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Spirit of Cub Scouting Opening Ceremony

The program helps for October recommend the Spirit of Cub Scouting opening ceremony. This ceremony has been around for a few years. .We have done this one in our Pack before and it really works well. Turning off the lights and lighting candles is a great way to get the attention of the Cub Scouts.

If you are a Cubmaster and you haven’t checked out the program helps, you should.  They will give you some solid ideas for what to do at your pack meeting.

The Ceremony:

Room lights are dimmed. The Cubmaster lights a single candle at the front of the room and says,

Cub Scouts, this candle represents the spirit of Cub Scouting, lighting our way through life.

But the flame can also represent danger. Make sure it is never allowed to run wild and cause destruction.

Let’s remember to be careful and wise with fire, not only as boys, but later on as men.

This light of Cub Scouting gives us warmth and good cheer.

We will let the light of Cub Scouting burn throughout our meeting to remind us of our ideals.

Turn on the lights; the color guard presents the colors and leads the Pledge of Allegiance.


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