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COPE Program Feature for Scouts BSA

Main Ideas

BSA has created updated versions of the Troop Program features for Scouts BSA. The COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) program feature is available in digital format on the BSA website or can be purchased as a publication from you local Scout Shop.

The COPE feature teaches Scouts to go beyond their comfort zones They develop self esteem by facing challenges individually and as a member of a team. The program feature includes some general information and some more specific ideas for meetings:

  • Learn about communication, planning, teamwork, trust, leadership, decision making, problem solving, and self-esteem
  • Accept the principle of “challenge by choice”
  • Understand the “full value contract”
  • Practice and understand the skill of spotting

Troop Meeting Ideas

Suggested troop meeting ideas are grouped by essential, challenging, or advanced. Here are a few you can see in the guide.

  • Discuss the principals of COPE, full value contract, and challenge by choice (essential)
  • List the principles to be improved upon (challenging)
  • Make a goal plan and choose some initiative games (advanced)
  • Learn spotting commands and stances (essential)
  • Practice spotting (challenging)
  • Teach others the skill of spotting (advanced)
  • Discuss the full value contract and challenge by choice as life skills (essential)
  • Learn and practice how to put on a harness and helmet (essential)
  • Learn how to size a helmet (challenging)
  • Learn how to maintain COPE equipment (advanced)

Games and More

There are also several games suggested to keep things interesting at your troop meetings

  • Traffic Jam
  • Willow in the Wind
  • Cookie Factory
  • Everybody Up

The plan even provides Scoutmaster’s minutes and ceremonies for meetings.

COPE Program Troop Outing

Then there is the “Main Event”. Once again, there are suggestions for essential, challenging, or advanced. Details and planning aids can be found in the online guide.

  • Hold a “COPE on the ground” event (essential)
  • Participate in a low ropes course (challenging)
  • Participate in a high ropes course (advanced)

Related Resources for COPE Program Feature

Find some related helps and achievements for the COPE Troop Program Feature below.

The Outdoor Code e1670017946124

The Outdoor Code

Every Scout who is spending time outdoors should be familiar with the Outdoor Code. It is especially important for Webelos, Scouts BSA, and Venturers who are out camping regularly.

National Outdoor Awards – Adventure Segment Requirements

To complete the requirements for the National Outdoor Award Adventure Segment, a Scout or Venturer must learn to be prepared during outdoor adventures. He or she must also complete a challenging backpacking, paddling, sailing, climbing, or other high-adventure activity. See the specifics , along with some related helps and awards.

Scouting Medical Forms

BSA Medical Forms

When your child has his or her annual checkup, take along a copy of the BSA medical form to get it filled out also. Sometimes this takes parents by surprise. Remind them to do it when they have their child’s physical


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