A Den Chief is a Scout BSA youth member who serves as an assistant to the Cub Scout den leader. The Den Chief helps to plan and organize activities for the Cub Scouts, as well as provide leadership and guidance to the Cub Scouts during meetings and events. The Den Chief is an essential position, as they provide a bridge between Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA.

One of the key responsibilities of this position is to work with the Cub Scout den leader to plan and organize den meetings and activities. This includes developing plans for games, crafts, and other activities that are appropriate for Cub Scouts.
Another important role of this position is to provide leadership and guidance to the Cub Scouts. This includes helping them learn new skills, teaching them how to work together as a team, and encouraging them to be active and engaged during den meetings and events.
In addition to their leadership responsibilities, the Den Chief is also expected to lead by example and adhere to the Scout Oath and Law. This means setting a positive example for other Scouts by living up to the values of Scouting and demonstrating a strong commitment to service and community.
Overall, this position is an excellent opportunity for Scouts to develop their leadership skills and make a positive impact on younger children. By serving as a mentor and role model to Cub Scouts, the Den Chief helps to build stronger communities and prepare future leaders.
The description below represents an example of the requirements and expectations for this position in one troop. Specifics can vary from one troop to another.
The printable copy also includes a self evaluation form for the position on the second page. Youth leaders might benefit from self evaluating during their term. If you use this, then keep it positive with them. It should only be used to help them recognize areas they should be working on.
Den Chief Qualifications and Duties
This is just an example. Adjust as needed to meet the size, customs, and needs of your unit.
- Appointed by Scoutmaster
- Second Class Rank or higher (not a BSA requirement)
Reports to
The Den Leader in the pack and the Assistant Scoutmaster for the New Scout Patrol in the troop.
Den Chief duties
- Serve as the activities assistant at den meetings.
- Communicate regularly with the Den Leader to review the den and pack meeting plans.
- If serving with a Webelos den, prepare them to join Scouts BSA.
- Project a positive image of Scouts BSA.
- Know the purposes of Cub Scouting.
- Encourage Cub Scouts to join a Scouts BSA Troop upon graduation.
- Help out at monthly pack meetings.
- Attends at least 2/3 of the den meetings/events during service period.
- Be a friend to the Cub Scouts in the den.
- Participate in outings. Attendance expectation 50%
- Attend troop meetings. Attendance expectation 50%
- Set a good example.
- Wear the field uniform (class A) correctly to all regular troop meetings, religious services, and den meetings.
- Wear the activity uniform (class B t-shirt) to all outings and other troop activities.
- Live by Scout Oath and Law.
- Show scout Spirit.

Click here to download a printable PDF copy of the sample Den Chief Description and Self Evaluation.
Related Resources for Den Chief
Den Chief Service Award
This award recognizes Scouts and Venturers who serve a Cub Scout den for one year, are trained, and are active members of their Troop or Crew.
Den Chief Pledge
A pledge which a Scout can take when he or she starts in this position of responsibility.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a minimum age or rank requirement for Den Chief?
There is not a minimum set by BSA. However troops may set their own qualifications based on the size of their troop and the maturity of their troop. For example, the troop leadership might find it useful for a Den Chief to have completed the Tenderfoot rank before attempting to teach Scout skills to Cub Scouts.
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