Crash course is a game where players run to the opposite corner, possibly crashing in the middle. This game is played as a relay.
They are protected by inner tubes, but lay down some rules about being careful anyway. Scouts should never hurt their friends!
How to Play Crash Course Game
- Divide the group into 2 teams.
- Have half of each team stand in four corners of the field, so that the groups from the same team are diagonal to each other.
- Give one half of each team 3 inner tubes.
- The first player on each team stacks the three inner tubes and steps into them. They will look a little like the Michelin Man.
- On go, they race across to their team on the diagonal side. Some contact is permitted in the middle, but nothing excessive.
- When they get to the other side, they take off the three inner tubes and the next person puts them on and races across the diagonal.
- The first team to move all of their members to the corner opposite the one they started in is the winner.
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