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Sweet 16 of BSA Safety | Skill Level Limits

The Sweet 16 of BSA Safety describe the measures we should use at all Scouting activities. The eighth point of the Sweet 16 is Skill Level Limits (see below).

The most familiar application of this point is the swim tests which are administered at summer camp. But there are other examples as well. Perhaps you are considering a canoe trip this summer. When choosing the river, you have to consider what skill is required to navigate the river safely in a canoe. If you are going out with novice paddlers, the safe option is to select a calm river rather than a whitewater adventure.

From the Sweet 16 of BSA Safety on the Scouting.org website:
There is a minimum skill level requirement for every activity, and the supervisor must identify and recognize this minimum skill level and be sure that none are put at risk by attempting activity beyond their ability. A good example of skill levels in Scouting is the venerable “swim test” which defines conditions for safe swimming based on individual ability.


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