boat or the water during the race.

Here is an option for fulfilling Tiger Race Time Adventure requirement 2:

  • Race Memory Tiger
    • Memory Game using Pinewood Derby or Raingutter Regatta Rules 
    • Supplies: index cards, race rules, black magic marker
    • indoor, low energy, 1 to 3 days prep

Learning these rules helps Tigers understand how to compete fairly and respect the guidelines set for the activities.

Good Sportsmanship

Before the race, discuss with your Tiger adult partner how you will demonstrate good sportsmanship during the race.

For requirement three of the Tiger Race Time adventure, Tiger Scouts and their adult partners need to talk about showing good sportsmanship during the race. Here are some ways to demonstrate good sportsmanship:

  • Be Respectful: Always be polite to other racers and the people running the event. Say things like “good luck” or “good job” to others.
  • Play Fair: Follow all the rules of the race. It’s important to compete honestly and not try to cheat.
  • Stay Positive: Whether you win or lose, keep a good attitude. Smile and have fun, because enjoying the race is more important than winning.
  • Encourage Others: Cheer for other racers. If someone is upset about losing, try to comfort them or help them feel better.
  • Congratulate the Winners: After the race, say “congratulations” to the winners. It shows you are happy for them and that it’s okay to let others win sometimes.

See some talking points and reflection questions about good sportsmanship here.

Here is an option for fulfilling Tiger Race Time Adventure requirement 3:

  • Act Like a Good Sport Tiger
    • Cub Scouts will act out through role playing how to be a good sport during the race 
    • Supplies: none
    • indoor, low energy, minimal prep

Discussing these points before the race helps Tigers prepare to be good sports. It teaches them to be kind and fair, which are important values in Scouting and life.

Let’s Race!

With your Tiger adult partner, participate in a Pinewood Derby or a Raingutter Regatta.

For requirement four of the Tiger Race Time adventure, Tiger Scouts and their adult partners participate in either a Pinewood Derby or a Raingutter Regatta. Here’s what these two events involve:

Pinewood Derby

  • The Pinewood Derby is a car racing event.
  • Scouts build their own cars from a wood block, wheels, and axles provided in a kit.
  • The cars are raced on a track that slopes down, and gravity pulls the cars to the finish line.
  • The goal is to see whose car is the fastest.
  • It’s a popular event where Scouts can show off their creativity and engineering skills.

Raingutter Regatta

  • The Raingutter Regatta is a boat racing event.
  • Scouts build boats from kits that include a plastic hull, outriggers, a mast, and a sail.
  • The boats are raced in a water-filled track that looks like (or actually is) a rain gutter.
  • Scouts blow air on the sails to make the boats move along the water.
  • The first boat to reach the end of the track wins.
  • This event tests Scouts on their ability to build a boat that can move quickly and smoothly on water.

Here are some options for fulfilling Tiger Race Time Adventure requirement 4:

  • Pinewood Derby Race Tiger
    • Conduct a Pinewood Derby car race. 
    • Supplies: Pinewood Derby cars, track, PA system, display board, digital scale, adjustment tools, results tracking system, chairs, tables, rope
    • indoor, very high energy, a week or more prep
  • Raingutter Regatta Tiger
    • Conduct a Raingutter Regatta. 
    • Supplies: Raingutter Regatta boats, raceway, PA system, display board, results tracking system, water, chairs, tables
    • outdoor, very high energy, a week or more prep

Both events are fun and exciting, giving Tigers a chance to work with their adult partners, learn building skills, and enjoy friendly competition.

Before any activity, check the SAFE Checklist to make sure everyone is safe. Everyone involved in Scouting America activities should know the Guide to Safe Scouting and other relevant guides or books. Also follow any state or local rules that are more strict than Scouting America rules and guidelines.

Before starting this Adventure, complete the following:

During the Adventure:

  • Allow time for training on tool use for all youth and adults.
  • Ensure continuous, qualified adult supervision and discipline during the project.
  • Follow all manufacturer’s instructions and age/skill restrictions. If there is a conflict, follow the most restrictive guidelines.

More information

Frequently Asked Questions for the Tiger Race Time Adventure

What do I need to build the car or boat?

You need a kit which you can buy from a Scout shop or online. The kit has all the parts you need.

Can I use extra materials to decorate my car or boat?

Yes, you can use paint, stickers, and markers to decorate, but the basic structure must come from the kit.

What should I do if I don’t know the rules of the race?

Ask your den leader or check the event guidelines. They can give you a list of all the rules.

How do I show good sportsmanship?

Be polite, follow the rules, stay positive, cheer for others, and congratulate the winners.

What happens if my car or boat doesn’t win?

It’s okay if you don’t win. The important part is to have fun and learn how to be a good sport.

Do I have to participate in the race with my adult partner?

Yes, Tigers always participate in Cub Scout activities with an adult. Your adult partner should help you build your vehicle and support you during the race.

Fast Tracks and Floating Fun

The Tiger Race Time adventure is a part of the Tiger Cub program where young Scouts and their adult partners get to build, decorate, and race a vehicle. They can choose between crafting a Pinewood Derby car or a Raingutter Regatta boat. This project is a chance for Tigers and their partners to bond and have fun creating something unique.

Before the actual race, Tigers learn the specific rules for either the Pinewood Derby or the Raingutter Regatta. This helps them understand the importance of fairness and following guidelines. It’s crucial for them to know these rules to ensure that everyone has a good time and competes on equal footing.

Sportsmanship is another critical aspect of the Tiger Race Time adventure. Tigers discuss with their adult partners how to behave during the competition. This conversation about being kind, respectful, and positive whether they win or lose is valuable. It teaches them to support their fellow Scouts and handle both victory and defeat gracefully.

Finally, the race itself is a highlight, providing an exciting conclusion to the Tiger Race Time adventure. Tigers get to see their hard work in action as their vehicles compete. The race isn’t just about speed; it’s about enjoying the moment and being proud of what they’ve accomplished. This activity not only brings joy and excitement but also strengthens the values of teamwork and respect among young Scouts.

Through the Tiger Race Time adventure, Tigers learn about creativity, the importance of rules, the value of sportsmanship, and the joy of teamwork. This makes it a memorable and educational experience for everyone involved.


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