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Cub Scout Song Book

About this Cub Scout Song Book

Amy wrote me and asked me if I would post a Cub Scout song book she made to fill a ticket for her Woodbadge course. My answer was yes! Her song book is below. It contains a lot of classics your pack will enjoy singing also.

Amy Day is a committee member for her pack. Her motivation for making these was to use music more at den meetings and at pack meetings, hoping that the boys will see how music and singing tie in with the excitement of scouting and bring unity to her pack.

Great work Amy and thanks for sharing!

It is formatted to be printed on both sides of the paper and then cut down the middle.

More Resources

More Songs for Scouts

Some of these songs are silly. Some are repeat-after-me songs. Some get people up and moving. Others quiet everyone down.

Digital Cub Scout Songbook

This page has 91 digital tracks for songs from the official Cub Scout Songbook. So you can listen to the tunes to learn them.


2 responses to “Cub Scout Song Book”

  1. Charles Gerth Avatar
    Charles Gerth

    Is it possible to get this in a Word Document or Google Doc? I’m working on putting a song book together for a Camp I am Director for.

    1. Scouter Mom Avatar
      Scouter Mom

      It was provided by a reader so I don’t have the original. It does look like you can copy and paste out of the PDF, but you will need to clean up the formatting.

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