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What Is a Court of Honor?

A Court of Honor is a ceremony held by Scouts to formally recognize and honor those who have achieved specific ranks or earned awards. The Court of Honor is typically held on a regular basis, such as once per quarter or once per year, and is a formal event that includes Scouts, their families, and leaders from the organization.

During the Court of Honor ceremony, Scouts who have earned awards or advanced in rank are called forward to be recognized and honored for their achievements. This may include presenting badges, pins, or other insignia to the Scouts, as well as giving speeches and making other announcements.

The Court of Honor is an important tradition in Scouting organizations, as it provides an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the hard work and dedication of Scouts who have demonstrated their commitment to the values and ideals of Scouting. It is also a way to motivate and inspire other Scouts to strive for excellence and achieve their own goals in Scouting.

Typical Elements of a Court of Honor Ceremony

  • Court of Honor ceremonies are typically organized and led by the troop’s senior Scouts, with assistance from other Scouts and adult leaders as needed. The ceremony may be held at the regular meeting location or at a special venue.
  • The ceremony usually begins with an opening ceremony, such as the Pledge of Allegiance or the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Next, the Scouts who have earned awards or advanced in rank are recognized and presented with their badges, pins, or other insignia. This may include a formal presentation and speech, and the Scouts may be asked to share their thoughts or experiences about their achievements.
  • In addition to recognizing individual Scouts, the ceremony may also recognize the contributions of parents, leaders, or other volunteers who have supported the troop or made significant contributions to Scouting.
  • There can also be announcements and reports from troop leaders, including updates on troop activities and upcoming events.
  • The Court of Honor ceremony typically concludes with a closing ceremony, such as the Scout Law or a prayer, and a reception or refreshments for the Scouts and their families.

Eagle Court of Honor

An Eagle Court of Honor is a special type of Court of Honor ceremony that is held to recognize and celebrate a Scout who has earned the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank attainable in Scouting. This ceremony is often more elaborate and formal than a regular Court of Honor, and may involve more preparation and planning.

Here are some ways that an Eagle Court of Honor is different from a regular Court of Honor:

  • Eagle Courts of Honor are typically larger and more formal events, with more guests in attendance. In addition to Scouts, families, and troop leaders, the ceremony may be attended by community leaders, elected officials, and other dignitaries.
  • Eagle Courts of Honor often include a formal program or agenda, with speeches and presentations by special guests, as well as a keynote speech by the honoree.
  • The honoree at an Eagle Court of Honor is typically presented with a number of special awards and recognitions, in addition to the Eagle Scout badge. These may include letters of congratulations from community leaders or organizations, certificates of achievement, and other honors.
  • In addition to the Eagle Scout award, there are also several other pins that may be presented during the Eagle Court of Honor. The mother and father pins are typically presented by the Eagle Scout to their parents as a way of thanking them for their support and guidance throughout their Scouting journey. The mentor pin is presented to a Scouting mentor who has had a significant impact on the Scout’s life and has helped them achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.
  • The Eagle Scout Charge, a special message of encouragement and inspiration, is often read during the ceremony. The Eagle Scout Charge is a time-honored tradition in Scouting, and is intended to inspire the honoree to continue living up to the ideals of Scouting.
  • The honoree is typically involved in the planning process and can provide input on the ceremony and reception. The Eagle Scout’s parents, Troop leaders, and other adult volunteers are usually responsible for organizing the event and coordinating with any guest speakers or special guests.
  • The Scout may be asked to provide a list of individuals they would like to receive invitations, as well as provide input on the ceremony’s content and any personal touches they would like to include. The Scout may also have the opportunity to select the location and time of the ceremony, in collaboration with their family and Troop leadership.

Overall, an Eagle Court of Honor is a very special and significant event in the life of a Scout who has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. It is a time for celebration and recognition, and an opportunity to honor the hard work, dedication, and achievements of the honoree.

A Proud Tradition

Court of Honor ceremonies are an important tradition in Scouts BSA, providing an opportunity to recognize and honor the achievements of individual Scouts and the contributions of parents and leaders. These ceremonies help to build a sense of community and pride within the troop, and to motivate and inspire Scouts to continue their Scouting journey.

Related Resources for Court of Honor

life to eagle reports

Life to Eagle Reports

Each Life Scout gets up in turn and tells what he has done since the last Court of Honor to try to advance and what he plans to do next on his path to Eagle. This helps them think about if they are progressing and puts their efforts in the perspective of time.

Mother’s Ribbons

The tradition of giving ribbons to mothers at these ceremonies dates back to the early days of Scouting. The ribbons were originally intended to recognize the support and encouragement that mothers provide to their sons in Scouting.

Recognizing Eagle Palms

A reader asks, “My son is about to get his 17th Palm before he turns 18. Is there some type of ceremony to recognized this similar to the Eagle COH?” See some answers.


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