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Lion Everyday Tech Adventure for 2024

The Lion Everyday Tech Adventure is a great way for young Scouts to explore the world of technology. This adventure helps Lions, who are the youngest members of the Cub Scouts, to see how technology is part of their everyday lives. By exploring technology at home and around their neighborhood, Lions begin to understand its importance.

In this adventure, Lions will learn how digital technology can make tasks easier. They will look at simple examples of technology that they use daily. This helps them appreciate how tools and devices help us every day.

Scouts will also choose a piece of technology they use at home and explain it to an adult. This activity teaches them to think about safety. It is important for Lions to learn how to use technology responsibly, even at a young age.

By working on the Lion Everyday Tech Adventure, Scouts develop a basic understanding of technology. This is a fun and educational experience that also helps them become more curious and knowledgeable about the world around them.

Requirements for the Lion Everyday Tech Adventure

Everyday Tech Adventure Requirements

  1. Discover technology around your home, meeting place, or neighborhood.
  2. Discover ways that digital technology can make life easier.
  3. Identify an item of digital technology you use at home.  Demonstrate to your adult partner how you use it safely.

Resources for the Lion Everyday Tech Adventure

Where Is Technology?

Discover technology around your home, meeting place, or neighborhood.

For the first requirement of the Lion Everyday Tech Adventure, Lions are asked to find technology around their home, meeting place, or neighborhood. This helps them see how much technology is part of our daily lives.

  • Technology Scavenger Hunt: Make a list of common technology items like a microwave, computer, or a fan. Have the Scouts search for these items at home or during a meeting. They can check off the items as they find them.
  • Technology Walk: Take the Scouts on a walk around the neighborhood or meeting place. Point out different technologies like streetlights, car engines, or automatic doors. Discuss how these technologies help people.
  • Guess the Technology: Show the Scouts various technology items without telling them what they are. Let them guess what each item is and talk about what it does. This can be a fun game that also teaches them about unfamiliar technologies.
  • Draw and Describe: Have each Scout draw a piece of technology they find at home or around the neighborhood. Then, they can describe what it does and why it’s important. This helps them think about how technology works and its purpose.

Here is an option for Lion Everyday Tech requirement 1:

  • “I Spy” Technology
    • Play a game of “I Spy” to identify everyday technology. 
    • Supplies: None
    • Indoor, low energy, minimal prep
  • What is Technology?
    • Identify objects that are technology and those that are not. 
    • Supplies: Lion handbook, crayons
    • Indoor, low energy, minimal prep

These activities make learning about technology fun and interactive for the Lions.

Making Life Easier

Discover ways that digital technology can make life easier.

For the second requirement of the Lion Everyday Tech Adventure, Lions learn how digital technology simplifies tasks and improves daily life. This helps them appreciate the benefits of technology.

  • Technology at Home: Show the Lions how household appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, or smart home devices make chores faster and simpler. Discuss how these tools save time and effort.
  • Story Sharing: Have the Scouts or their family members share stories about how technology has made a task easier for them. For example, someone could talk about using a GPS for directions instead of a map. This can be particularly fun with a much older person telling about how they used to do things.
  • Compare Old and New: Show pictures or actual examples of old and new technology, like a rotary phone and a smartphone. Discuss how the new technology improves on the old and makes things more convenient.

Here is an option for Lion Everyday Tech requirement 2:

  • Grocery Shopping Tech
    • Use a grocery store app for a scavenger hunt in the grocery store.
    • Supplies: Smart device with grocery store app download
    • Requires travel, moderate energy, 3 to 5 days prep
  • Making Life Easier
    • Identify how technology has made life easier.
    • Supplies: Lion handbook, crayons
    • Indoor, low energy, minimal prep
  • Technology Memory Game
    • Play a game of memory that matches old technology with new technology.
    • Supplies: Technology memory cards
    • Indoor, low energy, 1 o 3 days prep

These activities help Lions understand and value the role of digital technology in making everyday tasks easier.

Digital Safety

Identify an item of digital technology you use at home.  Demonstrate to your adult partner how you use it safely.

For the third requirement of the Lion Everyday Tech Adventure, Lions are asked to pick a piece of digital technology they use at home and show an adult how they use it safely. This activity helps them learn about technology and its safe use.

Here are some age-appropriate technology items and safety tips Lions can demonstrate:

  • Tablet: Show how to handle the tablet with care, not dropping it and making sure it’s charged safely. Explain the importance of not sharing personal information online and only using apps and websites approved by their parents.
  • Television Remote Control: Demonstrate the proper use of the remote, such as changing channels or adjusting volume. Explain the importance of turning off the TV when not in use to save energy. Discuss limiting TV time.
  • Computer: Show how to turn the computer on and off properly. Discuss the importance of sitting at a safe distance from the screen, taking breaks to rest eyes, and not clicking on unknown links, and never giving personal information.
  • Smart Speaker: Demonstrate asking the smart speaker to play music or a fun fact. Discuss the importance of using polite language and only interacting with the device when necessary. Also talk about not playing music too loudly.

Here is an option for Lion Everyday Tech requirement 3:

These items are suitable for young Scouts, and showing how to use them safely teaches responsibility and awareness of the digital environment around them.

Before any activity, check the SAFE Checklist to make sure everyone is safe. Everyone involved in Scouting America activities should know the Guide to Safe Scouting and other relevant guides or books. Also follow any state or local rules that are more strict than Scouting America rules and guidelines.

Before starting this Adventure, review Digital Safety and Online Scouting Activities guidelines.

More information

Frequently Asked Questions for the Lion Everyday Tech Adventure

What is the Lion Everyday Tech Adventure?

It’s an activity where Lions learn about technology. They explore how technology is used in daily life and how to use it safely.

Who can participate in this adventure?

This adventure is designed for Lions, who are the youngest members of Cub Scouts, typically kindergarten-aged.

What do Lions do in this adventure?

Lions look for technology at home and nearby, learn how it makes life easier, and show how to use one piece of technology safely.

Why is this adventure important?

It helps Lions understand the role of technology in our lives. It teaches them to think about how we use technology every day and how to use it responsibly.

Do Lions need any special tools for this adventure?

No special tools are needed. Lions just need access to everyday technology at home or around their neighborhood.

How can parents help with this adventure?

Parents can help by guiding their Scout to find technology, discussing how it makes life easier, and ensuring safety when demonstrating technology use.

What should Lions remember about using technology safely?

They should remember to handle technology with care, protect their personal information, and follow family rules about technology use.

Tech Adventures with Tiny Techies

The Lion Everyday Tech Adventure is a special activity designed for Lions, the youngest Cub Scouts. It introduces them to the world of technology. The adventure is divided into three main parts, each designed to help Lions understand and appreciate the technology they see and use every day.

First, Lions explore technology around their homes, meeting places, or neighborhoods. This could be anything from a microwave in the kitchen to streetlights on their block. This part of the adventure helps Lions see how much technology they encounter every day without even realizing it.

Next, the adventure shows Lions how digital technology can make life easier. They learn about different devices and systems that help people do tasks quicker and more efficiently. For example, a washing machine helps us clean clothes faster than washing by hand.

Finally, Lions choose a piece of technology they use at home and demonstrate to an adult how to use it safely. This might be showing how they navigate a tablet or how they turn on the computer. It’s important for them to understand not only how to use technology but also how to use it responsibly.

The Lion Everyday Tech Adventure is a fun and educational experience. It teaches Lions to notice and think about technology, understand its benefits, and use it safely. These are important skills for growing up in today’s tech-driven world.


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